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hello, i'm k
i'm like if a guy was a lesbian. he or they
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
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“He was a person. He was human. This is more trauma on top of trauma for those who knew him and still live here.” — Shelly Sarasin, cofounder and director of the Street Angels outreach group
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel now says that FIVE Columbus police officers shot and killed the homeless Black man well outside the RNC security perimeter. Columbus Police say the shooting took place within the officers' assigned "operational zone."
Milwaukee man dead after being shot by 5 Ohio police officers near The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
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daniel craig embodying the 4 butch aesthetics:
Daniel Craig playing an entire geology department himself:
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
i do not recommend subscribing to moderation lists by people who have like. a shitload of grudges
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
Centerville, Washington Population: 90 Photos from Google Places API Link:,_Washington
i think it's good to criticize bouie or get mad at him or even to suggest he should quit his job but in general you should try not to sound like you are holding yourself back from calling him "boy" when doing so. just a suggestion.
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
Rainier, Washington Population: 2,287 Photos from Google Places API Link:,_Washington
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As others have pointed out, when you study history, you understand that the future / near present reality is much closer to the Jim Crow south than the white liberal anxiety-fantasy of camps. But hey, why start making sense now, right?
i feel like I've been seeing this sentiment a lot lately and it's pretty depressing but also i always kind of want to ask these people how many f10 reports they've filed. and if the answer is 'none' perhaps reflect on the possibility that early access is not for you
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Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
A really sharp analysis of what I'm doing with the titular monster in CUCKOO by tumblr user roomtemperature-superconductor
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
Naugatuck, Connecticut Population: 31,108 Photos from Google Places API Link:,_Connecticut
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STOP: DO NOT INTERACT with COMPUTER. It does not mean well.
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If you steal $1000, you can be sent to prison. When health insurance companies steal $50,000,000,000, they get tax breaks, subsidies and government contracts, while the people they steal from die or go into debt. But keep blaming immigrants and poor people for rising crime.
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
Hey wait a minute shouldn't this say, "In Ukraine, Damage to Public Health Infrastructure Amid Ongoing Fighting?"
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
This is the funniest shit I’ve ever read “According to the lawsuit, the student dealt with PTSD, anxiety, depression, shock, confusion, sadness, and social withdrawal, among other psychological injuries, because of the video. These have manifested into physical symptoms like nausea and headaches…”
Connecticut town must pay $100,000 to family after teacher showed Kendrick Lamar video in The student's family said he suffered significant emotional distress after being shown the video, which depicted "shockingly violent" scenes about police officers.
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Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
This is the entire view of the right and one they’re pushing out tons of propaganda about. It’s why we get 10,000 stories of people shoplifting from Walgreens and nothing about tax cheats even though it involves multitudes more money. They want to define crime as existing entirely within the poor
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
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My personal feeling is that in cases of sexual assault "I'm going to wait to see what else develops" is a fine, but if you loudly announce that what you're seeing is inadequate and not enough and should not be believed by anyone, that's not waiting to see what else develops.
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Humph! in my poor, insignificant opinion, I regard this as queer.
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I wrote about the election and the American project.
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touch grass 🍃
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
"I spent a lot of money in that CVS, often multiple times a week, week after week, for years. If I wasn’t their very best customer on the consumer good side, I would like to meet my competition. And they drove me away, while providing me no mechanism to tell them why."
What is the economy even for? In my household, I am in charge of keeping us stocked with cleaning products and shared toiletries. For many years, this has been remarkably easy, because there is a CVS Pharmacy two blocks from our h...
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
The most honest "take" that anyone can write now is: "I have no idea what Democrats should do."
"it's a ratfuck" is only a compelling argument to keep biden if the ratfuck isn't working. if it's working, it doesn't matter if it's unfair or based on lies or a double standard. the converse is also true - if his brain is leaking out of his ears, it only matters insofar as it hurts him electorally
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
Reposted byAvatar MELINOE LIKER
Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man.
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Hawk Tuah this Hawk Tuah that why don't you try to Talk Tuah Therapist
it's so annoying that you would get banned from this website if you told the "everything is over now that X politics thing happened" crowd that they should put their money where their mouths are and kill themselves. why am i the bad guy for insisting that people be consistent????