Stephen Judkins

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Stephen Judkins

policy enthusiast and minor internet troll. bête noire of trolleybuses

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I'm a bit skeptical about this "get hedge funds out of housing and families into housing" idea. I mean, what do hedge funds and corporations do with all the housing that they own? Surely it to families? On further inspection, the Jersey City bill appears to just be anti-renter:
He doesn't even mention NATO much when he talks about it to domestic audiences! He talks vastly more about shit like the rightful inheritors of the Byzantine Empire than he does about NATO!
I'm paying much closer attention than you, because it seems pretty obvious that EU-aligned states with EU-derived institutions are doing far better along almost every metric than Russian-aligned ones. Lithuania is far, far better off than Belarus
LMAO, yes, Donald Tusk is vastly better than Aleksandr Lukashenko. And even the relatively shitty previous Polish leadership could at least be voted out because they had liberal, EU-style institutions! Utter clown opinion to say otherwise
The counterfactual to western support isn't likely a quick and bloodless Russian victory but a long, grinding and deadly insurgency. Chechnya didn't get any western weapons and how did that work out for the Chechens?
The democratically demonstrated choice of the people of Ukraine was further economic and institutional integration with Europe AND peace with Russia. If that threatens Russia that is Russia's problem! Zelensky was the somewhat more pro-Russian candidate in 2019 in many ways
No! Russia's motivations were a combination of wanting to preclude Ukraine from joining European economic institutions and Putin's personal predilections. Be smarter! This stuff was in bad faith!
When the initial invasion occurred neither Ukraine nor anyone else had any more diplomatic avenues available than Czechoslovakia had in 1939. Russia was determined to embark on a war of conquest, period. Previous Crimea + Donbas invasions were also Russian escalations
These niche alt-internet platforms always fascinate me. I wonder how many cocaine purchases have been made on Bloomberg terminals
this is incredibly stressful in several ways
Lol the "Trump will do X but the Democrats will do it anyway" is a well-attested subgenre
There's a certain genre of posts on here I'd call "doomer fan fiction"
Yeah I'm not a quality nihilist, I think certain eras genuinely have produced better movies than others, but we've got to remember that there's always been an overwhelming amount of garbage produced
It's much, much harder for many people to admit they've been wrong than it is for them to double down
Interesting, my (amateur) calculations definitely included semi trucks. Would love to see a detailed breakdown with all assumptions, caveats , etc
Probably, hard to say, but for full electrification demand might, like, double during the winter. It's going to be tough
That's probably the one. Still a great story
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Worked this one out myself with data on US VMT, average fuel economy, and normalizing efficiency of a Tesla Model 3 vs a Toyota Corolla. Other people have done more sophisticated modeling with similar results
I have no interest in playing EVE Online but the drama is really fascinating. The thing where someone flew across the world to cut someone's power at the opportune time is delightful
I can’t explain how fucked up it is that Threads created a more hostile atmosphere to the New York Times than we did. Tony the Tiger brand humping website just beat our asses.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
Could be! But apparently some kittens do this regardless
Dropping below pre-COVID numbers is pretty insane. Portland's murder rate is dropping too but is still much higher than 2019. Whatever is happening, good for Baltimore and I hope it continues
(V2G could help but some modeling indicates just shifting charging would yield most of the benefits)