woke mind virus maison21

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woke mind virus maison21


disabled eldergay SCI walker CPP T1D fibro hashimotos + more- just ask, i’m an open book about disability. it can happen to anyone.

hillary/nancy/kamala democrat. BLM feminist LGBTQ equality for all. economic equity for all. reagan destroyed america.
If anyone should know that New York doesn’t have the death penalty, it’s the guy who wanted it reinstated to execute the Central Park Five kids.
I remember in 2009 when the public option and Medicare expansion fell down and died. Lots of people every day since died who might have lived. Remembering them and their families this morning.
Me and the regular group who like my posts
Me and the regular group who like my posts
Fox News Poll: Record number say abortion should be legal www.foxnews.com/official-pol...
let's not forget Joe Lieberman is also responsible for spearheading the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, one of the single most corrupt, violent, invasive, anti-democratic institutions to ever emerge from the U.S. government slate.com/news-and-pol...
AOC Is Right: The Department of Homeland Security Should Be Dissolved.slate.com It was a bad idea when Joe Lieberman thought of it. It was a bad idea when George W. Bush signed it into law. And it’s a bad idea in action today.
Joe Lieberman’s legacy.
Watch this HBO doc about Alex Jones and note the harassment and threats sent to Sandy Hook families is now the central organizing tool of the entire right-wing. What they did to these families is what they're doing to trans people across the country with basically zero pushback.
people are posting their favorite memories of Joe Leiberman so i guess I'll share mine: it is from today when he fell and died.
please, i’m begging, will someone explain to me how to find and join mute lists? talk me through it like i’m 5. i’ve got nothing anothing againstnst furries— y’all do you— but i don’t want it every other post in my “discover” feed. TIA!
I made a joke about someone making a joke and millions of people saw it and a ton of people got mad. People wrote news articles about it and it went viral on every platform
It’s funny seeing people online like “WE’VE BEEN DEALING WITH DEI FOR DECADES NOW AND I AM SO TIRED OF IT!” and it’s like okay calm down, little buddy, you just learned about this term two months ago when “woke” wasn’t putting up numbers
Speaking as someone who had student loans and paid them off WITH THE SWEAT OF MY OWN BROW — Fucking good, student loans are a scam and a betrayal of the American promise to our youth, get those loans forgiven and have one less financial noose around your neck
Joe Biden just forgave $130k of my student loan debt.
gay pride, you love to see it
RIP Joe Lieberman, you were stupid and also a bad person
I’m convinced you could rob this man blind by jangling a set of keys in his face
richest nation on earth in all of human history
where do i find mute and band blocklists to subscribe to?
anytime i’m facing an especially hated or arduous task, i like to give myself a little treat beforehand to encourage myself to get it done. it’s called a ‘pre-ward’ and it absolutely does not work
Boeing was taken over by a bunch of quarterly-profit McKinsey types and the last time they killed a bunch of people we let them walk away from it with the ludicrous story that some random test pilot was the real villain. Of course Boeing acts like they're above the law. They are.
Amid a federal investigation into what caused a door plug to blow off a Boeing 737 Max 9 jet in January, a Boeing top official said the company cannot find documents about the door plug and it's likely that such records never existed.
Boeing says it can't find documents on the door plug that blew off mid-airwww.npr.org A Boeing top official told Congress that employees looked extensively for documents on the door plug and it's likely that such paperwork never existed.
Haha yeah
Do you know what the 22 countries ranked ahead of the U.S. in happiness all have in common? Universal healthcare. Turns out people are happier when they don’t have to choose between food and seeing a doctor.
I have a long held belief that conservatives cannot understand narrative and have no ability to deconstruct story whatsoever. It’s like some kind of universal comprehension barrier that they all share. Talking to them about literally any piece of media is actually a stunning experience.