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Theatre tech on Vancouver Island
🐘 @[email protected]
🐦 @shawniganlaker
Wonder if he was so worried about the right that, while less politically desirable, creating a united left would still be a better outcome for him than letting Le Pen et al become further entrenched.
I'm not (can't emphasize enough how much *not*) a Rand fan, but one of the "even worse than" points is being vulture capitalists versus making money by doing or making stuff.
And then go out and try to be even worse people than Rand's uberbizmensch.
Saw this post and thought you were talking about Stargate SG-1.
I will drive all over town (it's not that big) to the independent tool store, Home Hardware, Windsor, and all the dusty cinderblock industrial suppliers, just to avoid that place (and its customers: love hearing couples being Fraught with each other, and getting unsolicited advice from DIY Dads™).
There's an older iMac (IIRC 2016 Pro?) at work that I cherish for the same reasons. Also Apple doesn't make a true replacement any more...
Especially once you get past "what has some fucking dipsh- sorry, esteemed coworker, plugged into it?"
"Now that Point 1 is out of the way, on to Point 2... how do y'all feel about Turks?"
Who knows what's up with him, outside of his staff, but I suspect he's entirely capable of the folders-and-Secretaries-in-the-Oval work, as well as the "President's on the phone for you, Senator" politicking. Just don't expect a tired old man with a stutter to throw down like Eminem.
"He who is the son of Him feels the appropriate way to address unwanted bankers is with a whip." If my atheistical self knows that one, I bet there's a rich seam of less well known elements.
Would it be possible for them to gain *more* support from the evangelicals?
Have to wonder, too, what contingency plans the DC-adjacent National Guard forces have in place now.
If one is being called out by Torvald for being a tool and for being too fond of doing things the hard way... time for some self-reflection.
Reposted byAvatar David
Hi new people ! I'm Chloé, welcome to the party ✨ I draw for videogames but since that's under NDA you'll mostly see lesbians drawings and comics here 🌸
Reposted byAvatar David
If the cops grab you at a protest remember: 1) Ask "am I free to go?" if they say yes, GO. 2) if they say no, say "I am invoking my right to an attorney and my 5th amendment right to remain silent" then SHUT UP. wait for your lawyer.
Give Rushmore and that heinous Confederate one back to the local nations, with a blank cheque for Army Corps of Engineers support to do whatever they'd like to fix the mountains (plus whatever else, too).
And even more specifically, taking over and *changing* it in ways that displace or muffle existing residents / folkways / identity / etc!
TIL! Yes, and whatever else might be hanging about in the harbour. I feel like there's room for a whole range of Healthy™ drinks riffing on cold, salty tea and marine stuff.
Vaguely remember seeing some quotes talking about the presidency as a role much more akin to a CAO than anything really on the top of the heap.
Yes! And I feel like I've seen inflection points for a bunch of them in my lifetime.
Slightly less awful than the domains of the House of Saud, though?
Even Iran would be a better choice!
Seem to remember (but don't recall enough detail to search it) senators independently engaging in foreign policy and treaty-making, and otherwise dabbling in what would today be firmly executive activities.
Not sure about representatives, but wasn't the initial concept of senators also much more independent and powerful than the current arrangement?
Salted and seaweed-infused!
Most North American cities: scrape the asphalt off the trolley tracks, rehang the overhead power, buy some shiny new cars, and get on with it.
Pulse jet drones sound... what's the word... spicy. Like functionally indistinct from an incendiary RPG spicy.
Reposted byAvatar David
What original anything is AI going to create that is more beautiful than this sentient being that calmly disappeared under a layer of pine needles after a clumsy primate almost stepped on it? My 📷 from today’s hike 🐍
Sorry, but Artificial Intelligence (AI) will never create anything remotely as sublime as Natural Selection (NS). My 📷 of a native wildflower from today’s hike.
Going to note that the US party convention voting system is (much like the EC) bewildering to a Canadian. Short form: we don't do delegates.