Coffee Indiana

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Coffee Indiana

me: time to sleep brain: why are they called armadillos when they don't have arms me: please shut the fuck up brain: should be legadillos
My favorite game is running down the list of Republican "pillars" through the years: - Big Tent Party, everyone is welcome - Party of Limited Government - The Moral Majority - The Party of Personal Responsibility - The Law & Order Party
Cause and effect don't exist in your world, I'd say that's toddler-like but even they understand that so it's more infantile. I assume you believe Neville Chamberlain was a better prime minister than Winston Churchill.
Hahahaha yeah Trump had nothing to do with causing the issue in Palestine, when he emboldened the Israel government by formally moving the embassy to Jerusalem he was TOTALLY HELPING THE PEACE PROCESS.
Trump, agent of peace, rolling back State Department policies from 19 fucking 78. 🤣 "Mike Pompeo said on Monday his country will no longer abide by a 1978 State Department legal opinion that the settlements were “inconsistent with international law”."
Trump and the Palestinians: A From recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital to softening its position on settlements, a list of US moves under Trump.
"The Trump policy is clear: Israel will face no pressure from America to moderate its aggressive response. His ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is a hard-right pro-Israel advocate who once wrote that the two-state solution is “a suicidal ‘peace’"
Trump, Gaza, and the “blank check” approach to Trump is transforming America’s Israel policy into something new: completely unconditional support.
Whatever quantity you want to place on Biden pales in comparison to Trump or any Republican.
Reposted byAvatar Coffee Indiana
on the very day the Supreme Court's conservatives said 'we know best' and put themselves in charge of complicated agency decisions one of the geniuses confused nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide. So they had to have a do over. Not exactly an auspicious start.
Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air The error came in an opinion blocking an EPA policy meant to improve air pollution.
Reposted byAvatar Coffee Indiana
I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
25% not knowing something that is pretty basic science/information falls right in line with other research
The quote is coming from the co-founder of a research company (PerryUndem, they're quoting Tresa Undem), so I'm willing to take them at their word that the question was worded as quoted with those results. You'd need a margin of error of 20% to have those results not be concerning.
"in a poll in August 2020 whether it was true that “most women get their period on the first of the month,” 75 percent got the right answer — false — but a notable 21 percent said they were “not sure.”" It's definitely not 22% being pedantic.
If you define bullshit as "characterized not by an intent to deceive but instead by a reckless disregard for the truth" it becomes clear that LLMs are bullshit machines. A reckless disregard for the truth is not a useful way to practice law.
ChatGPT is bullshit - Ethics and Information Recently, there has been considerable interest in large language models: machine learning systems which produce human-like text and dialogue. Applications of these systems have been plagued by persist...
Let's pretend he's been around for a year, that's 80 posts a day. But I suspect he's been here less which means more per day. He's basically got keyboard diarrhea.
This guy is just a shitposter, so he's getting blocked by me. 29k posts!
It's like when you look up a recipe online and you have to scroll through a story, click on a button and close out an ad in order to get to the actual thing you want... and then do that for hours. After 4 hours you're begging for people to give you a quick reason to put them into the next stage.
The other advice I have is for people to not underestimate the power of their network or even a cold call to put in a good word. My first job, the head of my program asked if he called and put in a good word. When I got the job, they said it impressed them that he stuck his neck out for me.
My current job I had so many people who were connected to the hiring manager in one way or another (6-8 total) that when he called me he said it was because he'd had so many people tell him he'd be crazy not to reach out.
These processes and connections aren't necessarily going to get you the job by itself (you still need to be qualified) but it'll get you further along in the interview process so that you get your chance to shine in person, instead of being eliminated early.
Resumes should always be optimized to make it as easy for the person evaluating it as possible to move it on to the next step. Mine is: - 1-2 summary sentence - list of relevant skills for the job - list of my accomplishments that are transferrable to the job Then job history and education
As someone who has had to hire candidates from start to finish in the past, it's exhausting to go through hundreds of resumes and try to hunt for if they're qualified. It's human nature to just start skimming for the important bits - teach your kids to put that all up front.
Reposted byAvatar Coffee Indiana
Would not have expected this well-reasoned rant from the smug, front-running sports shouter Colin Cowherd but right is right.
We just need to hurry up to where they try to monetize it, so I can refuse to pay and then they disable it.
I used to have to string a wire from from the family computer over a ceiling fan to the phone port across the room, so nobody tripped over it and disconnected me 😂 Trade Wars was great as was (had to look it up) Operation Overkill.
Did grand jury duty for a year and one of the crazier revelations was the tax fraud cases where people would just submit tax returns with made up numbers under other names, calculated to give a return of like $10-$100k. They were easily caught because it was linked to their bank account 🤦