Lola Rob Manfred is Ruining Baseball

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Lola Rob Manfred is Ruining Baseball

Oh hey, a group associated with Dean Phillips has now switched to full time ratfucking against Biden, who'd'a thunk it?
These people never gave a shit about policy, it’s about fame, and being seen as a political knower. If they can’t get the attention they need from the left, they’ll gladly throw in with the right.
For anyone who isn't aware, Ken Klippenstein went on Steve Bannon's War Room, because there is no fascist these tankie dipshits won't cuddle up to. Truly, Putin has owned every last brain cell they possess.
klipoenstein always came across as a bit of a naive pick-me guy in the intercept cinematic universe but also always seemed like he meant well and wasn’t *this* dumb
Just to be really explicit about what’s happening here, the cover conflates age, physical disability, and cognitive disability, and goes on to conflate disability with unfitness for office. It’s utter bullshit.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
As a reminder, Trump was convicted for actions before he was President. He is seeking to use newly created *Presidential* immunity powers to have the conviction quashed even though he is not now President. What do you think he will do if he is actually President?
A longer thread.
These fun "font" glyphs—that look bold or monospaced or italicized or whatever—are actually often unicode characters for mathematical use. On this page of character code charts you'll find most of them under Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols. They don't get parsed as letters but as symbols.
Unicode 15.0 Character Code
Just saw another display name in "fancy" letters (they look like they're from a typewriter) and you should know that screen readers do not treat those as normal letters and read the whole word. They read the name of each individual character. Every single time.
"we're a rogue state" *cites image macro made by an Australian fundamentalist Islamic org* Mmmmhmmmmm okay bud.
We're a rogue state. The current administration is aiding and abetting genocide in violation of the laws we helped create to prevent this shit. The fact that Trump promises to do worse isn't gonna help him in November. That's a bigger problem for Democrats than they'd care to admit.
in a somewhat similar vein, i am reminded of the large number of book bans that passed because a small number of people called the right numbers often enough to complain. playing the game can in fact pay dividends
the unexpected thing about Talking To Your Representatives is that it can actually work, if enough people are similarly mad about the same thing. you won’t get the elected on the phone. but they will hear about it from their annoyed staff, who might not have time to do anything else
thinking of all the underpaid capitol hill staffers who will get yelled at by constituents who want to Talk To Their Representatives
In 2016, Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Wisconsin about the importance of the Supreme Court. She warned that 2016 was "make or break" for the court—and the country. National media—focused on her emails and Trump's antics—barely covered the speech.
Hillary Clinton Just Delivered the Strongest Speech of Her Campaign—and the Media Barely Nothing sums up the high-drama, low-substance nature of 2016 race coverage more than the underplaying of a serious speech about the Supreme Court.
📣 ALASKA has an unusual political makeup which sometimes results in independent legislators teaming up w/Democrats for a working majority. Boosting state legislative Dem turnout also helps Mary Peltola win re-election for U.S. House! #Blue24
Chip in! Show your support with a contribution.
SCOTUS is clearly banking on a Trump win and giving him the tools to remain in power once he does. This is a do or die moment. We either stop squabbling amongst ourselves and beat MAGA or it's over. Those are the stakes.
Justice Sotomayor points out that--surprise!--the majority is deciding a made-up case.
Dodger and Giants not playing each other in the last two months of the season is not because of the "balanced schedule." It is due to more poor scheduling by MLB. But they made sure the Yankees host the Red Sox in September.
What in the blue fuck is the word “oligarchy” doing in here to mean “group of trusted advisers and friends”? My god, get a fucking grip.
This is rubbish. They are implying Biden thinks the debate may have destroyed his chance of re-election? Because there is no way he's "talking it over with his family" about running. That decision was made last year.
Behind the Curtain: Biden oligarchy will decide The president engaged in no organized process outside his family in deciding to run for a second term.
Exactly. These folks *do not think Biden is unfit*. They're just wishcasting.
Also, if one were taking the accusation Biden is unfit seriously, and one wanted to bypass Harris, pointing out that as Veep she's integral to the 26A process would be my move People aren't serious, they don't think he's unfit, and they want do a fantasy football swap
This is the co-director of the USC Center for the Political Future. It doesn't speak well for USC. But he is a long-time Republican strategist.
NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Sally Ride’s 1977 letter to NASA fits in a single post: "To whom it may concern, I am a PhD candidate in astrophysics at Stanford University, and am interested in the space shuttle program. Please send me the forms necessary to apply as a 'mission specialist' candidate. Thank you, Sally Ride”
Sally Ride became the first US woman in space #OTD in 1983. She was one of three mission specialists aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger for STS-7. At age 32 she was also the youngest US astronaut. 🧪 👩‍🔬 🔭 Image: NASA
hitting up second-hand bookstores and record stores used to be this miraculous process of discovering things you'd read *about* but never got to experience
i hate to have one of these at all but my big "WE DRANK FROM THE HOSE" opinion is that people younger than millennials really can't imagine what coming of age in a time of media scarcity meant - like, I would read about records and movies and not actually be able to see them for YEARS
i hate to have one of these at all but my big "WE DRANK FROM THE HOSE" opinion is that people younger than millennials really can't imagine what coming of age in a time of media scarcity meant - like, I would read about records and movies and not actually be able to see them for YEARS
What an absolutely cursed set of award winners. Only Freeman and Cash are not at least one of: - Out of baseball - Badly injured - Since-fired - Released halfway through a three-year contract - Unrepentant scumbag
Utterly absurd. Putin is asking for, among other things: -a foothold across the Dnipro, which he has not been able to hold militarily -a city of 600,000 people, larger than anything he has conquered since 2014 -control of Ukraine’s own diplomacy Absurd.
We have 1️⃣4️⃣8️⃣ DAYS to re-elect President Biden & KEEP THE SENATE blue. Donate DIRECTLY to these Democrats TODAY. How about donating $34 to commemorate Trump's 34 FELONY CONVICTIONS? #Blue24
Help keep the Senate Blue in 24! Democrats need to hold onto every seat they have to keep control of the U.S. Senate. Donate today!
will SCOTX look at the mountains of evidence showing that removing guns in these exact situations saves lives? don't hold your breath.
The Supreme Court is expected to rule soon whether domestic violence suspects can have their #guns taken away. From the archives, 2023: Our coverage of the uneven enforcement of these laws in #Texas, and its consequences ...
Domestic Abusers Under Protective Orders Often Get to Keep Their Fewer than 10 of 254 counties have protocols forcing subjects of a protective order to hand over their firearms as required by law.
Request for Kathryn to be the lead color commentator on ESPN-but-for-court-rooms (and no, CourTV was never really that). If you haven't been following, go read this thread that I'm quote skeeting.
this five minute recess has, at this point, been going on for approximately fifty-three minutes
the unions need to lead here because the leagues won't