
Jamison Foser
Jamison Foser
Political consultant, media critic, and longtime Cassandra.
Hemry, Local Bartender
Hemry, Local Bartender
Woj & Shams Tweets
Woj & Shams Tweets
Reposting all the latest tweets by NBA news insiders Adrian Wojnarowski and Shams Charania from their 𝕏 accounts.

•Account by:
•Bot created by:
Leah Litman
Leah Litman
Michigan Law Prof. (constitutional law & federal courts)
Co-host, Strict Scrutiny Podcast (SCOTUS - Crooked Media)
❤️: my dog, Taylor Swift, reality TV
ryan cooper
ryan cooper
Managing editor at The American Prospect, cohost and producer of the Left Anchor podcast

Kelly Lepo
Kelly Lepo
Astronomer | Science communicator | Adult Lisa Simpson
Education and Outreach Scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute supporting JWST
Personal account — Views are my own
Also on Mastodon: @[email protected]
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
portland antifa zone arbitration warlord
assistant to prof. dr. robert j. catman, esq., P.I.
drummer in @tragiclovers
direct complaints to
Andy Richter
Andy Richter
I’m here now. Listen to my podcast
File Jockey
File Jockey
Educating the future? New Jerseyan in exile. I mostly talk about beer, foreign policy, and on very rare occasions, parenting and gender.
Host of all podcasts. Independent Journalist. Top 0.001 Meme Creator and Memeology Influencer. Hollywood’s Ultimate Insider.
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
man it's a hot zone,
man it's a hot zone,
wrote for the guardian, rolling stone, gawker, others. host the "It's Christmastown" Hallmark podcast with david roth & "Quaid in Full" with sarah bunting. he/him. tampa
Kashmir Hill
Kashmir Hill
Journalist, currently at The New York Times. I cover privacy, technology & people done wrong by AI. Named after the Led Zeppelin song. Author of the new book YOUR FACE BELONGS TO US. (Yes, in my head it will always be All Your Face Are Belong To Us)
Catherina Gioino
Catherina Gioino
Reporting on the Trump hush money trial for Rolling Stone. Priors: breaking news reporter at the New York Daily News, MSNBC and many, many more. Ran for office to increase public space. Previously worked in transportation policy for micromobility startups.
Mitchell Epner
Mitchell Epner
Attorney, former AUSA, father, husband, former JBLC, long-time Knicks fan and occasional talking head
Michael Tae Sweeney
Michael Tae Sweeney
I cut film and tv

@mtsw on Twitter and
Katie Herrmann
Katie Herrmann
Lawyer. I make up songs about my dog and sing them to her. Sometimes I run into things.
Chris Geidner
Chris Geidner
💻 for SCOTUS, LGBTQ, criminal justice, and other legal news. / DMs open. / Email: [email protected] / Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. / He/him.
the Mountain Goats
the Mountain Goats
marsh gas enthusiast
Steven T. Dennis
Steven T. Dennis
I write about Congress, politics, budgets etc for Bloomberg News. You may know me from #FridayNightZillow, but C-SPAN is more my natural habitat. #Introduction
I'm also @steventdennis on the other places: Mastodon, Post, Threads, Insta and Twitter.
Jacob T. Levy
Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill.
Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
Auschwitz Memorial
Auschwitz Memorial
Former German Nazi concentration & extermination camp Auschwitz. Official account. We commemorate victims, educate about history & preserve the authentic site. | |
Danny Milisavljevic
Danny Milisavljevic
Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Purdue University. Excitable Explorer of the Universe.
Brynn Tannehill
Brynn Tannehill
Parent, husky-mom, doomsayer, aviator, general PITA. Views are my own.
Ethan Kytle
Ethan Kytle
Historian, Fresno State; co-author "Denmark Vesey's Garden: Slavery & Memory in the Cradle of the Confederacy"; next book on 1960 fight to desegregate New Orleans public schools; Tar Heels sports
Osita Nwanevu
Osita Nwanevu
Contributing Editor | The New Republic
Columnist | The Guardian
Newsletter |
Stephen West
Stephen West
Historian of Civil War & Reconstruction. Bicyclist, baker, 3d favorite human of Banjo the dog. Views=mine, RT≠endorsement
Manisha Sinha
Manisha Sinha
President elect 2024 of Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, author most recently of The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic, Draper Chair at UConn
Tim Mak
Tim Mak
Founder, The Counteroffensive: Compelling human stories to illustrate news of the war in Ukraine. Fmr US Army medic. @timkmak at or @timkmak on Twitter
Lauren Tien
Lauren Tien
Joshua J. Friedman
Joshua J. Friedman
Freelance writer and editor. Formerly of The Atlantic, Boston Review. Copy chief at Columbia Magazine.
Philadelphia ex-pat in Maryland.
Retired clinical trials administrator. Probably irritated. Will accept hush money.
‘We’re here on earth to fart around’ - Kurt Vonnegut
Janet Rosenbaum (she/her)
Janet Rosenbaum (she/her)
Public health statistics and adolescent health.
Illia Ponomarenko
Illia Ponomarenko
Live straight out of Bucha 🇺🇦
Avishay Ben-Sasson-Gordis
Avishay Ben-Sasson-Gordis
Normative Theory of Civ-Mil | Lecturer in Government @Harvard | Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellow @Hebrew U | It's pronounced ah-vee-SHY.
Omri Marian
Omri Marian
Family guy. Acting dad. Tax law professor. Backpacker. Beer snob. Israeli expat in SoCal.
Pierre Haroche
Pierre Haroche
Lecturer in International Relations & International Security, Queen Mary University of London
Mathieu Duchâtel
Mathieu Duchâtel
Following mostly economic security issues in East Asia and Europe, from Taipei and Paris. An eye for all things maritime. Director of International Studies at Institut Montaigne.
Gesine Weber
Gesine Weber
European defence (EU, France, UK, Germany) & geopolitics.

Fulbright-Schuman Visiting Researcher at Arnold A. Saltzman Institute for War and Peace Studies, Columbia University, & PhD candidate at Defence Studies Department, KCL. Matcha and sunrise lover.
Cambridge University History Faculty
Cambridge University History Faculty
News from the staff and students of the History Faculty at the University of Cambridge
🍞 she/her
Post Sports
Post Sports
All things sports from The Washington Post.

Read more coverage here:
John Rosevear
John Rosevear
Thoughts and words on the future of autos. Alum of CNBC, Fidelity, Cornell. Opinions mine, but they can be yours too. He/him.
Lordkeynes does the monster mash
Lordkeynes does the monster mash
He/Him because it makes some people mad.
Raffi Melkonian
Raffi Melkonian
Appellate lawyer at Wright, Close & Barger in Houston, with a Fifth Circuit and TX appellate practice. So-called Dean, #appellatetwitter. Host of The Appellate Wanderer podcast
Travis View
Travis View
Father. Husband. Tap water goblin. QAnon Anonymous podcast host.

QAnon, conspiracy theories, disinfo, and other signs of the dystopia.

Email: travis @
Fighter of the Night Man
Samantha R
Samantha R
Polaroids//Disposable Cameras//Cats//NYC etc.
Phil Lewis
Phil Lewis
detroit native. senior editor at huffpost. subscribe to my free newsletter! -->