Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li

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Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li


writer and game designer. liberal, progressive liberal, neonliberal. associate editor at liberal currents. she/her.
honestly we should just join the ukraine war and tell the air force to go ham
there is much wisdom here
it's generally not productive to argue with someone's untreated major depression.
Trump raped a woman, was revealed as being in constant contact with a sex trafficker, stole nuclear secrets, is old, forged electoral certificates, was convicted of 34 felonies, committed fraud, is literally on the Saudi payroll, sent a mob to hang his VP but the opponent is also old.
In this chat, we suggest a distinction between covering something (NYT does great reporting on Trump's autocratic plans), and *crusading.* The latter is wholly different: It uses saturation coverage to alert readers that they should be alarmed. That's just not happening w/r/t Trump's unfitness.
Hillary Clinton's plan to make the election not about her emails going poorly, says The But Her Emails Times.
Reid Epstein doesn't bother to mention Project 2025, which other outlets have been reporting on all weekend and which NYT had once led on. Because Epstein is the one choosing to ignore fascism. Not Biden and not even NYT's competitors.
This is how they did it last time.
always love to read a long-ass essay excoriating the populist many for wanting ego fulfillment from their presidents before describing in excruciating detail the author's preferred ego fulfillment president
Right. No matter how they talk about it, people’s problem isn’t “Biden old”, it’s that trump isn’t losing by 10 points And since there’s no one person that will make that not true, we’re left with the most annoying news cycle I can remember
Somewhat tangential to this, SCOTUS is creaking under its own weight because they get their power from directing lower courts to rule a certain way, but they get their authority from those rulings making sense and they are in the middle of an authority crisis
the fascists believe that they can tear up american democracy at the roots and after we'll all have to fall in line "because it's the law." but the power of the law is a function of the legitimacy of the law. the state's monopoly on force is posterior to the people's adherence to the state!
the power of the state is not in the gun. it's in the finger on the trigger--and it's not in the finger either, it's in the heart and mind of the person behind it. that is the battle we must be prepared to fight and win.
A lot of folks who supposedly analyze politics for a living are just like…not good at it?
People with dementia are far more likely to, and this is a purely hypothetical example, answer questions by rambling for five minutes about something completely unrelated that blends together actual events, second-hand accountings, and delusions.
the fascists believe that they can tear up american democracy at the roots and after we'll all have to fall in line "because it's the law." but the power of the law is a function of the legitimacy of the law. the state's monopoly on force is posterior to the people's adherence to the state!
Record turnout in today's election in France. The pundits and the polls alarmed everyone saying Le Pen and the far right was on the rise. Instead, center and leftwing parties crushed them. Sound familiar? Don't listen to the pundits and the polls! Organize. Fight.
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
One of these two just got bullied off of Threads, so I'm gonna go with...not that one.
who should i trust to understand the american voter better: president joseph robinette biden jr. or the nytimes editorial board 🤔 🤔 🤔
Well France apparently just collabed between everyone else to kick a far right party out of the chance to take power, it can be done if enough people want it to be, folks
lmao based
Wow. @nytimes.com has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
[cooking cooking] "their act of constitutional arson is our opportunity for American Reconstruction" [cooking cooking]
it will never not be funny to me that dudes who look like this are big mad about gender affirming hormone therapy
who should i trust to understand the american voter better: president joseph robinette biden jr. or the nytimes editorial board 🤔 🤔 🤔
bad luck for biden to run in an electoral cycle where "are you old" is the most important issue instead of in one of the cycles where email security procedures or accuracy of vietnam war medal citations was the most important issue in the country.
This is an unpopular opinion in lefty circles but I'm very much in this boat.
i don't talk about it as much in this piece but it could not be more obvious that dressing yourself up in the rhetoric of America as irredeemably evil might play well to the online crowd but wrapping the very same idea in a red white and blue flag is how you win real change
There’s a real revolutionary mindset in some of these pundit and Dem circles right now, where “remove Biden” has become an end unto itself, unquestionably correct, and anyone who tries to hold back the tide of history is an obstacle, and this is where revolutions get into trouble frankly
Seeing some people being like “If Biden chooses to resist our efforts to oust him, he’ll tear down the party and he’ll be to blame for the consequences” and no, I’m pretty sure that you would also be to blame for the consequences
"The latest estimates suggest that roughly 2% of all Russian men aged between 20 and 50 may have been either killed or severely wounded in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war." Jesus
It’s the most solipsistic talking point imaginable, bought into and legitimated by many centrists, when the fact of the matter is that the entire cult of MAGA intensely hates America as it really is, while normie libs have 20th century American heroes and love the actual pluralism we’ve got.
The entire game of making right wingers “patriots” and liberals “America haters” is about gerrymandering what you’re allowed to be proud of in American history and what counts as hatred. Pride in The New Deal doesn’t count and hatred of immigrants and America’s largest cities doesn’t count either.
Shepard should step aside, given that they literally were dead for several years we deserve a protector who didn’t spend three years as a literal corpse (and also unethically endorsed stores for discounts on weapons, and dated some problematic people)
imagine a brokered convention, unified by the true power of the Reapers! the Republicans would not be able to stand against what we could do if we *embraced* the Reaper agenda!