yarrriv.bsky.social follows

Mike Fragassi
Mike Fragassi
Chicagoan, stroke survivor, dev, moving further to the Left as I get older & more pissed off.

I probably repost too damn much.
And make too many typos.

@refrag on the Twitanic
@[email protected] but barely active
acerbic otter is HOT (NO not like THAT)
acerbic otter is HOT (NO not like THAT)
Yes, I’m that one, if you know me from other online spaces. The ecology-professor one. Opinions are my own and definitely do not reflect those of my workplace.

If your first interaction with me is a hostile "joke," enjoy your block
Daniel Gilmore
Daniel Gilmore
Media studies and communications professor
Computer knower. Urbanism advocater. Hobbyist law nerd. Accused fiat shill.
Meredith Rose
Meredith Rose
Grumpy feminist lawyer. Giant nerd. SFF writer. Senior Policy Counsel, Public Knowledge, ✨ on sabbatical ✨ . Copyright, tech, music, AI, fandom. I talk about stuff. She/her 🏳️‍🌈
22 he/him
Saavik Ford
Saavik Ford
CUNY Astro prof, AMNH research assoc, runner, astronomer, crafter, camper, gardener, mom, all opinions completely my own (she/her)
tweety fish
tweety fish
at different times:
haxx0r in cDc
PhD in using people for ML and vice versa
"theory of mind for autonomous cars" startup guy would you believe, went kablooie
at present: newsletter -- buttondown.email/apperceptive

&c music, politics, nonsense
Nature of My Game Podcast
Nature of My Game Podcast
A story-focused actual play podcast of investigation, strangeness, and fear.
Stephen Bush
Stephen Bush
Associate editor and columnist at the Financial Times. Post too often about culture, public policy, management, politics, nerd stuff. Tongue usually in cheek. Try my UK politics newsletter for free here: www.ft.com/tryinsidepolitics
lowtax speedrun enjoyer
lowtax speedrun enjoyer
the pool is to swim the horses
George Pearkes
George Pearkes
Macro Strategist | Econ, macro, home cooking, & the occasional cocktail | Even the blind squirrel get a nut sometime. | QCR: Non Culto | American via Canada, not Scottish.


Central NJ Yimby
Central NJ Yimby
Yes In My Backyard. Urbanism. Place. Transit. Bikes. Jersey.
Aaron 🏗️🚲🌲🏀
Aaron 🏗️🚲🌲🏀
Dingbat enthusiast. Redwood irredentist. Lake Merritt booster. Formerly Prince of Prosciutto.

Cities are for people not cars. California is not full.

he etc
Alex 🏳️‍🌈
Alex 🏳️‍🌈
Abolish the Faircloth Amendment

Dan Miller
Dan Miller
Queens chapter leader for Open New York. YIMBY, pro-transit, pro-biking, anti-borders and cars. He/him
The Neutral Ambassador
The Neutral Ambassador
Alien with anxiety. On a mission for neutrality. No, not the bad kind.

Allergic to most hyperbole.

As seen on “What’s Mid”

Moist Owlet
Moist Owlet
Husband to an adorable Bride, Father to a witty child, Owner of the worst puns and the best pets.
chatham harrison is tending a new garden
chatham harrison is tending a new garden
All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. Bespoke replies a specialty. Backwoods pinko scalawag. NC native. He/him.
Teacher, writer, story-coach, "sewer socialist"

Big-Five Publishing refugee and failed iconoclast. Sci-Fi, slipstream, and spec is my jam.

Latest story: https://stateofmatter.in/fiction/the-erasure/
This is NPR 🎙️
Flying Mezerkis
Flying Mezerkis
Ne'er do well, Sailor, accomplisher of little, quick wit and quicker temper. Purveyor of gardening pics. Wondering where this is all going.
𝔻𝕒𝕟 - Suffering: Average🧔🏻🍻🐦‍⬛
𝔻𝕒𝕟 - Suffering: Average🧔🏻🍻🐦‍⬛
Comics are dumb but also the best.
Monkeywire:  #1 in Primate News
Monkeywire: #1 in Primate News
Primates making news about primates
alex block
alex block
cities, transportation, transit, and other intermittent discussion.
bobcat, probably. he/him. probably skulking around cactus. may be rapidly approaching.
Lawyer, reader of too few books, enjoyer of too many jokes
They said it couldn’t be done and New York got it done. Exceeded my rate limits on Twitter so now I'm here. Sh*tposts and takes on politics, movies, culture, whatever.
Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman
The Shrimpening 🎩🦐☕️🫖🪸🐚
The Shrimpening 🎩🦐☕️🫖🪸🐚
oceanic wanderer. foraging. i have a tail. i aspire to command a baboon army. 18th century enthusiast.

Dark matter, quantum sensing, professional mole-man. Very Dad. He/him.
Technology and civil rights lawyer. Currently Head of Legal at a game studio. Lover of speculative fiction and institutional critiques. Going through a vinyl phase. He/Him.
Daughter Dad
Compassionate as possible, Blue AF
I don't answer questions.
תיקון עולם
🎶 🇺🇲🇺🇦🌊
Mike Wasson
Mike Wasson
Pittsburgher in London.
K. Chen
K. Chen
Heartless humanist, unmovable automaton, fount of terrifying knowledge and purveyor of Collegey Velveteen Discourse. Insightful and painful enough to be the germ of something really excellent. @tznkai on Twitter and elsewhere
Louise Cyphre
Louise Cyphre
Feminist, Middle Millennial, Therapist-to-Be.
New York State of Good Repair
New York State of Good Repair
דרכיה דרכי נועם וכל נתיבותיה שלום
(That means please don't be mean)
#mission #values
Sharon Kuruvilla
Sharon Kuruvilla
political theologian at the ministry for the future
Mark A
Mark A
Anne Hidalgo
Anne Hidalgo
Maire de Paris, ville hôte des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques 2024
brook's soup & crackers 🍲🍞🐛 🔜 migration
brook's soup & crackers 🍲🍞🐛 🔜 migration
has a weird thumb. grows weird stuff : )

they/that/she, 37ishish (5 in asteroid belt years)

mdni please

🍼 try try try 🧃
Reg monkey
Reg monkey
The reg monkey account on twitter
@B_Nied in the old country pronouns/flag in bio. Find me elsewhere here https://linktr.ee/b_nied
Alan Zilberman
Alan Zilberman
One of the last idiots to write about film for an alt-weekly.

Jackson 🥥🌴🏳️‍🌈
Jackson 🥥🌴🏳️‍🌈
He/him 🏳️‍🌈 nerd about 🌍🗳️🗣️🎶 opinions only mine
I compare POTUS records at tiny.cc/wkbywk & tiny.cc/yryr
I support 🌐🗳️🌳🟰✊🏿🏳️‍⚧️🚺🇺🇦🇵🇸🍃, more at tiny.cc/jviews
I'm from 🇺🇸, I speak fr🇫🇷 pt🇧🇷 es🇲🇽
Let's figure it out together
Raptorized Ira
Raptorized Ira
47 years old, 6-5 wingspan, you do the math.

Inside me there are two dogs, one big and one small. I call that shit Biggie Smalls.
Guan Yang 🇸🇴
Guan Yang 🇸🇴
ontology recapitulates philology
Bodega Cats
Bodega Cats
Nicky Woolf
Nicky Woolf
Writer & presenter, Fur and Loathing - a new investigative podcast! Subscribe at https://brazen.fm/fur-a

Prev: Finding Q, The Sound: Mystery of Havana Syndrome. @GuardianUS alum.