Matt Weiner

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Matt Weiner

Philosopher at UVM. he/any pronouns. Likes cats and weird improvised music. Last name rhymes with "meaner." Self-photos are of Art Garfunkel.
why did Karl Mannheim have to put me on blast like this
doing some self-care for a little bit
I always remember the story of investors getting stuck in a Google self driving car in mountain view for maybe 45 minutes because it was programmed to follow the rules on merging and no one would let it into the road
looks like this suit was filed by the Attorney General, who ran against the guy Stitt appointed and may be a throwback to "extremely conservative but not a total Christian Nationalist"? [also filed to vacate Richard Glossip's conviction, which shouldn't be a high bar but is]
heads up, this one's 1 follower is someone whose top post is about how wonderful tr*kb*k is
I am going to make a UK Politics Post which is I just saw an LD voter making the best case not to vote LD (this isn't telling you not to vote LD. you've got great reason to vote LD and if I were there I probably would too)
some cheap shots are impossible not to take
me talking to someone who is not online in exactly the same way I am
Here is a paper pointing out the flat earth problem in Kanazawa's paper.
I think attributing "(((evil money)))" to Bowman is pretty fucking offensive when it is objectively true that AIPAC has spent record amounts against him
assuming she was able to say, very precisely, how fast he was moving
je téléphone la dataviz police
I am annoyed that MLB Trade Rumors did not headline this piece "Detroit Options Will Vest"
County maps usually give distorted views because they overrepresent rural counties with small populations. Like Nevada looks very red if you don't know that 2/3 of the votes are in that one blue county. In Black Belt states, some of the overrepresented counties are majority Black.
The last two sentences are correct, of course, but the rest is a clinic in lying with chloropleth maps. The darkest color is >50%, many of those counties are low-pop rurals, and no state has a Black majority. Republicans win in those states because white voters vote for them as a bloc.
one of humanity's greatest achievements is the technology that allows us to get one tissue from the box at a time, and these bozos decided to make an origami flower
he looks like he just chose poorly
have to use a fair paraphrase because the actual transcript is typical Trump word salad
should add, articles can't cite the ADL as a source of facts *about Israel/Palestine*. there is still discussion of them as a source about antisemitism in general, and their hate symbols database. agree with Mira Sucharov in the article's kicker
headcanoning that this is about the singers
...not really what I was expecting to read about the state legislature
we discovered this was not true! prospective jurors' anti-Trump tweets were read out in front of him and it hurt his feelings! ...would add, this is *especially* not true of Biden's ads? Trump will hear those
felt like this covered those bases for me--basically what said
this guy was in an interesting story about someone who is faithful to his code, though the story wouldn't have worked without a lot of complications around the code
yeah, there are a lot of people playing dumb about why people are angry about a supposed leftist who (a) was at the very least not *against* Trump in 2016 and (b) is a declared non-feminist and also, coincidentally, right-wing on core feminist issues
for my sins, I read a lot of your posts, and what I gathered is that you're not beating this rap