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DO NOT share this code with anyone: Hammurabi’s
Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation
Stolen from - to good not to share 👍
School Principal: Your son encouraged his classmates to storm a faculty meeting to hang the vice principal because he wouldn't change their failing grades to A's. Police officers were seriously injured. Father: Thank Godness! I thought you were going to tell me he slept overnight on a sidewalk.
Chevron famously said, "Judges are not experts in the field, and are not part of either political branch of the Government." Today, Roberts and the other chaos agents on the court say: "Judges are the only experts in any field, and can dictate policy to either political branch of the Gov't"
Whenever Paul from Bluesky likes a post you made it kind of feels like you’re at Pep Boys getting an oil change and it’s actually those three guys from the logo doing the oil change
dropped a cooked macaroni on my phone and it unlocked the fingerprint sensor
Me trying to remember the word "bluegrass"
Google explaining the “glue pizza” search result by stating EXPLICITLY that the wrong answer was given BECAUSE nobody had ever asked that question in the training data tells you that what we have isn’t artificial intelligence. It’s a server that copies, changes slightly, and pastes. Not intelligence
Nobody wants to work anymore because they are all too busy with their jobs
I know it’s very boring but every new political headline in this country emphasizes for me that if we don’t break Citizens United it will break us and we won’t have anything left to repair ourselves with. The corruption is astounding and systemic.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, living under a fascist occupation that purged everyone he loved: The guys in this airport bar are the worst people in the universe
whatever else Bluesky is, nothing about it suggests that it's in imminent danger of being bought and run into the ground by the least funny man who has ever lived
“The revised edition of the book will clarify that standing up to Kim Jung Un was a metaphor for stepping on a baby duck.”
Narrator: There was a little going back.
Like Vampire Weekend? Thank Vampire Unions!
CEO: I’ve never read a book, also a hot dog is a sammich 🤣 Strange man: Excellent musings sir, I’m currently trapped underwater in one of your vehicles (love the car!) and when I tap the unbuckle seatbelt icon it just plays the hampster dance song
The destruction of Boeing's safety culture by executives should be a warning for our government: experience matters, leaders who hate the career experts don't have the capacity to manage the risk they create when they outsource core tasks
Suicide What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane
“I mean any cruise line can offer me Legionnaire’s Disease. What makes YOU special?” “SMALLPOX”
I interviewed Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer on his once-more-revived plan to build Titanic II, a functional and historically accurate replica of the original ship. He now says it will be a “vaccine-free environment.”
Billionaire Says His Long-Delayed ‘Titanic II’ Ship Will Be Antidote to ‘Woke’ Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer has been trying to build 'Titanic II' for 12 years — but construction still hasn't started
I trained my dogs to play poker and it was a mistake. They've taken my life savings. They've taken everything
Most traditional american jobs just don’t exist anymore. No longer can I build a giant object in my yard and charge people to see it. I am not allowed to descend a waterfall in a barrel for a hefty fee. My wagon full of questionable handmade potions has been sanctioned and seized by law enforcement.
is this what they mean by rising murder rates in cities?
I still don't think people are truly prepared for what happens when a corrupt supreme court and a handful of petulant billionaires turn all safety, consumer protection, labor, and environmental protection regulators into the policy equivalent of decorative gourds
Amazon joins SpaceX and Trader Joe's in a bid to declare the NLRB unconstitutional.
“The super rich are just smarter than the rest of us.” THE SUPER RICH: “The space messiah will be named Joe Hamburger!”
Time for my billionaires income tax
End of feed.