
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
Molecular biologist from Texas, here to share my meanderings on science, history, politics, and zombies. Long threads a specialty.
josh (oldfriend99)
josh (oldfriend99)
not real

Collin S
Collin S
Dad, husband, lawyer, insurance professional, eats lots of good food.

Treat people right and you’ll never go wrong.
Adam Bonin
Adam Bonin
Philadelphia-based 91st Most Powerful Lawyer in Pennsylvania (City and State PA, 2023) specializing in political law. Opinions are mine alone.
Stephanie Kollmann
Stephanie Kollmann
law, policy, Illinoisances
Greg Castanias
Greg Castanias
Husband, father, appellate and IP lawyer, law professor, writer, college trustee, college fraternity leader, adoption advocate, cocktail maker, and dining enthusiast. #AppellateTwitter refugee.
Sarah Posner
Sarah Posner
Newsletter: The Looking Glass

Author, Unholy.

MSNBC columnist. TPM contributor. Moment columnist.

Holly Brewer
Holly Brewer
Opinions my own
Jonathan Ladd
Jonathan Ladd
Political Scientist. Assoc Prof in the McCourt School and Dept of Government at Georgetown.

Scholar of public opinion, polling, and media effects.

Also occasionally a Marilynne Robinson stan account.
Josie Duffy Rice
Josie Duffy Rice
i write things and think about prisons
Recovering forum poster, politics doomer, basketball nerd. I write code for a living. He/him.

Deputy Chair of the Ankh-Morpork Posters’ Guild

PFP by

discord: xel42 (mutuals only)
Patrick Schmidt
Patrick Schmidt
Political scientist @MacalesterCollege, specialized in American law but curious about everything.
Pat Sobkowski
Pat Sobkowski
Prof., Marquette University Department of Political Science. American Political Development, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law. #polisky

📍Milwaukee, WI
Katie Notopoulos
Katie Notopoulos
Dad, husband, dog lover, java fiend, Inventor of Facebook. (Correspondent at Business Insider.)
Assistant to the Professor
Assistant to the Professor
Assistant Professor of Political Science -- Researching democratization, autocratic regime durability, the military, and political parties. Unsure of what to post on BlueSky when its cloudy outside.
The future producer of “Himbo Heist”
The future producer of “Himbo Heist”
No longer head lawyer for Bungie. Kinda retired. Have entered my super villain era. Ex-Chief Legal Officer of Pokémon. Produced Detective Pikachu. Entertainment Law prof (University of Washington). Supporter of trans kids.
Nicholas Weaver
Nicholas Weaver
Lecturer, Computer Science, UC Davis
Researcher, Computer Security, ICSI
Chief Mad Scientest, Skerry Technologies
Digital, Explainable, and (usually) Adversarial Systems
e.w. niedermeyer
e.w. niedermeyer
this gentle soul, cyberbullying elon musk since 2015, author of "ludicrous:the unvarnished story of tesla motors" (2019), and cohost of the autonocast
Kathryn Tewson
Kathryn Tewson
Good in a crisis and at no other time

First initial last name at gmail dot com
Faine Greenwood
Faine Greenwood
civilian drone mapping technology and GIS/spatial data consultant, sometimes journalist and writer, monitors small drones in the Ukraine war, humanitarian-aid adjacent, always annoying online. they/them
Don Dechert
Don Dechert
Lawyer, veteran. Ex-baby historian, current litigator, lapsed social scientist, still playing TTRPGs. Unabashedly pro-cat because cats are awesome. Various thoughts, some well articulated in 🇺🇲/🇩🇪.

📍Chicago, IL, Vereinigte Staaten, Terra
Remy Green (they/them)
Remy Green (they/them)
★ a queer civil rights lawyer who writes, professors, babbles, is obsessed with their cats, wrongly puts two spaces after periods, &c. ★ pronouns/honorific: Mx./they/them/their ★
Too Big to Fail
Too Big to Fail
New Yorker, union activist, employment lawyer, dad, generational trauma ender. He/him.
Adam S. Rust
Adam S. Rust
Lawyer, writing on law things has appeared in Liberal Currents and Balls & Strikes, based in San Jose, CA.
Linda Holmes
Linda Holmes
Host, NPR. Writer of novels. Companion of internet dog. Oh God, I should probably be doing one of my jobs right now.
Sam Bagenstos
Sam Bagenstos
Personal account. Personal views. Currently serving as General Counsel of the US Department of Health and Human Services while on leave from the University of Michigan Law School & the University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy.
Free Law Project ⚖
Free Law Project ⚖
We are the non-profit host of RECAP, CourtListener, and the Big Cases bots. We use technology and advocacy to make the legal sector better. | | |
Jay Willis
Jay Willis
I write about judges, laws, democracy, and the three raccoons who live in the tree behind my house. EIC at, occasional blogs elsewhere
Nicholas Wallace
Nicholas Wallace
Chief legal analyst for Crossfire on CNN
Audio Arguendo
Audio Arguendo
Podcasting oral arguments from the #SupremeCourt and notable cases from around the world. Subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
5-4 Podcast
5-4 Podcast
A podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks.
Melissa Murray
Melissa Murray
James Felix Black
James Felix Black
A large person, in Canada. Father to two, smaller persons. Wife guy. Dual citizen, a modicum of discipline.

Proud liberal. Hobbesian. Unix apostate, Classic Mac OS revanchist, tilter at path-dependent windmills. Emacsist.
Books, Cats, Politics, More Books.

Rights aren’t pie. Letting everyone have them doesn’t reduce your own.
Bad art. If you think you know me, you probably do.
Alan Rozenshtein
Alan Rozenshtein
Assoc prof at the University of Minnesota Law School. Senior editor at Lawfare. Co-host, Rational Security. Former DOJ.
Stephen C. Rea
Stephen C. Rea
Senior Researcher, Critical Internet Studies Institute. He/him/his. Views my own; shares, likes, etc. =\= endorsements.
Brian Galle
Brian Galle
Georgetown law prof guy. Mostly boring tax stuff; occasional dollops of nonprofits, law & econ, and other shiny objects that temporarily occupy my attention (e.g., a 15-month stint at the SEC for some reason). Could be arguing in my spare time.
Chris Kluwe
Chris Kluwe
Troublemaker extraordinaire
Andrew Sabl
Andrew Sabl
Political theorist (professor, University of Toronto). Realism, liberalism (and realist liberalism), toleration, privilege and opportunity, Hume, political ethics, democratic theory—and politics, humo(u)r, puns.
Albert Burneko
Albert Burneko
Defector dot com
Katie Mack
Katie Mack
Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
Philip Bump
Philip Bump
Washington Post: National columnist. Newsletter: "How To Read This Chart." Book: "The Aftermath." [email protected]
Dell Cameron
Dell Cameron
Sr. writer @ WIRED in US. Natsec & privacy. NewsGuild, IRE, IWW.

Tips: [email protected]
Signal: dell.3030
Peter Orlowicz
Peter Orlowicz
Admin law atty, IL native, Navy veteran, sometimes appellate lawyer, board game aficionado, ethics enthusiast, railroad law-talkin' guy (he/him). Personal account, as always.
portland antifa zone arbitration warlord
assistant to prof. dr. robert j. catman, esq., P.I.
drummer in @tragiclovers
direct complaints to
Matthew Schafer
Matthew Schafer
First Amendment Lawyer; Adjunct law prof Fordham Law; Scholarship:
Drew Magary
Drew Magary Six books.