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Scientist watching the world burn from Tahoe. PhD in neuro stuff. Retired, I guess. Time currently mostly spent on writing, art, reading, volunteering, and staring at large bodies of water. Wx obsessed.
South Lake Tahoe, and everyone needs to stop littering. Leave no trace. Kill only Tim.
But instead of making you reconsider your humanity and legacy, they're just pointing UV flashlights at your gravestone to show all the piss, and laughing.
That it was one of 'his' people is going to make escaping that fear impossible. Good.
This image is just begging for photoshop involving the mocking Purple Heart bandaids these ghouls passed out at the RNC when Kerry was the candidate.
You know what's *really* rebellious and cool? John Lithgow in Dirty Dancing. Aspire to that role model, kids.
OMG yes. Going way back, "Heroine Chic" = drink water to fill your stomach before meals because you're certainly not putting any actually calories in there, are you?
I hum "all along the Watchtower..." The Watchtowers exist to give advance WARNing. You light the watchtower fires to warn others. Nerd/music mnemonic version.
Rooting for the Garbage Trash Kids. Gross >> Nazis
Impossible to read that juxtaposition and not suddenly envision you as the Jackson Pollock of visionary dog vomit art.
"As for the good news - there is NO FUCKING GOOD NEWS!" Iggy Pop as radio announcer, Hardware
Reposted byAvatar shademar
The heck? Both Esquire and the NYT have put out "best books" lists, and THE FIFTH SEASON is on both! Is there a holiday coming up or something? Anyway, yay! Esquire's is SFF-specific (#4) and the NYT's is this-century specific (#44).
The 75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All See if your favorites made our expanded list.
"Who Wants To Be An Adjunct?"
Reposted byAvatar shademar
Climeworks's Orca facility in Iceland, currently the world's largest direct air capture facility, was designed to remove 4000 tonnes of CO₂ per year. In 2023, it removed just 921 tonnes. That's a time machine that takes us back 0.7 seconds in a year. 🥲
The reality of deploying direct air capture in the This article provides an opportunity to look behind the scenes of Climeworks’ field deployment journey
What's amazing is how DeBears basically transformed those squishy bears into a valuable asset by sheer force of advertising bordering on social engineering. Gummies are one of the most common sugary snacks!
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really been an incredible month for extremely online people convinced whoever they’re talking to is reading their posts
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My Solomonic view is that NYT—perhaps the president’s primary persecutor recently—showed its whole ass with this swiss-cheese Parkinson’s specialist story. It’s blatantly copied from right-wing charlatans, unvetted. And a nimbler White House and campaign would be making it pay dearly for that.
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People are fucking sick of the asshole, bigoted right and are voting them out. Flip statehouses. Flip the House.
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In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
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Reposted byAvatar shademar
in a world with a rising fascist tide this is the only way forward until we can figure out how to turn it around it can be done things don’t have to be as bad as possible
"I am willing to live with a result that is acceptable but not my ideal outcome for the next two years in order to prevent the worst case scenario" is seriously encouraging to see
Make a band more vegetable Beet Puppets
Reposted byAvatar shademar
Sigh. If you type "suggestive bird names" for a joke Google AI suggests things like titmouse, goatsucker, and... the southern fuckbird... which definitely is not a thing.
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Biden passed the most aggressive climate package in US history and probably ever again and I feel like the environmental beat is the only place we’re covering it
And fwiw, on domestic policy, legislative achievement and macro-economic stewardship the former is an argument I have made on our show many many many times.
And the alternative perpetually airs an array of plans that sound like they came from writers of a badly contrived anti-environment cartoon villain. And yet.
Maybe a Madison Madison?