The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter

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The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter

i lost the ability to read in a freak clean and jerk accident in 1989. please be gentle. he/him
i still think that a hefty proportion of the freakout was people realizing that yes, we really are doing this again and no, nothing that happens until november is going to make donald trump crumble into dust like a thanos snap
it's worth noting, perhaps, that a lot of the "french elections defy predictions!" coverage is written by people/outlets who made the predictions
this is true of many things, not just politics, but often people in this position are better at writing/talking about a thing than they are actually understanding it. your halftime analysis is designed to keep the audience, not necessarily inform them
By the end it was my favorite adaptation of any of them. Really good show
When I started watching Elementary I was hoping for some nice low effort network procedural with a couple of pretty good actors and I was not expecting an extremely sympathetic and nuanced portrayal of recovery and addiction
One hundred percent correct
Elementary is a) the best Sherlock adaptation, and b) such an absolute delight to watch, 10000/10 do watch highly rec (ALSO has Lucy Liu dressed like this and come on COME ON)
This is not a usual thing to call out, but Elementary also had S++ tier location scouts and set decorators.
She has some *incredible* fits, especially in later season where they start dressing her more masc (as pictured above)
i hear theyre having an olympics for sports this year
Man I'm worried, trump has so many volunteers and good organizers doing GOTV I mean wait hold on
[not that it matters, try as hard as you can to run up the score everywhere]
Johnny Lee Miller plays a really incredible Holmes though
Culturally, the only thing that dates Elementary is that they're shitty about fat people. They're even Delightfully Normal about Mrs Hudson, who's trans!
Democratic insiders and donors have lost their minds
fuck. you got me starshine. i didn't even see your edits lmao
beto came within 200k votes, the best statewide D performance since 1990, but he spent twice as much money as cruz to do it.
i don't know what kind of money allred has but i don't think it's that much. he certainly seems less omnipresent this time. but the state has moved, and cruz is unpopular. i think it'll be a squeaker
ol kev would have done a lot better if didn't spend thirty years taking the "????" option at every single turn
Horizon was weirdly cheap though, i think. Wasn't it only like sixty million for the pair?
looked it up. hundred million for the pair, but costner put up about 40 himself. so it'll probably make a bit of money once it makes it to streaming
there's an entire generation that doesn't remember prince of thieves at all but remembers the movie that is a spoof of it
yeah i mean it's gonna rain, and some folks are gonna get flooded, and that sucks, but as these things go this one looks like she's shaping up to be not so bad. except of course it's the goddamn seventh of goddamn july
the smoke clears and macron is found lying face-first on the ground, it was unclear what trick he was attempting to do
These white rich liberals are so unserious they don’t know how Black people run this shit. This party is not yours! Y’all just pay for it!
I do love how GOP donors write policy and make candidates dance for them, and Democratic donors come up with unrealistic game show style nomination shenanigans which are untethered from the very real, very normal, very legal nomination process managed by regular ass lawyers and delegates.