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Just a dad who helps make pretty pictures.
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This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
I kind of don’t want this guy to be viewed under a microscope, if only for his family’s sake, because it’s probably not good 😕
Reposted byAvatar VFXpapa
This should terrify people in terms of what it means not only for teachers and librarians, but for parents. Once exposure to queer content gets classified as child abuse, that will be the excuse they use to remove kids from queer homes, or even just homes that teach acceptance.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Reposted byAvatar VFXpapa
"but the polls" "but nobody has ever won with" blah blah blah, there's time, and nobody in modern history has ever had to run against such a deranged view of what America will become. It's winnable. Pack up the pity party; off to work we go.
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I have changed my mind about the world. David Ignatow
Luke-warm Dem leadership, and the EC nullifying the popular vote, are both big issues. But solving one would not solve the other. They both have to be addressed.
On some shows, yes. Others, it’s almost worse. They’ll give you months to work on a sequence, so you think it’ll be a smooth ride. Then with 6 weeks left, you get a note "Oh, they dropped this one and did a re-shoot, the main character is a talking tomato now" and you have to just… figure it out.
My biggest fear is that we’re all over here talking about how votes will be counted and what the numbers are… and over on the other side they genuinely won’t care what those numbers will be. Playing by the rules hasn’t been their plan since 2020. Why should we expect it now?
I genuinely don’t know how to deal with the increasing levels of anxiety I’ll be experiencing from now until… ::checks life expectancy:: 😔
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Vance looks like he got bit by a funko pop werewolf
Let that be a lesson to us all.
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Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
True; I’m just hopeful Jan 6th will catch up to him someday 😔
And also not barred from holding office due to treason/insurrection, right…?
Every right-wing judge opinion:
The quality of VFX work hasn’t gone down because the artists or atechnology has gotten worse, but because our timelines are 1/20th of what they used to be 😔
But our atrocious spelling is our own fault 👍
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If you wanted to receive a call as a teenager and had call waiting you would call the movie theater and it would play showtimes on a loop and you'd wait for the beep and click over to the call and the phones in the house would never ring 🫡 There's a whole book of dead life hacks out there
I shit you not. There used to be a phone number you could call to get the time and temperature
Reposted byAvatar VFXpapa
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Joe I’m going to need you to calm down.
Yeah I’m more than a little disheartened by 8 years of "Oh this isn’t possible…"
Not to just side-step into this convo here, but I’m a big proponent of self-defense classes. Especially now… 😕
Reposted byAvatar VFXpapa
You don’t even want to know about the crew that uses cone-shaped sensors…
Reposted byAvatar VFXpapa
PSA: It's going to be hot over the next couple of days in many places, and it's going to be vastly hotter inside of your vehicle or on the road. Be careful with children and pets Note: That's about 42C
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idk how to explain this but i strongly feel that JD Vance is related to the Hamburglar