
Again, for anyone who missed it my little brother dropped dead last Friday. My dad died days later from grief. I am on fucking fire. And the world is on fire. Just ended up mutually blocking over politics. I need social media right now. I need it like air, because I am really suffering THAT SAID
My capacity for granting grace, isn't really there. So if you fucking try me, and I don't mean disagreeing with me or pushing on shit or whatever but you TRY ME I have nothing but a goodbye for your ass as it's kicked out the damn door. If you have issue w/ this unfollow/block me preemptively
I expect nothing less than the grace I grant others. If there's no capacity for that, I do not wish to know you.
I'm just catching up (on everything, wow the nation is burning). I cannot express enough condolences for your losses. I hope you find peace and grace right now and from everyone around you.
Happy to block, nuke, report and annihillate any of the above you need. It’s all a lot. Some sh*t you have to deal with, the rest kick aside and stride on. We got you. Cat post for distraction
This is too much. Too fucking much. And I am so so sorry you are carrying it. ❤️ Sending you all my love.
I am so sorry for your losses. I know there are no words that can truly make anything better. May their memory bring you comfort in this time of grief.
<3 I'm so sorry. You deserve peace, however you can find it, and I hope it's possible. I'm thinking about you.
I am so, so sorry Emma ❤️ sending you love and support in this impossible time
I think I saw someone say "Block for your own mental health." Meanwhile, holding you in the Light.
My condolences to you during this time. We’re here when you want to vent.
I'm so sorry for your losses.
Your dad, too?! Oh Emma I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry. ❤️💔
Yeah, I was so afraid of it. Our last conversation was an argument over me saying he was going to fucking die and begging him to see a doctor and him telling me he knew his duty and wasn't going to let himself go. He then went down for a nap he never woke from. I'm not upset our last convo was ...
that and sorry to trauma dump but not sorry I need to and I know you want me to use your shoulder. ANYWAY we'd had other convos about how if a disagreement were our last words we didn't mean them as such I just wish he had listened or I had INSISTED. But he didn't want to be here after Mom went
and the sudden shock of losing my brother, it killed him. He was *done* and I only begrudge the four days of absolute agony he had.
I also found out 7 mos ago he stopped going to the doc and he told ME they had cut him loose in that all the stuff was going so great nope he just was done. This pushed him the rest of the way over the edge but I am so sad so sad so sad he suffered losing one of us. No parent, etc
My heart breaks for you. Parents not being honest about health is a continual ache in my household. I hate that his dishonesty around this is part of the profound grief you’re dealing with. So much compassion to you.
I'm so devastated on your behalf and truly hope you have a decent support system around you. In addition to us, of course ❤️
From a random internet person, I’m so sorry to hear this. Take good care of yourself right now. This stress is no joke. 💔
No no no. Trauma dump if you need to. Sometimes screaming into this void is a good thing.
Of course you can have my shoulder. Any time ❤️ and ❤️💔
I'm so sorry. I'm old, I'm a man & I'm stubborn. But I do try to listen to my wife & daughter when they have concerns. It's against my natural inclination, so it's not easy. (but don't want them to have your experience) Again, so sorry. The shock must be almost overwhelming.
I have been battling my dad to take his serious health issues seriously so I know how this goes and I’m so sorry he didn’t get seen. You did what you could to get him in.
Oh my god I am so sorry I am sending you all the love. What an absolutely excruciating, devestating situation.
Oh Erin, I'm such a goddamned mess. 💕 I'll get through it but jfc
I cannot even IMAGINE. I know you will get through it!! (But you are also not obligated to say that and just be in the moment with your pain. At last not to me.)
Emma, please take care of yourself in this extremely awful moment, and know that so many of us are sending you energy for rest and recovery. Fuck anyone who offers anything less. ❤️
The internet is made of cats so here is Scotty, who is a cat. (Also, most of a Peony, who is a vulture from
*Hugs* Here is a photo of Lego cat who appears to be contemplating knocking down my various Lego skylines.
eee also looks like my first cat 💕
Emma I am so sorry. That is unimaginably difficult. I hope you have people close to you that can provide comfort to you. 💜
I hope some measure of better days come for you. I'm heartbroken for you, 100%.
So sorry Emma. I know how crushing it can be to lose a dad, and two close deaths in close succession like that is unimaginable. You have a lot of friends out there thinking of you.
oh my god i’m so sorry for your loss
Jfc Emma....I'm so sorry. 🫂 my uncle's friend died in the middle of a roller hockey game because Doctors missed a blood clot and it killed him while playing. I can't imagine what kind of grief that would bring to somebody and I hope you're doing better with time.
I am so sorry you're dealing with this. This is too much for anyone...especially since, yes, the world is definitely on fire. Anyway, I hope people let you cope on social media without further stressing you out.
Honestly everyone but a very small handful have been great, but my ability to cope is in the shitter. But people have circled love wagons for sure. And I need that.