Vernon Thomson

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Vernon Thomson

Aspiring raconteur and bon vivant
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if you weren't already convinced that this episode is driven by pantswetters, fools, and opportunistic media cynics eager for spectacle, "biden should release his delegates and then try to win an open convention anyway" should put any doubts to bed
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A lot of the press — and the Times especially — seem incapable of distinguishing between Biden asking with frustration, "Hey, why aren't you all covering the other guy's fitness for office as much as you're covering mine?" and Trump telling his supporters, "The media is the enemy of the people."
This from Masha Gessen is impardonable. Dare to criticize the press--namely their Times--and you will be labeled a demagogue, which is exactly what they accuse Biden of doing in the face of criticism. Instead, try to listen.
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Basically every figure from not-Trump GOP administrations has said nothing or that Trump is awful, the Republican convention didn't include their not-Trump prior POTUS, VPs, POTUS/VP candidates, or even Trump's own prior VP, and yet they get billing as "unified."
As a reward for eight years of purging anyone who dared to resist Trumpism - and extensive self-purges due to violent threat - the Republican Party gets effusive praise from establishment media for presenting a “united front.” Not surprising, I guess, but still quite remarkable. 1/
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if Biden drops for Harris every single person who leaked a “fuck, Biden can’t win, we’re doomed” story owes us at least three (3) leaks about how thrilled they are about Harris and how they can’t wait to see her youthful energy destroy old man Trump
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
Re-upping now that it isn't Friday night, because this whole affair fills me with joy
There is some INCREDIBLE chaos happening in my Facebook Messenger right now. There is a member of the local Communist Party who is kind of legendary for his aggressive recruitment tactics on Facebook, which tend to involve mass friend-adding & then creating big Facebook groups to promote his stuff
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Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
Nancy Pelosi seemingly trying to get a makeup-call for blowing her actual chance to save Democracy, when she let Members of Congress go home the night of Jan 6 instead of immediately impeaching Trump and/or expelling the insurrection participants.
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The idea that there is a process and at the end of the process there’s a candidate and then we move on and fight with that candidate is so infuriating to them. Why can’t we eternally reopen the question. Why can’t the candidate rotate based on who had a good or bad week. Why can’t life be Twitter
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So much of this is driven by the Hot Take Industrial Complex’s desire for an eternal Democratic primary, which may be terrible for Democrats and the country, but is fun for them
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Margaret Chase Smith
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Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
It also seems to have included a running joke built around the idea that the Arrow Collar man was gay as a goose, which suggests that people weren't exactly in the dark about J. C. Leyendecker's esthetic even back then.
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I haven't been on social media a ton since Elon destroyed Twitter. Coming on here a lot now makes me feel like an apocalypse disc jockey.
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It’s interesting that so many donors and their clients see major progress on environmental sustainability, wage growth, labor protections, queer equality, anti-monopoly policy, and debt relief, and think “we have to make a clean break from this,” as if that doesn’t reflect very poorly on them.
Show me a Democrat who views the last three and a half years as an era that we all need to move past and I’ll show you a fucking idiot.
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
Show me a Democrat who views the last three and a half years as an era that we all need to move past and I’ll show you a fucking idiot.
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
In 2016, the press was absolutely sure that Clinton was going to win, which they said was their justification for going hard on her. In 2024, they are absolutely sure Trump will win, which they are using as a justification to run puff pieces & roll over for his campaign whenever possible.
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My favorite part abt the Failson convincing Dad to pick Vance is that 1) he's dumb as a stick, and 2) he convinced Dad that the Deep State would have Rubio take him out, apparently not remotely concerned that Vance's handlers are FAR more likely to demand that Vance take Trump out.
I generally avoid Trump Kremlinology, but in this case I think it's relevant. By all accounts, Vance got the VP nod thanks to his ties to Don, Jr. & Eric, who are the Trump kids in ascendance as Javanka fades into the background. Don Jr. and Eric are extremist wackos.
Donald Trump Jr plays Republican Son of the former US president has outmanoeuvred establishment titans to elevate JD Vance to running mate
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I’m not going to pretend Biden’s as sharp as he used to be but Seth Moulton is one of the most Just Some Guy-looking people in Congress.
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She’s in the job that exists *only to be there to replace the president*
"Democrats stressed they weren’t opposed to Kamala Harris, and many will endorse her, but they don’t like the appearance of a coronation."
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…care about quaint play things like laws they don’t appreciate or constitutional clauses they find selectively obnoxious
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
…a permission structure blank check to act as menacingly, boorishly, self-satisfied, and bitchily as the literal leader of the free world did, a volcanic joy they never thought their cruel impulses would be allowed, when they thought he could never win and they’d all have to return to pretending to…
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It is amazing how many Trump-skeptical or at least backing another horse Republicans immediately came around to Trump not merely because they realized in late 2016 any GOP president would get them all/most of the policies they crave but also they couldn’t believe that suddenly they received…
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The DNC Chair does not seem to be Pelosi-pilled.
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Considering how good she is on social media
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
What metrics can you point to can show otherwise? Surely you are not relying on a blithe wave of the hand and declaration that polls cannot be trusted, are you?
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
(fretting nervously as a Democrat does) Should I go with a bunch of fossilized centrists in noncompetitive seats backed by crypto hedge fund manager super-donors or the people who actually win elections in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania?
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
Like the actual polling says he has a coin-toss chance of winning, which is plenty for people to fret about, but it seems pretty dangerous to encourage his supporters to believe they're destined for a Reagan '84 blowout if the real results come in as something different
Amazing to see panicked Democrats and drama-horny journalists and crazed Trumpers whipping themselves and each other up about how a guy who has never touched 50 percent approval in his life, is unbearable on the stump, and awaits criminal sentencing is rolling toward a historic landslide victory
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
I’m not a Biden fan by any stretch of the imagination but to think you can just bounce him out as the incumbent without a clearly defined plan of what’s next is just the height of Democrats Shooting Themselves In The Dick™️
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
Listening to a multimillionaire Yale lawyer venture capitalist rant about “elites” is surreal. It’s like water denouncing wetness.
J.D. Vance’s memo and intensive scrutiny of President Biden’s ambassador nominees reflects his view that cultural elitism has infected America’s diplomatic corps and needs to be rooted out through extraordinary vetting efforts, said U.S. officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Leaked memo shows J.D. Vance’s anti-woke ideology on foreign J.D. Vance, Trump’s VP pick, froze dozens of ambassador nominations over LGBTQ issues and diversity hiring, offering a glimpse of his antiestablishment views.
Reposted byAvatar Vernon Thomson
Amazing to see panicked Democrats and drama-horny journalists and crazed Trumpers whipping themselves and each other up about how a guy who has never touched 50 percent approval in his life, is unbearable on the stump, and awaits criminal sentencing is rolling toward a historic landslide victory