tamslick.bsky.social follows

Critical Russ Theory
Critical Russ Theory
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel, "as ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal”
Hemry, Local Bartender
Hemry, Local Bartender
H. P. Friendcraft
H. P. Friendcraft
writing, weird science, history, politics, rpg/tt games ~ some call me... Tim? ~ don't follow me, follow @greenmtgirl instead ~ he/him/late for dinner ~ bruorton.dreamwidth.org
Copy editor ordinaire, he/him, hockey official, hobby medievalist, sometime writer of words in a sequence, New Yorker in Maryland, sublime dot idealist at the gee mail.
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. https://sethcotlar.substack.com/
Patrick Frawley
Patrick Frawley
Assistant professor of math, University of Bridgeport. Manhattanite boulevardier. Life partner, dad, fond of evolved civilization, knows entirely too much about old sports cars. Contemnit procellas.
Mike Brown
Mike Brown
Astronomer, planet hunter, Pluto killer, bear whisperer, finger-wrapped dad. Dangerous secularist. Foot soldier in the War on Cars. He/him.

Rick Baumhauer
Rick Baumhauer
Photographer, caretaker for too many cats (plus one turtle), auto racing fan since the 70s
We Put the FBI Man Into the Medicine Lodge
We Put the FBI Man Into the Medicine Lodge
Dead earnest, well-dressed, and capable of horrible occult activity.
semiotics of film grain
semiotics of film grain
Gay Jewish atheist weirdo who stays home every Saturday night pretending he’s at a drive-in. Post-production person. Sense of humor’s bad but it’s very present, good energy

“Makes the Internet suck” -Seth Abramson
Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic
You know... the weird one.
Ludicrous misuse of the language. Bylines at Car and Driver, Road and Track, Hagerty, Autocar, Driving.ca, etc
Amy Hoy
Amy Hoy
- OG web - design - hci - reading - writing - saas biz - edu biz - photos - cats - desert - she
Stephen Edelstein
Stephen Edelstein
Automotive journalist | Nerd | Human analog
Joel Stocksdale
Joel Stocksdale
News Editor for Autoblog. Nerding out over cars, video games and more. He/Him. Opinions are, of course, solely my own.
Kevin Hearne
Kevin Hearne
Author of the Iron Druid Chronicles, Ink & Sigil, the Seven Kennings, and more. Into nature photography, metal, and beard maintenance. https://kevinhearne.com Newsletter: https://wordsandbirds.ink
Don Keidick
Don Keidick
Gentleman. Farter. D&D person.
Premee Mohamed
Premee Mohamed
Writer, scientist, bug. she/her. #yeg. 🇨🇦 🇬🇾 Winner of a Nebula, World Fantasy, and Aurora award! Hugo, Ignyte, BFA, Locus, Crawford award finalist. 📚🪲 Rep: Michael Curry. Find me at www.premeemohamed.com
No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here

𝑰𝑻 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵

Now with 98% more
microplastics! C̷a̷m̷e̷r̷a̷ P̷u̷n̷k

The Red Sky Generation
Cloud's Strife
Cloud's Strife
Climber, reader, skier, runner

demon core vidal
demon core vidal
I am a succubus what feeds off the sadness of men. Accidental performance artist. Earth’s only Fully Digital Ghost. Emony, Jadzia, Vidal. U wish u knew my real name. Slut Coven 🩸 She/her.🇱🇧 Yr one cishet friend. bento.me/regretagarbo
Semi retired contrarian who loves cats, gardens, books and my family. Not often that popular on these forums although my husband says he loves me anyway. Go Red Sox!
Larry Wolfarth
Larry Wolfarth
Former #postie
Amateur radio: W9TRN
Former space mission designer
Charlie Stross
Charlie Stross
SFF author. Mostly on Mastodon: @[email protected]

Blog: https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/

I now block follows from suspected bot accounts. Following exactly 20 people and no posts/replies and no user icon? Get in the bot bin!
victoria scott
victoria scott
photographer, author, your favorite auto journalist’s favorite transsexual
staff writer @ motor1.com
pfp: Charlotte
Microplastics Sommelier
Microplastics Sommelier
But doctor, I replied, bursting into tears, I 𝘢𝘮 the universally beloved bluesky poster formerly known as ‘Helmet.jpg’

Astro PhD 🔭 | Coffee-milk advocate ⚓︎ | he/him | Exact Same Politics As You

Reskeets = Endorsing me as a person
Katie Mack
Katie Mack
Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
Elizabeth Bear
Elizabeth Bear
Multiple award winning science fiction author and occasional futurist. Cat furniture: horse patsy. Almost certainly two ornimegalonyxes in a trenchcoat.

