Jello the Bird

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Jello the Bird

Jello’s just this guy, you know?
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“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale.
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A Court with 18-year fixed terms, two seats up every presidential term, would currently have two Biden, two Trump, four Obama, and one Bush, for an overall 6-3 Dem majority. Requires an amendment, but still it's worth thinking about what the ideal fix would look like with an eye on the long term.
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It is comically irresponsible how the news media claims Trump is a "changed man" and "somber" and "serene" and "adopting a new tone"
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This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
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Press: Oh, so much new tone from Donald Trump. Trump: We must unite the nation around my ability to lawlessly commit coups and crimes while jailing Democrats.
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Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
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It’s wild how Mushy went from Tony Stark to Obadiah Stane.
I wasn't surprised because I've been reporting on Elon Musk a long time... But before federal agencies even disclosed the identity of the shooter, Elon Musk (and later Bill Ackman) took to X / Twitter to announce they were endorsing former Pres. Donald Trump...
Elon Musk endorses Donald Trump shortly after ex-president injured by shots fired at Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he “fully” endorses Trump after the former president was injured when shots were fired at a rally in Pennsylvania.
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CPAC adopted this line just two years ago and now the GOP is suddenly all “wait not like that”
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the general vibe at the moment
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Can’t lie I wasn’t immune to the mental damage accrued from having to be glad handed about how political violence should be universally condemned by the class of people that have allowed sleeping rough to become a jailable offense.
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The Secret Service missing this post assassination attempt press conference, and the FBI going ahead with it without them, is one of the most striking instances of federal law endorcement dysfunction since that time no law enforcement agency held a press conference after Jan 6 for like two weeks.
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I keep remembering that the official Republican solution to gun violence is just... more gun violence. "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" means the plan -- the only plan -- is that AFTER the shooting starts, there's more shooting. Prevention isn't even considered.
Now is not the time for Democrats to (again) lose their spine. AOC is showing more bravery than the party’s own senior leadership.
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Correction: Democrats are expressing sympathy and suspending campaign ads while Republicans are saying calling Trump a fascist is stoking violence . . . and also blaming Biden and calling for his arrest. Asymmetrical decency.
so if i understand this correctly democrats are establishing trump as somebody to have sympathy for and unilaterally suspending their campaign efforts while the republicans work to establish a new rule that calling trump a fascist threat to democracy is stoking political violence
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Its wild how AOC believing that elections are things you "organize to win" that involve more on running media management campaigns from DC, puts her out afield of so much of the establishment
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Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
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Please don’t “both sides” the “violent political rhetoric” conversation when one side regularly glorifies and intimidates with guns and the other side speaks out to end gun violence. These are not the same.
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This is pure speculation but I wonder if the GOP and Trump campaign have realized that it might be one of their guys and they need to figure out turn down the heat for their own safety?
The Trump campaign and the National Republican Congressional Committee have paused digital fundraising efforts following the shooting, per Brian Schwartz of CNBC
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Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
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There is no situation where leftists won’t respond with dread, and it’s miserable. History is made by seizing opportunities and it’s impossible to do so if you assume everything that happens is going to be terrible
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who are his strategists? I just wanna know
I’m going to lose my mind.
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Why are Democrats like this?
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Kinda my thought persistently over the last couple of weeks.
I would maybe like people to stop declaring Trump the winner of the election ahead of the fact because of this or that. Not sure that accomplishes anything. He's still a deranged fucking creepy weirdo, it's possible people don't want him back. Just please and thank you etc.
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This is absolutely malpractice.
"the Biden campaign said it was pausing all messaging to supporters and working to pull down all of its television ads as quickly as possible, the campaign said." I know these people are incompetent jackasses but "let's just let Trump speak unopposed" is borderline deliberate sabotage
Biden says 'everybody must condemn' attack on Trump, hopes to speak with ex-president President Joe Biden says “everybody must condemn” the suspected assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.
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You've been hearing two things: 1. Arizona may be an easier lift for Dems than NC and, possibly, MI. 2. The race will likely be so close that it could be decided by "reverse coattails," or energy for down-ballot races We're 81% of our 2024 goal for flipping AZ's statehouses. Join us.
Flipping Arizona | The States Learn more about Flipping Arizona such as its mission, community impact, and how you can join or make a one-time online donation.
This really is what it feels like 😂
I just want Biden to step down because I hate the Democratic Party and seek any excuse to remove it from power. I dislike Kamala Harris and would not vote for her. But if Biden runs, I would have no choice but to vote for him, as I like him too much. I pray he croaks.