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PRONOUNS: they, she

NOUNS: higher ed acessibility specialist, Masshole, nerd, burner, artist, leftist(?), dachshund & cat carer

ADJECTIVES: white, queer, exvangelical, neurodivergent

VERBS: hyperfocus, craft, mask, post

I 💜 heavily
📝 please alt-text
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
If the French defeat the Nazis and America doesn’t, we will have to retire some of our most cherished jokes.
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
if I had to absorb the bad luck for the whole wedding I'm happy to do so
I was very excited to show off my pretty hair and makeup, and rushed taking a single step down from one room to another and rolled my ankle
luckily just a sprain! it was a dramatic tumble off of a single step down, though. And going to urgent care in full glam hair and makeup was fun 😃
:( friends' wedding in 2 hours lol
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
This is eight months old and still mostly current and worth reading/listening. Eight months and the only thing that’s changed is the scale of the devastation and the genocide.
'The most shocking thing about my time over there was how uncomplicated it actually is,” says Coates, who calls segregation in Palestine and Israel “evil.” “There’s no way for me, as an African American, to come back and stand before you, to witness segregation and not say anything about it.
Ta-Nehisi Coates on Visiting Palestine: “I Immediately Understood What Was Going On”www.democracynow.org As pressure builds for a ceasefire after 27 days of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, author and journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates joins us in a broadcast exclusive interview to discuss his journey to Palesti...
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
I only know his response on queer rights because one of his on-screen crew transitioned a year or so ago and he has been loudly supportive and defended her from transphobic assholes. If he were pro-Palestinian, I'd absolutely shitpost about voting for him 🤣
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
i’d watch and so would you don’t lie
Whats up boys its your boy Mr beast I put 50 delegates in a room with 1 bathroom, whoever lasts longest is my Vice Presidential pick lets goooooo - 95million views
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
other cousins have new puppies!!! they cannot stay still so the photos all suck.
look at my cousins' new puppy!!!!! 🤩 I love him
see this, post a pic hello from my favorite arts collective camping festival! this piece was my favorite communal participatory performance art.
Sira has one, too, that I've had the same thought about!
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
hopefully not after 4pm
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
This is why you wait for the lawyers to weigh in, bc you read the ruling and dissent with your normal brain and think it’s bad, but the lawyer will be able to tell you “Oh no, it’s much much worse.”
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
You should expect breaking news that takes massive rights away from American citizens from the Supreme Court on a regular basis right now, & be living informed by that. You should not be sitting paralyzed when they do the latest fascist thing. They've proven predictable, so learn their patterns.
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Taking momentary comfort in remembering that “how to live a meaningful life under an awful government” is a challenge that billions of people have faced throughout history and around the world today
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
STOP DRIVING IN BOSTON Roads were meant to be designed by people not cows Intersections should be 2 roads not 5 roads You should be able to drive a street more than 2 blocks w/o turning right and then left to stay on “Get in the left lane to take the right exit” - actual instructions from a GPS
my understanding is that this is Marx's angle, actually
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
I've officially gotten an eviction notice, so I'm doing one last push on my GoFundMe this weekend before everything starts imploding on me. #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund Even if you can't donate, sharing this post is appreciated more than you can imagine. 💕
Help Pay Down Overdue Bills, organized by Lynn Fosterwww.gofundme.com Hi! I'm Lynn, and the adorable fuzzballs in the picture are Garrus and Keyleth. I've been stru… Lynn Foster needs your support for Help Pay Down Overdue Bills
oh gosh that is satisfying. thank you!!
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Well in positive news in about 5 billion years the Sun'll explode and none of this will matter
oooh, what should I search for in YouTube to find this?
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
If I was in the cannabis business I'd sell a strain just called "debate prep"
thinking of my old physics teacher after the school had a group of "God-inspired strongmen" put on a show ripping phone books in half with the power of Jesus, he spent class showing us how the physics of the tricks worked he wore wranglers and had a moustache and built his own telescopes 1/3
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
he had a cabin he built himself somewhere in the Oklahoma woods he saw me reading Atlas Shrugged and warned me to think critically he wrote my recommendation for astronomy camp and later for college there were whispers he was gay I was deeply, madly, and quietly in love with him.
there's no conclusion to this story. I left Oklahoma and the one time I went back to visit the school he had retired. Maybe I should see if I can look him up and thank him for being a lynchpin in my life.