R Chapman

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R Chapman


Scientist. Nerd. Coffee lover. #LWithTheT #BLM
An institution of higher-ed can claim to not be anti-feminist, white supremacist, or queerphobic by establishing centers dedicated to the "support" of these marginalized people. Now, it is the presence of the center that matters, not whether the center is resourced, supported, or valued.
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Something I wish I'd been more explicit about in our episodes is that *even according to the bullshit criteria defined in the Cass Review* they find meaningful benefits for gender-affirming care: Four studies on suicidality and three find improvements.
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imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
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We’ve had the rule for how ever many years but I still click and watch the video every single time. Some days it can end up in my feed half a dozen times and I will still watch every time. It never gets old. I love it every single time I watch it
Tom Holland's "Umbrella" | Lip Sync Battleyoutu.be Tom Holland, the stars of ""Spider-man: Homecoming" performing his dance and lip-sync with Rihanna's "Umbrella". Check out his jaw-dropping performance now!S...
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Way too many church ladies took way too many mace attacks, dog bites, and full-force firehoses to the face for me to ever NOT vote, honestly.
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A damning joint report by Yale Law School and Yale Medicine finds the UK's Cass Review "levies unsupported assertions about gender identity, gender dysphoria, standard practices, and safety of gender-affirming medical treatments, and it repeats claims that have been disproved by sound evidence.”
Report Addresses Key Issues in Legal Battles over Gender-Affirming Health Carelaw.yale.edu A new report from The Integrity Project provides an evidence-based critique of a recent independent review that has become central to U.S. litigation regarding health care for transgender youth.
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You can now listen to all three episodes of Going Overboard, our miniseries on the Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy! Please listen to it! I worked really hard on it! I know the official podcast account is meant to be a bit more professional than this but c'mon, give it a listen!
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Fuck all about women's rights is the answer. Nothing about equal pay, opportunities, training, childcare, reproductive rights, *actual* sexual predation (rather than theorical), domestic abuse, menopausal support or mental health. But a whole heap of bullshit about toilets.
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Shoutout to Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera. Riots. Queer liberation. Stonewall.
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"engaging" with the concerns of people like JK Rowling would be investigating whether they have any merit — something the entire UK media and political class have refused to do. She is concerned about something that isn't happening! Engage by telling people she's full of shit!
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Here’s a miracle solution: stop fuckin doing it
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The reason why they keep doing UBI studies and not actually implementing UBI is that the people doing the studies want UBI and the people who have the power to implement it do not want UBI.
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As this is doing the rounds again, I mentioned on metafilter how one old boy told me his mate of 40 yrs came out to him after this. His words: "He told me he thought I might hate him. I said Tom if the world says I'm meant to hate you now, then I would rather hate the world." Visibility matters.
In 1994 the Pet Shop Boys were invited to perform 'Go West' at the Brit Awards. They agreed and brought with them 3 separate choirs of miners. Some of those miners had marched with the gay and lesbian members of LGSM in the 1980s. It is one of the great, near-lost music moments vimeo.com/293437684
Pet Shop Boys • Go West (Live At Brit Awards) • 1994vimeo.com Pet Shop Boys выступают вживую на Брит Эвордс 1994 с шахтерским хором.
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there's a fine line between using late stage capitalism as an excuse to avoid taking personal responsibility for poor life choices, and acknowledging that the continuous crushing physical and emotional toll of a full time job truly does take *such* a toll on building healthy habits 😩
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On tonight’s #PrideMonthArtistLove we are profiling the French photographer, model, film maker, graphic designer and transgender 🏳️‍⚧️ luminary Olivia Ciappa.
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Oh, what's that, nothing, just a minister of state admitting they stuffed the EHRC with bigots to push their weird idealogy (oh, and quote-tweeting one of the vilest transphobes on the site)
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A polite bigot is a bigot nonetheless. A true warrior knows that courteous words do not dilute the poison, but only serve to conceal it until it has spread. Civility in the service of hate deserves no polite response.
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Some flying muppets, Anurognathid pterosaurs These were small, likely insectivorous pterosaurs that are known from almost complete skeletons which preserve important details of the filaments that covered their bodies They were probably nocturnal and highly maneuverable flyers 🐡 🎨 🧪 #paleontology
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“queer not as being about who you’re having sex with (that can be a dimension of it); but queer as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live.” -bell hooks
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Imagine managing to engineer a BBC front page like, this when you're the incumbent government, during an election campaign. How is it even possible? HOW?!
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Tonight on #PrideMonthArtistLove we are taking a different tack for one night only. The reason why is that this is the 80th Anniversary of the D Day invasion and we want to highlight an almost unknown female War Artist named Elsie Gledstanes.
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This is a bird site pride month trend. I'm Alex (he/him), a conservation scientist & ornithologist in charge of the bird collection of NHM London. Outside of work, it's running & climbing at the moment. And of course being a dad to Webster. Fun fact: I've fallen into 4/5 major oceanic basins.
In 1994 the Pet Shop Boys were invited to perform 'Go West' at the Brit Awards. They agreed and brought with them 3 separate choirs of miners. Some of those miners had marched with the gay and lesbian members of LGSM in the 1980s. It is one of the great, near-lost music moments vimeo.com/293437684
Pet Shop Boys • Go West (Live At Brit Awards) • 1994vimeo.com Pet Shop Boys выступают вживую на Брит Эвордс 1994 с шахтерским хором.
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I spent the morning collecting all of the data on hormones and mental health for trans kids. Here are the results of every single study and the UK review's utterly disingenuous takeaway.
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Herman Melville on moderates, all the way back in 1857: