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Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
the monster that destroyed city hall has stubbed its toe. i'm wishing it a speedy recovery
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
We’re going to see US politicians put out more statements about Trump getting chipped by a piece of glass than 200,000 Palestinians being massacred.
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
I know that this is a long shot, but I'm just wondering if anyone would like to take a joke really seriously in the replies? Tell me that it could never happen or that it's offensive to blind cockatiels or whatever? Thanks in advance x
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
There isn't even any point to making movies like THE BROOD or POSSESSION now, divorced men no longer have to use art as an outlet for all their anger and sorrow, they have the Cybertruck.
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
cntrl+v [overwritten joke that was actually funny three revisions ago]
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Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
"now is not the time for nihilism" my professional life is working on climate resiliency lol we're past that motherfucker
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
let me make this clear: not voting is a vote for trump. voting for a third party is also a vote for trump. you might think voting for biden is safe but no sorry those votes go to trump too. votes for trump himself however get stored in an unused walk in freezer at mar a lago and count toward 2028.
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
It’s unfortunate they put in the constitution that you can only nominate someone for president if they’re either over 80, a convicted felon who paid off a porn star, or have brain worms and a taste for barbecued dog, but that’s the system we’ve got. At least once we elect them they get full impunity
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
Asymptotic Hitler will save democracy
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
You have to vote for 99% Hitler against 100% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.5% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.75% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.875% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.9375% Hitler.
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
One of the worst things about social media is being forced to consume people’s stupid interpersonal drama presented as a Serious Issue.
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
Bought 2 button up shirts to wear when I’m going out because John Fetterman ruined it for us slobs
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
I demand only a 100% authentic silent film viewing experience. That’s why I watch battered nitrate prints in an attic with a cache of fireworks stored under the floor and an out of tune piano banging out Hearts and Flowers. 🤓
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
we are live. tonight every stream viewer will receive a FREE pair of "So Fine" designer jeans
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Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
📚 Attention Readers & Researchers More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers' lawsuit. Have you been affected? Share your story with us and help us fight to restore access. #LetReadersRead 👉
Share Your Story: The Impact of Losing Access to 500,000 The publishers' lawsuit against the Internet Archive (Hachette v. Internet Archive) has resulted in the removal of more than 500,000 books from our lending library, including over 1,300 banned and cha...
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
This is a New York Times op-ed about Netanyahu, suggesting that the U.S. government's patience with him should come to an end. It was published twenty-six years ago.
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
Also we don't know what they looked like; a hippo skeleton on its own doesn't indicate that it would be such a hippo guy. There could have been cute chubby boi dinosaurs that we think were slender because we just have their skellingtons. WHAT IF:
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
Detective Frank Weiner, Private Eye, Sentient Hot Dog
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
I feel like the way to get rid of "AI" is to use every version of it to fake JK Rowling talking about how much she respects trans people, then just sit back and let her billion dollars and litigious rage do the work for you.
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
The Kobayashi Maru for cops is “what if to shoot a dog you had to stop a school shooter”
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
i know there are folks out there who think of my work as some kind of joke or meme and think i will find joy in them putting my name in large language models. i do not. i find it ghoulish and disgusting on level that is almost difficult to quantify. it is existentially abhorrent
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
My daughter’s new boyfriend was in the room next to me while I was yelling about a guys broken cock and I just imagine her saying “yeah, my dads at work”
Reposted byAvatar slickslippy
If you don’t vote for the mass murderer then an even masser murdererer is going to be even more mass murdery. I’m proud to stand with the normal amount of mass murder. Please share widely.