Ben Hall

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Ben Hall

Science, code, music, photography!
Research scientist at UCL interested in computational cancer biology and aging. Funded by MRC and Royal Society.
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From a friend. I didn’t make it
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Our #PhysiBoSS tutorial is finally available as a preprint:! Learn how to build #multiscale models with #Boolean intracellular signaling, without any code, using #PhysiCell Studio. Showing 3 simple examples, and an update of @MRuscone invasion model 👇
Have been discussing this exact problem with a polish student. It’s a huge detraction for them seeking a uk position
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The original Torment Nexus.
Reminder that meritocracy was invented (by Toby Young’s dad of all people) as a satirical idea for a dystopian book back in the 1950s, and shouldn’t be used as an actual way of justifying calcified privilege and inequality.
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einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
Thank you- that’s great! Don’t know if the bus is new or I just missed it in the past but I’m very grateful
A bus runs from kings lynn? I didn’t know- I’ve had a coach trip from Cambridge (organised by one of the kids nurseries) but hadn’t worked out a route to do it ourselves
Hunstanton is lovely, just wish I could reach it by public transport.
That’s a *lot* of 90s money
You’ve got me thinking about working summers in boots, seeing the shop decide to stop selling something random this year and offering great bargains, only to start again the next year. Apparently if I had a Time Machine I’d be great for a bargain hunt
There’s a view that it’s the age of the housing stock, but I’ve lived in newer properties and know people in actual newish builds and they still struggle with heat dissipation. It’s not even like we have uniquely changeable or changing weather
Panama, surely. Look like an Indiana jones extra
Rose was too. “It’s not very spock”
God, industrial research canteen food. Freshly cooked, varied menu, available for breakfast, reasonable price.
I think cold, humourless superiority is an absolutely toxic mix when you’re essentially Frank Spencer. I can imagine how you can be liked as an affable fool but everyone hates malvolio
I feel that paramount has a very specific offering- it’s the Star Trek TV service. All old and new, the only place it’s available- that at least seems like a viable model, particularly when they aren’t producing so many new shows (and when they do, not that many episodes)
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"Sped up this lengthy process, still needs to be checked by a human" is the actual use case for generative AI. But that's not what the hype would have you believe.
One of the most fascinating things about generative AI is the businesses and states that are using it are largely doing “we’ve sped up this lengthy process”, whereas the tech companies’ largely seem to be going “we made this thing you like worse”.
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Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
This really is a joyful thing!
Now you’ve got me imagining a fuse…
Haven’t the shares been doing poorly over the past few years though?
The acid responses to the suggestions are strongly indicative of pH
Mace windu too. There’s a lot of playground lore that turned out to be a real thing
Do you still collect election literature?
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I invented a machine to help aging pop groups keep fit on tour. My only problem is that the waiting list to use it is getting ridiculously long because the first group are taking ages on it. I'm still working out the Kinks.
I invented a machine to clone pop groups. At the moment there are a few issues - like, all the clones are a quarter of the size of the originals. Still, little Steps.
I’d be enjoying the Frank Spencer election more if I didn’t know that it’s been at least this chaotic behind the scenes for years
Last chance to be conservative prime minister for a potentially very extended period, and answer to pub quizzes? I can see the appeal
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🧪One last bump for this request. I spoke with a lovely computational chemist this morning, but where are my ecologists? Cancer biologists? Geneticists? Climate change scientists? I know y'all here on Bluesky aren't living under a rock. How have your personal experiments with Chat-GPT gone?
🧪 #journorequest: Are you a scientist thinking critically about how your intellectual property is being leveraged to train AI? Are you reading this and thinking that maybe you should be? I'd love to chat with you for a story in Nature.