MC Unexpected Item In Bagging Area

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MC Unexpected Item In Bagging Area

Different from the kind of fox you might enjoy on a sandwich.
You absolutely should bite the hand that feeds you, and you absolutely should look a gift horse in the mouth.
Jack Black has replaced Kyle Gass with Tim Tebow and they are now called Respectful D and sing songs about doing normal push-ups instead of ones with their dick
indeed. *who needs an illuminati when all this dirt is done right in the open?*
I have been saying for ages that one of the problems with this country is that people believe insane conspiracies that are made up while ignoring the many, many ACTUAL conspiracies by the powerful that are either exposed or right out in the open. If anything the response rate should be 100%
Pew puts out a study where black people say that they 'believe' in things that are obviously, historically true, well-documented, and still happening today and calls them 'racial conspiracy theories'; are taken aback when people get mad about it
timeline cleanse
I really should paint this at some point…
If dispelling doom for the sake of dispelling doom does not appeal to you, perhaps try dispelling doom out of spite, is what I’m saying.
If it’s not helpful to you, by all means ignore this, but I’m just saying… It really helps me to recenter myself to think “Oh right. The worst fucking people on the planet want me to feel like we’re doomed. Fuck those guys, actually.”
"you wouldn't steal a car" No, but I think pirate sites are doing a better job of archiving our media history as it unfolds than the ones doing the publishing of it & who demand sole control over evidence of its existence in exchange for unlimited financial gain Also I would absolutely torrent a car
personally i think joe biden should hire someone to follow donald trump around and randomly slam shit down super loud
Pretty much all the people I have anything to do with anymore are furries or furry adjacent, so I don't think it'd be so much a matter of "convincing them" as "fielding increasingly frantic questions about how it happened and whether they can do it too."
You have just been transformed into your fursona, or barring that an anthropomorphic version of your favorite animal. How would you prove your identity to friends/family/society? Do you even try to keep continuity, or start anew? Happy #TFTuesday you beasts
I think about DOG CITY a lot but not because of the reason you think
Ever since going traditional I've felt more and more like this guy
Whenever people say that folks need marginalized friends, what gets lost is that this isn't meant to be tokenizing bullshit, they should be friends for normal-friends reasons. There's lots of folks out there who folks could potentially be cool with if only people would just be normal about it.
Ps is on bluesky - he just blocked me and grace forever ago
Fuck Lee Carter and Violet Carter - this young woman is my friend, and all she desperately needed was some help.
I feel like people only ever see me as either a manipulative asshole or a hapless idiot boy.
I’ve got about five months to become fluent in three different languages, on top of all the other shit I’ve got to do.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
I did my growing up Catholic and uh yeah nobody comes to this faith in adulthood for normal reasons.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Apparently they found caves on the moon, so if I go missing one day…
I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but polling suggests that we can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind, because your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance, well they’re no friends of mine.
a pretty significant problem with dropping your "he's a fundamental threat to democracy" message when he gets grazed by a bullet is that getting grazed by a bullet does not change whether or not someone is a fundamental threat to democracy. you're telling people it wasn't ever really that serious
Since it is apparently Be Nice to Bugs Day, please also be nice to Violet
I would be happy to do any replacement artwork for anyone who had previously worked with a certain cartoonist who shall not be named. (Although it might have to wait a bit, since I’m still working through my commission queue.)
We’re all trapped in a clown car hurtling towards disaster, metaphorically. And also literally, for a few unlucky clowns
You can buy my art and music guilt-free. I’m not a fascist, and all the porn on my computer is of consenting adults.
i’m being told it’s my duty to condemn political violence, so in light of yesterday’s events i once again condemn the israeli genocide against the palestinian people, and the united states’ active participation in enabling it.