A Lantern of Hope

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A Lantern of Hope


Multiverse cartographer, intersectional justice activist, history hobbyist, geography geek, friend to felines, and dedicated daddoo.
I know *I’ll* remember everyone who’s had no problem with him supporting and supplying arms for Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank, his anti-trans stance, his cowardice when it comes to protecting abortion rights, his incompetence when it comes to keeping the Pubs leashed…
i’ll tell you what, man, if biden manages to survive and win another term, i hope he and his aides remember that it was mostly the ancient centrists — not the progressives and not the younger dems — who came behind up him with the knives, and that he responds in kind.
Don’t let despair defeat you. There’s more of you than there is of them. They will try to break your spirit but there’s more of you than there are of them.
Then you and your organized group of annoying people KEEP GOING until you got the thing you were being annoying about. Rest assured that the people with power will do their best to make it hard for you to be annoying, up to and including state sanctioned violence. But there’s more of you than them.
Being annoying as praxis is only the first step. The second step is to gather likeminded neighbors and friends and ask each other how you can maximize your joint annoyingness. Congrats: this is called organizing, you’re building a base of your common man united on a common cause.
Times like this make me wish I was a wereGodzilla.
YOU can become a citizen archivist! Help to preserve the art, culture and stories of your community — we're going to need all of it in the times to come My latest newsletter is all about how to become an archivist. It starts with recognizing that you are important! buttondown.email/charliejane/...
We Should All Be Archivistsbuttondown.email Lately, I keep obsessing about two seemingly opposing but interrelated trends: 1) The past decade has seen an incredible bounty of art and self-expression...
Everybody freaking out about extrajudicial killings is going to lose it when they find out about the existence of cops.
Gonna keep saying this & will die on this hill: Bad news without any guidance on what to do about it [at least some ideas] demobilizes and often encourages inaction. We on the Left(s) have to avoid cynicism which is deeply corrosive and also counterrevolutionary.
No, the correct response is to mobilize and overthrow the fucking Court.
omgomgomgomgomgmogomgmogomgogmgomgmg YELLING WORKS BULLYING UR GOVT WORKS LET'S GOOOOOO
After months of public outcry and pressure from the City Council, New York City’s libraries are poised to have their budgets fully restored so that branches may resume seven-day-a-week service, including Sundays. gothamist.com/news/nyc-lib...
NYC libraries to get budget funding back — and reopen on Sundaysgothamist.com In November, the mayor's budget cuts forced libraries to close on Sundays. The issue has been a thorn in his side ever since.
I know we're all tired, but please CALL YOUR REPS. The Kids Online Safety Act is still a super dangerous bill that would censor social media and endanger your privacy online. The GOP supports it because they can use it to drive LGBTQIA+ people off the internet. Please keep calling!
The House has just announced that they will move forward with a Congressional markup of the dangerous Kids Online Safety Act, which will lead to privacy-invasive online age verification for social media.
Chair Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup of 11 Billsenergycommerce.house.gov The Committee on Energy and Commerce is the oldest standing legislative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives and is vested with the broadest jurisdiction of any congressional authorizing com...
2.5 million Palestinians in Gaza would vehemently disagree. As would brutalized protesters. As would women who are still having their abortion rights suppressed. As would trans folk currently under attack by multiple levels of the government. Doing a couple of good things doesn’t make one good.
People with no empathy always think they’re smarter than everyone else
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
‘Nobody is coming to help us’: Afghan teenage girls on life without school Barred from school for 1,000 days, girls in Afghanistan face forced marriage, violence and isolation with no end in sight
‘Nobody is coming to help us’: Afghan teenage girls on life without schoolwww.theguardian.com Barred from school for 1,000 days, girls in Afghanistan face forced marriage, violence and isolation with no end in sight
I was nervous to write this bc I know all the outlets I called out have a lot more resources than me; however, I’m simply tired of watching journalists bill themselves as leftists while they silently watch us die. Enough. t.co/5Y4qsQ6B4p
Silence from prominent left outlets continues as mask bans spreadt.co Eugenics has been successfully mainstreamed by libertarian think tanks, yet many popular left-wing journalists look on indifferently.
Please take a moment and leave a comment in favor of 6-month boosters not being limited to immunocompromised and elderly people.
In addition, trans people are your canaries in the coal mine. A lot of predators will start on a more vulnerable group, such as trans people, and then "graduate" to a slightly less vulnerable group later. If you listen to us when we talk about creeps you could save a lot of trouble
Trans people are statistically one of the most preyed on groups by sex predators If you don't include trans people in your whisper networks you are leaving your most vulnerable friends at risk
Make a movie milder: Sucker Nudge
Make a movie milder: Nap Stroll 2000
I wrote about The Acolyte's role as a cop show, complete with Jedi masters dropping crime TV vocab like "suspect" and "custody," and the idea of lightsabers as a law enforcement service weapon. www.gamesradar.com/entertainmen...
The Acolyte is a cop show in disguise, and it's the perfect genre for Star Wars’ expansionwww.gamesradar.com Opinion | The galaxy far, far away perfectly tackles crime drama tropes in its new show The Acolyte
I mean. Before Reagan we had lots of National Endowment for the Arts money. And it went DIRECTLY TO WRITERS, WHO DO THE WORK. That's what the grants were for! 🤣
I find myself wondering if there’s a way to set up a government grant to publishers so that they could offer more multi-book contracts to individual writers, like Scalzi’s deal with Tor but on a smaller scale (say, 3-5 books instead of 10). Self-publishing writers could apply for a different grant.
Something I wish the article really noted is it's not a cost issue: "Texas paid more than $7.3 million in legal fees opposing air conditioning the geriatric unit of one state prison. After a 2018 settlement, the state agreed to cool the prison at a cost of less than $4 million."
I gotta give @charliejane.bsky.social a shoutout for making the chapters of the Unstoppable Trilogy the perfect length for reading to my kiddo. By the by, how do you pronounce Uiuiuiui (I’ve been going “Whee-whee-whee”)?
A friend got a call today from ONE shelter saying they had THIRTY new kittens in need of fostering, just today. When the shelter can't find foster homes, the kittens are euthanized. Shelter workers are burning out and needing to take mental health leave. Seriously, just fix your damn cats.
Related to previous posts: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spay & neuter your pets. In Los Angeles, about 250 kittens are born for every human. Shelters are having to euthanize dozens of kittens a day, which, among other things, is creating a major mental health crisis for shelter workers. FIX THOSE CATS.
I'll be reposting this all month. You should know the Boskovitch fan, and so should all your friends. it's incredible art history as well as Queer history.
This is exactly the kind of shit that scares me: a bunch of dumbasses all waving their guns around and on the verge of turning a block party into the O.K. Corral. It makes any kind of public life in the United States impossible, because everything is at risk.
Holy shit. This is gonna be a damn game changer.
New blood test is for people who previously had cancer. It detects breast cancer's return up to 3-and-a-half years before the disease shows up on follow-up scans. How many women do I know who would have survived if they had this option?