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Everything is terrible, but there's a better version of twitter now, so there's at least some hope.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
You mean to tell me the divorced drug addict whose adopted sister had kids with his dad, has ten kids of his own from four different women, and bought Twitter for $30 billion over market while on a ketamine bender to bring back his Nazi friends has never been to therapy?
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
With Trump moving so many assets from New York to Florida, it really feels like we’re going to get a lesson in just how fake laws are until they’re enforced by people with guns.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
Just keeping in mind that this entire fake company seems to exist to keep trains from us
The Boring Company’s one dumb tunnel under Vegas that shuttles tourists back and forth in Teslas at 40 mph is full of toxic sludge that burns and permanently scars anyone who touches it.
Elon Musk’s Tunnel Reportedly Oozing With Skin-Burning Chemical Elon Musk's Boring Company has only built a few miles of tunnel underneath Vegas — but those tunnels have taken a toxic toll.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
All people really need to know:
WASHINGTON (AP) — US sues to block $24.6 billion merger of US grocery giants Kroger and Albertsons, saying it will lead to higher prices.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
We’ve memory holed the fact that the worst, most active domestic terrorists over the past 40 years are anti-abortion activists.
An explosive device was detonated Saturday outside the Alabama attorney general’s office in Montgomery, Steve Marshall, the attorney general, said. No one was injured in the explosion, which happened a day after Marshall said he would not prosecute IVF providers or families seeking the treatment.
Explosive Detonates Outside Alabama Attorney General’s No one was injured in the explosion, which took place in downtown Montgomery one day after the state’s attorney general, Steve Marshall, said that he would not prosecute I.V.F. providers or families s...
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
Over 800 private jets were used to attend the Super Bowl.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
Not only arrested for "hacking" an open website but had his entire workplace seized so he's functionally been unable to work for nine months, with his office held hostage by the FBI and six figures in legal bills going up and up and up.
How the f–– do federal prosecutors charge someone for “hacking” what’s publicly available? What next, tossing some of us in jail for using a raw resource address to download some Twitter video in, like, 2015?
Journalist Tim Burke Indicted For Leaking Tucker Carlson Clips That Embarrassed Fox The clips, which included unaired, antisemitic remarks by Kanye West, were published by Vice and Media Matters.
What a nice way of saying they don't think Joe Biden is going to win.
Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, said the West should seize Russia’s frozen assets before the US election. "Election time is turbulent, we should do as much as possible before such important elections," she emphasized.
Seize frozen Russian assets before US election, says Estonian Kaja Kallas highlights European concern at how a Trump presidency could affect west’s Moscow and Ukraine policy
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
once again it’s time to revisit the one moment we could’ve all come to our senses and collectively decided “I’m not ready for the internet”
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
Why isn’t AI doing the tedious shit for creative people instead of doing the creative shit for tedious people
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
I did not realize that West Virginia University's plans to cut its entire world languages and literature department is yet another example of supposedly "data-driven" admins eliminating a humanities program that their own data shows is a profit center:
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
*taps sign*
This is one of the primary goals of "AI" these days: to create an empty chair that takes the blame for corporate misconduct. We didn't discriminate, the AI told us who to hire. We didn't wrongfully reject the health insurance claim, the AI told us to. And on and on.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
Hear me out: Trump auctions off the GOP Vice Presidential spot live at the Republican Convention in Milwaukee this summer. Minimum bid: $750 million or Trump's total legal debt at that time, whichever is higher. Can you imagine the ratings it will get?
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
appeal bonds in NY are mandatory, in the amount of 120% of the principal plus 9% statutory interest. the 9% on the $168M going back to March 2019 is brutal. all told, the bond is going to be the better part of a billion dollars. no way he can post that. collections starting soon.
oh yeah on Friday i'm going to be posting about appeal bonds again. fuck yeah.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
Trump was just fined more than the *inflation-adjusted* cost of the Louisiana Purchase.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
To put a finer point on this: Almost all of these are arguments that rightwing legal activists, businesses, and regulated entities have brought against various federal agencies, in hopes that a captive Supreme Court will ultimate agree with them. For the most part, they've succeeded.
Amazon joins SpaceX and Trader Joe's in a bid to declare the NLRB unconstitutional.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
Ah hell, they won't let you run red lights anymore, due to "wokeness."
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
When the genocide is over, and everyone agrees that it was wrong and should have been stopped, the cheerleaders will console themselves with saying that they may have been wrong to support the war, but it was for the right reasons, unlike those who opposed it at the time for all the wrong reasons.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
The ad is his pinned post... and right below it is an "apology" for the ad, claiming he had nothing to do with it. Incredible.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
I only just noticed the “end racism” officially painted in the end zone perimeter… right above the Chiefs logo
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
What in the fuck was that RFK Jr. ad
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
THE PROBLEM: Most forms of energy are harming the environment THE SOLUTION: Switch to alternative forms of renewab... THE PROBLEM: Hold on, I have an idea, what if we made invisible valueless money that eats electricity THE SOLUTION: ...what? THE PROBLEM: Also I have this plagiarism machine
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
It is 2020. The San Francisco 49ers are about to play the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are running for president. It is 2024. The San Francisco 49ers are about to play the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are running for president.
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
the overarcing theme of the entire jurassic park movie franchise is not "science is powerful and should be understood before it is used" but rather "it is impossible to operate a zoo safely"
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
❌ I’m in a slough of despond ✅ I’m in a freshwater marsh of sadness
Reposted byAvatar Angermouse
No matter how little Dems actually run much less do anything on any of these issues, when they lose, they will always claim it was too much
This is how they reacted to an election Biden won