Relevant Impertinence

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Relevant Impertinence

Kutchi, Trans, disabled, AuDHD therapist, writer, thinker and chaos demon

Banner: dark lit ground covered w/ wood chips and yellow leaves, blue-green needle branches in the back and a mushroom in the foreground

Profile: close up chicken face glaring
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
Solidarity with the Teamsters social media manager, who clearly is a person who stands for the working class
Hi 👋🏾 I decided my disabled 40s was the perfect time to retrain as a midwife because Dobbs is killing people and birth was already deadly for Black families. There's $3885 left of the campaign I started in 2022, & I'm juggling 5 different gigs while trying to complete training.
Help Make Winifred a Midwife, organized by Aurelius My desire to leave Norway is perhaps Twitter's best kept secret but the cat is out of the… Aurelius Raines needs your support for Help Make Winifred a Midwife
I mean without any real historical evidence from verifiable civilized sources my guess is the Lost City of Rome was either built by space aliens or a displaced group from Asia, Africa, or the Americas.
They want you taking a side in the liberal/conservative paradigm, so you continue to not notice your role in the oppressed/oppressor one.
I have like 8 HOURS to raise the $$ to get an accessible cab there & back to my aunts funeral. It would break me to not be able to say goodbye to my mother figure. All I’ve been doing is bawling my eyes out. PLEASE BOOST
If someone ever tries to kill me, you should probably hear them out before jumping to any conclusions.
Sometimes what your "strong friend" really needs is psilocybin therapy and two weeks off.
i don't buy from uline for my shop because of this! if anyone has questions about where i get shipping materials and shop stuff without them im happy to point you toward the best stuff i've found
Another factor is people feeling helpless in being able to affect the wider world around them so doing everything they can to try & dictate within what they perceive as their little corner of it but this learned helplessness really only serves to let actual people with actual power off the hook imo
Just in general a lot of people in the US act out of an impulse to be "in charge." So across the spectrum you see people making demands on people they’re not in actual relationship with and lashing out when people simply refuse to accept their apparent authority.
I am a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal
Black Cat Dance Band drum, ca. 1920s? This absolutely adorable drum was played by Rita Templeton and was possibly donated to the museum by her. Ref RI.W2001.417 Te Hikoi Museum.
Italian prosecutors in Milan investigated how Dior is producing their handbags. They found that the workers were sleeping in the facility so bags could be produced around the clock. Consumers pay $2,780 per bag. The production of the bags costs Dior $57. Ht:
Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior In recent months, Italian authorities raided Dior subcontractor workshops where people were working around the clock, they said.
Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
It's understandable that ppl don't know what to do, we've been shunted into this idea that a narrow version of electoral politics is the ONLY path to change. We DO have to vote, but there is SO MUCH MORE. Places you can start: mutual aid groups ( community action groups 1/?
Oh my Lordt. He quietly asked me if he was dressed that bad. I smiled my blandest smile and replied: I mean, I don't really know what the "straight" dress code is. I'm sure for a straight White guy, you're probably fine. I saw his soul die in his eyes. Truly damning with faint praise in here. 🤣
A straight guy got burned so fast and cold I needed to step outside: Him, to a lesbian friend: Why do hot women want to date women who dress like dudes when there are dudes to date. Her: I dunno, you dress like shit and you're not worried your girl's gonna pick the toilet. Maybe there's more to it
“The last time the people of Sudan faced a famine on today’s scale was in 1984. …The famine of 1984-85, which killed about 240,000 people across Sudan, most of them children, eventually became known as ‘Reagan’, after the US dispatch of food relief.”
Alex de Waal | Famine in On 27 June, the UN-accredited Integrated Phase Classification system for assessing food security (IPC) published a ‘...
Nina Simone was disabled. A classically trained pianist, gifted songwriter and singer, Civil Rights activist, and mother, Nina Simon also had bipolar disorder that went undiagnosed and untreated for 20 years. So she suffered, and STILL gave everything as many do. #DisabilityPrideMonth #BlackSky
"If I'd had my way, I'd have been a killer.. I would have gone to the South and gave them violence for violence.. But my husband told me I didn't know anything about guns and he refused to teach me, and the only thing I had was music.." 1/2 - Nina Simone via La Marr Jurelle Bruce 🖼Alexis Peskine
Nina Simone: Ne Me Quitte #nemequittepas #ninasimone"Ne Me Quitte Pas" performed by @NinaSimoneMusic Recording session: 18 December 1971
Thanks everyone boosting this, about $1,400 has been raised from this Bluesky thread, and it cleared 40k and is headed toward the 50k goal. A shipping company is volunteering containers, and people are checking out what’s needed. We are helping directly.
Hello social medias... You may not be aware a major Cat 5 hurricane struck an area that normally doesn't get them. The eye passed directly over Carriacou and Petit Martinique. The devastation is tremendous. The need is great. You can help and make a difference:
Help the people of Carriacou and Petite Martinique recover, organized by Marine and Yachting Association of Grenada On 1 July, the eye of Hurricane Beryl bore down on two tiny i… Marine and Yachting Association of Grenada MAYAG needs your support for Help the people of Carriacou and Petite Martinique recover
lmao I called my local coffeeshop to see if they were open today--my fave barista happened to pick up & she was like yep we're here and also we have almond lemon loaves left [one of my go-to pastries] truly if you want the benefits of being loved you must submit to the embarrassment of being known
4th of July in Kotzebue: Baby contest, Miss Arctic Circle, & Arctic Circle contests started last night. Baby contest is named after my Aunt Louvie, master sewer and my dad's hunting partner until she passed in 2007/8. My cousin Shyena Lie is in the first baby pic, then representations of diff styles
Aux Champs Elysses is superior to sweet Caroline in every way
ontario superior court just granted UofT an injunction against the Palestinian solidarity camp acknowledges that there is no evidence of antisemitism, but private property is sacred & protesters have caused "irreparable harm" by violating that right #cdnnews
Judge grants U of T injunction to clear pro-Palestinian encampment from downtown Toronto The University of Toronto has suffered irreparable harm from a pro-Palestinian protest encampment that has seized control of part of its downtown campus, an Ontario judge said Tuesday in ordering demo...