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History's most successful legal podcaster, co-host of 5-4 pod. He/Him @fivefourpod.bsky.social
yeah, to extend the analogy, it’s like calling for the QB to be benched when the team’s biggest problems are the coach and GM and replacing the QB won’t change either of those regardless.
i've been very down on the idea of swapping out biden, but i agree with almost everything in this piece and it's the most persuasive argument i've read so far. the main problem is that i do not believe any of the dems ready to toss aside biden right now are up for the reckoning this piece prescribes
I wrote about how the Democratic Party brought us here for The Guardian. theguardian.com/commentisfre...
someone told me not only does biden need to step down, but kamala cannot be the nominee because inflation is hurting incumbents in europe
he’s great! I interviewed him for 5-4 about the biden court reform commission
hell yeah dude, you were on your way now!
Reposted byAvatar Michael
GOD I JUST KEEP SEEING MORE THINGS!! they're sleeping RAW on the mattress NO sheets, there's a power strip IN the bed and is that a fucking unsecured handgun on the bedframe???
sorry if anyone else has already noted this but i showed my wife and she noticed it's not even a pillow, she's facedown in a squishmallo
Reposted byAvatar Michael
Reposted byAvatar Michael
a guy posted a video on the dog advice reddit asking why his dog might be so skittish at night but in the background of the video his wife is sleeping fully face down with her glasses on and every single comment is about that instead
if you'd prompted literally anyone at any point in the last 15 years currently making these suggestions with something akin to "under what circumstances would you try to hold a 2nd primary after the first is already completed" the answer would be "none" or "the nominee is not an incumbent and dead"
Reposted byAvatar Michael
le wokisme...le wokisme triomphe
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
nothing will put this idea to rest sooner than actually getting into the logistics of how it'd work
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible? www.semafor.com/article/07/0...
Reposted byAvatar Michael
Conservatives: "RELEASE THE EPSTEIN FILES! RELEASE THE EPSTEIN FILES!" The Epstein Files: *name Donald Trump a bunch* Conservatives: "WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT!"
Reposted byAvatar Michael
The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
they are all in right-wing bubbles, but they are in different bubbles from one another
this is consistent with my general sense that many of the justices really, really don't understand both how much they are disliked by an increasingly fervent and expansive segment of population, and the extent to which those people are now paying attention in a way they weren't before
Reposted byAvatar Michael
very hard to figure out what this use of DEI could mean other than the n word
Subtle. Very subtle.
i'm in the elden ring DLC 👀
Reposted byAvatar Michael
Maybe not Whitmer's intention but an effective way to get a positive economic message (the hook) widely reposted using a superficially relevant participation in the dominant narrative (the bait )to get people to share it
Maybe I now have brainworms but 👀👀👀 to Whitmer name checking Harris *before* Biden.
i'm gonna be on my deathbed in 40 years mumbling that clyburn had 6 weeks to come up with a line for when dobbs officially dropped and his day-of answer was "it's a little anticlimactic"
regardless of what happens with the nomination, i will say this generation of dems--biden, pelosi, shumer, durbin, clyburn--have kindled a deep-seated hatred in me for them and their leadership, which is quite a feat given that i'm a lifelong dem who's voted, volunteered, and donated for 24 years
i think it’s just a reminder of how insufficient he is. if you’re on the fence and asking yourself “is this a guy I’m going to go to bat for right now?” and see this shit, it might just break your resolve
watching them fail to even understand, let alone meet, the moment for 8 years and counting has been absolutely infuriating. while condescendingly assuring everyone else that they know best
(i also hate jeffries but he's not of that generation)
Reposted byAvatar Michael
The Washington Post making Joe Biden play every Jackbox game in a row to prove his fitness as they sit around him in robes silently observing
Reposted byAvatar Michael
I have a vivid memory from six months ago of some centrist relatives rolling their eyes when I said Biden was paving the way for Trump to retake power. Now they're calling their representatives and asking them to endorse Harris replacing him. Something different is in the water now
i get why this pisses people off--this pisses me off too!--but it's not a sign of cognitive decline? idgi. are people really just now grasping that joe biden has failed to appreciate the threat of trump/the right/the supreme court?
the trump immunity ruling is the gift that keeps on giving, one thing that absolutely could've changed the story was his sentencing that was supposed to be next week, but instead it's delayed for 2 months for stupid motions with no chance of success
i don't assume that lol
maybe! i might be wrong. and if i am, i hope to god i'm wrong about how risky and dangerous swapping nominees will be
hey man this is what I said in 2019 but we lost that argument. idk what to tell you, the primaries are over and he cruised. the opportunity to replace him passed unless he’s legitimately medically incapable or decides he doesn’t want to 🤷‍♂️