

Info I hear from France suggests results may be very surprising. I had to double check I was reading right. Now appears to be confirmed by *EARLY EXITS* in Swiss media: RN weaker than expected. Fight for first between left & Macronists, though RN possible still in right for low plurality.
- Labour's vote spread was way more efficient than under Corbyn. Brilliant groundgame - Tory vote was cannibilized by Reform - soft tories stayed at home, unlike with Corbyn - Labour will need to win back the votes lost due to terrible trans and gaza policies ALL THESE THINGS CAN BE TRUE AT ONCE
List is final: 10 California Propositions for 2024: 2🏫School bond 3🏳️‍🌈Marriage Equality 4🌎Climate bond 5🏗️Easier to pass local bonds 6⚖️Ends Slavery 32💵$18 min wage 33🏠Rent Control 34🚫Limits AHF political activities 35🏥Medi-Cal funding 36🚨Increased drug & theft penalties 1/
The Telegraph reports that Keir Starmer, on his first day as Prime Minister, is scrapping the "Rwanda scheme,' the Tory plan to deport all asylum seekers & undocumented immigrants to Rwanda wherever they are from. (This was a Starmer platform promise.) www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/202...
This amount of coalescing against the far-right by no means looked certain as of a week ago. While it can't just erase Macronists' extraordinarily equivocating 'pox on both houses' rhetoric during the campaign, it does make it a lot harder for the far-right to win on Sunday.
We need an interstate compact for redistricting. #InterstateCompact #redistricting
Just hook up a generator to John Adams's grave and we'll solve the climate crisis.
Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
Paralysis and overwhelm don't disrupt dangerous systems. That's one reason I believe even little actions that disrupt domination patterns and support life-sustaining patterns are important. Not because of their size but because of their direction.
A big Macronist defeat (& Left gain) in Paris: Socialist Emmanuel Grégoire (the chief deputy, and also rival, of Mayor Anne Hidalgo) has won outright in the first round. He ousts the 2022 winner, Macronist Clement Beaune (who was in Macron's cabinet until recently).
What's next? —Left made it clear: They'll drop out from runoffs when 3rd. They are calling for ppl to vote for whomever faces the far-right. —Macronists are gradually moving toward also endorsing a "republican front" against far-right, but with more ambivalence & exceptions.
Ah, Marcon! The SBF of French politics!
Recapping: —Great night for far-right. Big surges all around France. Can win next week, but nothing certain. —Left bloc 2nd. But not great for them: stable since 2022, not what they need to win overall. —Macronists 3rd, will fall A LOT. But got just enough to still make many runoffs.
europe having a Normal one
Breaking: Le Pen’s far-right party is projected to come first in French vote Read more: www.bloomberg.com/news/live-bl...
Here's where we are —Far-right strong. Will they win a majority next week? Will depend in part of what rival blocs do. —Left says they'll coalesce around Macronists where they're 3rd. For Macronists, it'll depend; different ppl singing different tunes. Next 44 hours decisive as candidates file.
Meanwhile in Norway: 'severe, crippling fossil fuel induced climate change is improving our tourism industry yaayyyyyyy' www.thelocal.no/20240624/why...
Non-linear climate damages Human bodies can cope with heat up to a threshold. Past that threshold your body cannot cool itself, leading to death. As more places hit these temperature thresholds we will see more deaths of vulnerable people who cannot access cooling.
Hundreds dying every day in Karachi as Pakistan battles brutal summerwww.independent.co.uk Most fatalities in areas ‘where a lot of load-shedding is going on’, says NGO which received 427 bodies in four days
”Battery-electric buses reached 36% of new city bus sales in 2023 in the EU, overtaking diesel as the main bus fuel type for the first time. At this growth rate, 100% of new EU city buses could already be zero-emission (ZE) by 2027.” #Transport 🚍 www.transportenvironment.org/articles/bat...
Battery-electric is now the most popular for new city buses in the EUwww.transportenvironment.org But until regulation catches up with the momentum for zero-emission buses, European busmakers risk being blindsided by soaring demand and emerging foreign…
amazing to see thousands of queer and trans people taking to the street today we’re not going anywhere trans rights are human rights death before detransition
the United States has one of the oldest constitutions in the world and is no longer, practically speaking, capable of amending it this leaves us, on many issues, only a slight step up from strange women lying in ponds distributing swords as a system of government
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
This is your reminder that the Union did not enter the war to end slavery but discovered that ending slavery was the only way to win the war. Everything that has brought us here needs to be dismantled if we want to survive. That’s not radicalism; that’s pragmatism.
This this this You are my brothers, sisters, and enbyfolk, even if you can't be open about it You are valid We will be waiting for you when it's safe
Shout out today and every day to all the trans folks that aren’t able to be out yet. Your reasons are your own and your timeline does not need to be justified. We are not any less trans or any less valid! 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
lord help us my mother has started lurking on the interwebs and reading the things the youngs say and last week I had to explain what AFAB stands for and 3 days ago she asked what the C in ACAB stands for and I have found out she told my dad that I explained to her ACAB is Assigned Cop At Birth fml
Thinking a lot this morning about how much time I spent in 2016 getting screamed at for "blackmailing people with the Supreme Court to get them to vote"
Gonna keep saying this & will die on this hill: Bad news without any guidance on what to do about it [at least some ideas] demobilizes and often encourages inaction. We on the Left(s) have to avoid cynicism which is deeply corrosive and also counterrevolutionary.
Today was what it was; but kudos to Delaware for doing its small part to change the mood. 1. Lawmakers passed a bill to repeal the death penalty from state law. 2. The state supreme court authorized early voting & permanent absentee voting, reversing a lower court decision.