your mom

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your mom

I was a lawyer in my former life. Now I heal people with my hands, for real. Currently trapped living in the dongle that is FL by court order.
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“Fascism sucks up power left unattended” deserves to be carved over the entrances to grand public buildings
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
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WHAT IS THIS STORY? To quote the Parkinson's Foundation: "On July 2, President Biden signed the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act into law. This is the first-ever federal legislation dedicated to ending Parkinson’s disease (PD)."
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
President Biden Signs Parkinson's Bill into On July 2, President Biden signed the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act — the first-ever federal legislation dedicated to ending Parkinson’s.
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I am firmly agnostic on Biden staying on at this point but I am fully ready to shove Peter Baker and A.G. Sulzberger’s heads in the toilet for a swirly if I see them in public for this shit
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
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Among the many evils of "crisis pregnancy centers": they are not medical providers and so do not follow HIPAA or medical privacy ethics. Instead, they gleefully give away (to right-wing orgs) and sell (to data brokers) all information you give them. They should be illegal.
Google “Massachusetts crisis pregnancy” and this link pops up. It’s part of a statewide campaign, including public signage (highway billboards!), urging people to avoid crisis pregnancy/anti-abortion centers. The Commonwealth is not fucking around with this.
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What this article leaves out is that if you hand your unlocked phone to a police officer, they can legally search it. Unless companies develop a method that allows you to show officers insurance cards and driver license without unlocking the rest of your phone, don't.
This state is introducing digital driver's licenses. Here's what you need to Your physical wallet is being replaced piece by piece. Here's what you need to know about using digital IDs.
I have Covid, the cardiologist said not to worry, come on in, they aren’t really worried anymore. 💀 so I’m in bed until I decide if I will eat a cancellation fee and get fired as a patient or just mask up for my appointment at 2 (sad).
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🚨 Important new article on gender self-determination as a medical right in CMAJ! I argue that people have a right to gender-affirming care and that many common barriers aren’t justified by evidence. Trans health needs to centre human rights more! 🏳️‍⚧️
Gender self-determination as a medical [See related editorial at][1] Transgender people face many formal barriers to gender-affirming care, sometimes known as “gatekeeping.” Gender-affirming care...
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This is incredible news out of France - the left really saved the center's bacon. It has always seemed that the true cordon sanitaire for the center and right in the amnesiac 21st century was not against the far right but the left.
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Can we say the obvious? Trump is a deranged freak who is using the sickest theocratic freaks alive to enact revenge on everyone who isn’t a slimy, rich date raping suck up or their wives. In comparison to anyone, he is mentally unfit and only has supporters who want to do mentally unfit things.
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#Metoo ruined lives: the women’s. For the summer issue of Bookforum, I wrote about Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir “One Way Back,” the aftermath of disclosure, and what it means to be a public survivor when storytelling has proven futile.
Disposable Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir captures the hazards of “coming forward” – Moira Donegan
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If you are going to be protesting anywhere near the Republican National Convention, write the NLG number on your stomach in Sharpie (not your arm: cops use that as "evidence of premeditation"). They are fucking superheroes. Give them money to keep being superheroes:
Donate - National Lawyers
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Wild, that some people that look at Project 2025 and dismiss it, when 23,000 people in Texas had to birth their rapist’s baby last year, a parent has to sign an affidavit each time their child goes to the library in Idaho, and there’s an open war on Trans people. Folks in red states are living it.
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I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
I feel like I’m giving the final speech in The Robber Bridegroom and chucking body parts at people screaming and they are just like, meh. Doesn’t feel great.
The constant HGTV from one end of the room and Disney channel from the other end might make me literally lose my fragile old mind right here in the pediatric psychology/psychiatry waiting room.
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The wildest thing about living on the cusp of climate collapse and fascist dictatorship is that you still have to to sit around discussing things like water bottle etiquette and dishwasher servicing so everyone can pretend the world isn't ending
I am so fucking livid about everything I might just explode today. Not metaphorically, full on parents-at-the-end-of-time-bandits explode. Into fire and dust.
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In other Heritage Foundation news:
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning
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This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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i am not above saying a rosary for this
because i have to wishcast to stay sane now, the funniest possible twist is Trump dying before he names a running mate and a brokered Republican convention
My 17 year old has been wanting to watch La Haine for a while and we will probably get around to it this week. The state of the whole world makes me want to cry because it feels like 25 years just went *poof* and are gone. The arc of history is bending away from my goal right now…
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I stand by my assessment:
The Court is intoxicated with power and is now in the "Because fuck you; that's why" phase of its jurisprudence
You can actually do something immediate, long-overdue, and just good, Joe. JFC, this one is a gimme. Take it.
JUST IN: Leonard Peltier denied parole after nearly 50 years in prison President Joe Biden is likely the last hope for the ailing, 79-year-old Native American rights activist to ever go home.
Leonard Peltier Denied Parole After Nearly 50 Years In President Joe Biden is likely the last hope for the ailing, 79-year-old Native American rights activist to ever go home.
I’ve been up since 3am due to jet lag and anxiety and I’ve stared at the ceiling, rolled around with a tummy ache, reluctantly taken a shower, and ended up in the waiting room at therapy over an hour early. My head is just above water. (I deeply envy you all with executive function skills.)
I got up at 4am due to jetlag and cleaned the kitchen, did dishes, swept floors, watered the garden, got laundry going, and fed the cats HOW IS YOUR MORNING GOING 🤪
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General PSA: If abusers didn't understand how to be genuinely friendly and how to cultivate allies, THEY WOULDN'T BE DANGEROUS. There is NO SHAME in being misled by an abuser, or being friends with someone you don't know is abusive. The only shame is in enabling them once you know better!
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i fucking hate fireworks -the panic attack brigade
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So many of these people spent YEARS telling people that things that political organizers said would happen would not happen due to 'precedent', norms, collegiality, etc and they were fucking wrong 100%.
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Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.