Newsletter: https://buttondown.email/matociquala
They said it couldn’t be done and New York got it done. Exceeded my rate limits on Twitter so now I'm here. Sh*tposts and takes on politics, movies, culture, whatever.
File 770
File 770
Mike Glyer's news of science fiction

Wyatt Sinclair
Wyatt Sinclair
Bakery owner - www.wyattswickedgoods.com
New Hampshirite
Maker of mid struggle meals
Bluesky's #1 Rays fan
Former sports reporter
Former child
Former video game journalist
Former teacher
Distance runner
Pun enthusiast
I had a late night with a Kreemorian Fangor Beast
John Perschino
John Perschino
Retired RRT. USN Vet. Part time horseman, smartass, gardener, irascible, and full time chronically broken. Here for growth, news, and perspective in no particular order. Dyslexia is not contagious. LGBTQ+Ally-Ex Post-Here since 6/'24-Follow back most.
Thomas Fuchs 🔭🕹️
Thomas Fuchs 🔭🕹️
👨‍💼fine time tracking software at nokotime.com
📸 I killed Flash (with script.aculo.us)
🔭#astrophotography - https://lightfrom.space
BLM. Ally. He/him.
I like to read.
Nothing gold can stay, Ponyboy.
Looking forward to blocking every one of the Harper's letter signers.
Books, Cats, Politics, More Books.

Rights aren’t pie. Letting everyone have them doesn’t reduce your own.
Paul Frazee 💥
Paul Frazee 💥
Developer at Bluesky.
Alex Thompson
Alex Thompson
sorry, sorry im trying to fix it. shit, this is my first day here, the boss is going to kill me
Colin Dickey
Colin Dickey
Writer of books, most recently Under the Eye of Power: How Fear of Secret Societies Shapes American Democracy. Also Ghostland, The Unidentified, Afterlives of the Saints, Cranioklepty. He/him.
Harbinger of Doom
Harbinger of Doom
Early 21st century game designer, freelancer writer, stay-at-home dad. I talk about #DnD and other games. He/him.
the corgi from cowboy bebop
the corgi from cowboy bebop
obsessed with corgis, softball, and Philadelphia | pissposter | Bluesky’s Piss Queen 👑 | Phillies partial season ticket holder | sorry I’m monogamous | she/her but also a guy sometimes

venmo @Qrampage
Top 3% Turkey Content Provider
Top 3% Turkey Content Provider
Back Yard Turkeys. Siamese cat.
Other old man stuff.
Reply guy.
“Chronic case of teutonic lassitude.”
📌 South Shore MA
Steve Saideman
Steve Saideman
#CivMil relations; Director, @CdsnRcds; saideman.blogspot.com; Co-host, Battle Rhythm podcast cdsn-rcds.com/battlerhythm, International Relations professor
The Onion
The Onion
America’s Finest News Source
Fiasco the cat
Fiasco the cat
Fiasco is BIG GENIUS can catch any kind of moth even MAMMOTH am still working on hims SCREENPLAY it is very good no u cannot read it
Martha Smith
Martha Smith
More like Aunty Mame every day. Behold fat femme wizardry, bisexual hullabaloo, culinary feats of derring-do, progressive theology, and kitty cats. Probably posting from the bath.

Nashville-->Boston-->SF-->OAKLAND BABY
Carolyn Gallaher
Carolyn Gallaher
Academic grumpy cat in DC. Marylander 🦀. Geographer 🌎.
Research US militias, Christian Right, Northern Ireland, & #DC metro. Write 4 Political Research Associates/Public Eye, Greater Greater Washington, and Streetsense DC.
Love ocean creatures 🐳🦈🐙
Isotta Fraschini Milano Fabbrica Automobili
Isotta Fraschini Milano Fabbrica Automobili
Official account of the Italian car brand, created in Milan by Cesare Isotta & the Fraschini brothers January the 27th, 1900.

#TheFastestLuxury #NoTwoAlike
K. P. Bara
K. P. Bara
Hot damn! It's the Soggy Bottom Boys!
professional agitatormama
professional agitatormama
i’m originally from queens so i swear a lot.