Sean MacGillivray

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Sean MacGillivray

Web dev, musician, he/him
The tl;dr This is union-busting, written as a statute. A company union is not a union, it is a way for management to dilute/interfere with the power of the union. Company unions have been unlawful since 1935, because everyone recognizes it is an attempt to union bust. This is trying to undo that.
Not a populist: GOP VP candidate J.D. Vance introduced the Team Act (with Marco Rubio) to empower companies to establish and dissolve “employee involvement organizations” (a.k.a., company unions), a long-standing goal of GOP business leaders:
As a campaign manager I assure you that there is basically nothing more valuable than a volunteer who will regularly complete the core voter outreach tasks, if you are canvassing or making calls on a regular basis and even halfway decent, you are worth your weight in gold <3
So, like every middle schooler in the country? Thoughts and prayers.
Trump is 100% now imagining getting shot at every time he gets in front of a crowd, for the rest of his life.
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
(Checks phone at rest stop) (Throws phone in garbage) (Reroutes to Canada)
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
at the time of the shot trump was bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
From an Axios reporter on Twitter. This will get worse before it gets better, if it gets better.
when I quit my career as a political reporter the day after Super Tuesday 2016 at the age of 29 people were very surprised and always wanted to know why and without fail my first response was “I didn’t want to die at a Donald Trump rally.”
can someone good at politics please help my family is dying
fucking hell
im not sure the boiling stew of rancid frothing maniacs who follow god emperor mcviolence are going to be chill about this
lol they added "listen anonymously", so you can join an antisemitic den without being recognized.
It all happens on X!
Immediately after shots were fired, the crowd turned on media, channeling their anger toward reporters standing inside the press pen. “Fake news. This is your fault!” “You’re next! Your time is coming.” A few tried to break into the press pen but were stopped by security. — Sophia Cai, Axios
I spent my early research career studying human growth and implications for public health and my jaw dropped when I first started hearing about these height data coming out of the UK.
14 years of Tory rule gives us this utterly horrifying graph:
The reason we hear so much meritocracy propaganda is that it's the only socially acceptable origin story for the people it happend to work out for, could stay in the game longer thanks to generational wealth, or are just pretending to have "made it." You can't grind your way to a just society.
the vet comes on stage with some bad news for america. we had to put him down
Get Israel out of the Olympics NOW
Just a bunch of goofy kids posting cringe
"Buy ads on my Nazi website or I'll have the government arrest and imprison you." Masterful gambit, sir.
These guys are the German Bourgeoisie of 1935 who thought Hitler was vulgar, crass, and boorish, but if he gets into power it's the fault of the shrill hysterics of the left who can't come up with a sensible centrist message factory owners and factory workers alike can rally behind.
True North: not journalism, but it's this
NEW: Top Shopify executive’s right-wing media website rails against immigrants while defending a legally designated terrorist group. The right-wing Canadian media website ‘True North’ deleted its interview with the founder of the Proud Boys shortly after being contacted by PressProgress:
Shopify Executive’s Right-Wing Media Website Rails Against Immigrants While Defending a Legally Designated Terrorist Right-wing Canadian media website ‘True North’ deletes interview with the founder of the Proud Boys after being contacted by PressProgress
DESIGNED TO MAXIMIZE CASAULTIES "Israeli weapons packed with shrapnel causing devastating injuries to children in Gaza, doctors say Surgeons who worked in European and al-Aqsa hospitals describe extensive wounds caused by ‘fragmentation’ shrapnel experts say are designed to maximize casualties"
Israeli weapons packed with shrapnel causing devastating injuries to children in Gaza, doctors Surgeons who worked in European and al-Aqsa hospitals describe extensive wounds caused by ‘fragmentation’ shrapnel experts say are designed to maximize casualties
The reason polling keeps getting weirder is because every year, more and more normal people stop answering the phone for any reason
This dude had been working for the school for ten years. How’s any child who’s been subject to his class supposed to grapple with how his thinking has affected their lives?
“For some reason, the African American culture has influenced most of the student body. How? In African Americans, they have a gene for the pimp walk, which is dominant,” the question began.”
Sacramento Science Teacher Suspended For Asking This Racist Question on Biology Teacher Alex Nguyen has been a teacher at Luther Burbank for at least a decade.