Doctor Acula

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Doctor Acula

I think JB has earned the title of the One True Oaf at this point
How many people have a specific idea of what Boston was like in 1860? Bizarre paragraph all around
I remember the conventional wisdom right after the 2016 RNC was that it was an embarrassment for the party (weird speeches, nobody from the old guard showed up except Bob Dole) and like 2 days later nobody cared
Page 10 of the PDF they list all the reasons cited for considering switching back, and cost is basically even with the charging network (wording is charging is *not yet* good enough). Seems like kind of a different picture.
Also, page 6, cost is ahead of charging on reasons for not having switched from ICE yet
In the Name of the Rose rules because it posits, "what if a library was also a D&D dungeon"
I cannot support an odd time signature chugga choo
Everyone was saying the idea of Presidential immunity was unfounded until about 10:00 yesterday
I would feel better if I had any indication at all that anyone high up in the Democratic party was saying, "let's game out what the worst case scenario is on election day and beyond, since we've been constantly getting caught flat-footed for 4+ years"
Seems like they could easily say that it's too confusing to have a candidate on the ballot that wasn't in the primary, in the same way that they say it's too confusing to voters to change an obviously gerrymandered map close to an election
The brief 2020 Draft Cuomo movement that was seemingly based entirely on the quality of the Powerpoints during his COVID press conferences was deeply fuckin weird
How about, did any reporters notice anything described in the story before the entire primary calendar came and went?
"Members of Congress, including leaders from both parties, certified the election results." This sentence is written to deliberately obscure the fact that most of one party did NOT certify the results of two states
Also, why does it matter how Republican leadership voted? They have different leadership in the House now
I don't think the vote gets certified
I've had that feeling persistently for about 9 years now
I would just like someone to explain to me how he suddenly became too old specifically when he gave his first debate response last week, and why we couldn't have had this conversation in January when there was a very clean way to pick a new candidate
And importantly, his own party decides not to move on from him after he loses because they convinced themselves he didn't actually lose
Has to do with evidence coming from when he was president. Still absurd, but people would have told you the immunity ruling yesterday was absurd up until it actually happened
Is it plausible he can appeal on these grounds up to SCOTUS and have SCOTUS drag their heels on this for months, like with the immunity case itself? I dunno, I'm not a lawyer, it's just hard not to assume the worst at this point
I guess the copium take here is that if he ends up with a sentence of actual consequence closer to the election, that's a better outcome, but if people are past believing in anything except the worst case scenario at this point it's kinda hard to argue
Yeah, I support it in the sense that it seems to meet the moment in a way that Dick Durbin furrowing his brow again does not
There's a reason why they keep trying to invent new ways to say "votes from big cities don't actually count"
the smell you get when you board the Metra--on the BNSF line at least--leads me to believe that you're getting macro-dosed with diesel fumes that are going to mess you up way worse than COVID over a long enough time period
Captain, we've reached the Abraham Nexus.
There was the one scene where Einstein dramatically appears from behind a car
House Hunters narrator: Steve has always wanted an infinite void, but is the void a close enough commute to Gary's job to satisfy him?
Anybody who thought they could've done better than him would've tried to primary him. He didn't suddenly get old yesterday. He was old in January, and nobody was stepping up to replace him then.
They were publishing like two pro-DeSantis op-eds a week before it became apparent that he was going to get crushed. Who they actually want to endorse is the mythical Reasonable Republican™.