Samwise Altman’s Confabulation Emporium

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Samwise Altman’s Confabulation Emporium

This is getting a little ridiculous. True loser shit. It’s basically tied. What do these people think their jobs are?
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
Microsoft last released Project for one-time purchase in 2021. They have the opportunity to do the funniest thing.
I am calling him mr pickles and you can’t stop me
Friendly reminder that Ronald Reagan was called senile so often it became a running gag on SNL and the late night shows. He then won 49 of 50 states in the 1984 election.
If Hillary Clinton showed up to the function dressed like Sun Ra and lectured me about voting I would fully dissociate
working for a defense contractor for a decade but shaking my head the whole time so people know i disagree with it
The only model which we know could duplicate the activity of a brain would be a molecularly-detailed perfect simulation of a brain. There is no way to obtain the molecularly-detailed information required to set up such a model, and the compute requirements for the simulation would be astronomical.
Ben Collins has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
One of the weirdest political things (and Hilary and Trump are probably the main examples of this) is when people get this idea that we owe politicians something instead of politicians owing us something
I heard some professor put googly eyes on a pencil and waved it at his class saying "HI! I'm Tim the pencil! I love helping children with their homework but my favorite is drawing pictures!" Then, without warning, he snapped the pencil in half. 1/2
For her entire political career, Clinton has admonished and sidelined her critics on the left who were saying that Democrats needed to do more to protect abortion rights and fight fascism. The absolute gall of her to suddenly point fingers at others for complacency!
Hillary Clinton Has Some Tough Words for Democrats, and for In an interview for a forthcoming book, Mrs. Clinton also suggested that if Donald Trump won in November “we may never have another actual election.”
Humanity needs my superior genes. That is why I have named my 15 children after every background character in Mad Max. Vomitorium Invictus has completed his game of puzzles with dear little Gas King
The obsession with click through metrics virtually guarantees I won’t see the message and reminds me why I don’t enable notifications except accidentally.
Old man, look at my life I’m a fuckin baller
JIMINY GLICK: Now you, you, you, you—your cars, they tend to run over pedestrians. Or else BURST into flames. ha HA isn't that wonderful! ELON MUSK: *the least convincing laugh of all time* GLICK: *tucking his legs under himself* You bought a website where no one likes you. Why?
Who’s laughing at my ability to use microfiche, Readers Guide, Nexis, and the OED now, motherfuckers?
A thumbs down is so much funnier than a middle finger.
"Trust your gut" means "your instincts are giving you valuable information that you shouldn't dismiss out of hand" it does not mean "your knee-jerk reaction is always correct and justified."
All I see is a chart for leaded gasoline sales in the United States
Nobody wants to work anymore.
I know its a cliche to say "[Bad thing about Trump] is actually why his base likes him" but my god do the Beautiful Boater Class all have overleveraged, illiquid personal finances based on fraudulent loans and constantly face huge government fines they can barely pay (mostly from tax stuff)
My feed cleaned up a few days after I posted this. Subscribed to some block/mute lists. Still have to mute here and there but so much better.
I don’t know what it is about this place but the algo really really wants me to be into whatever softcore furry anime porn stuff that it keeps jamming into my feed. I spend a lot of time blocking.
I never understood survivorship bias and I turned out okay.
I don’t know what it is about this place but the algo really really wants me to be into whatever softcore furry anime porn stuff that it keeps jamming into my feed. I spend a lot of time blocking.
End of feed.