duncan donhutz

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duncan donhutz


Rejoice! We have no choice

(Actually a hot girl)
Maybe it's just bc I just had an enormous betrayal from a man I loved for several years and I'm in misandry mode but yeah these allegations have not been 1 iota surprising to me and I'm more surprised that other people are
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
A Left 4 Dead game, except instead of zombies, you're searching for your absent father, called Left 4 Smokes.
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
Going public with an experience like this is life-altering for a woman, so when you read these stories remember both the extraordinary amount of courage involved and also the likelihood that there are many others you’ll never hear.
*can't open a jar of pasta sauce* Mother why did you birth me when you knew all you could promise me was suffering 😔
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
"But we loved with a love that was more than love- I and my Annabel Lee"
The one good thing about anxiety ruining my appetite for weeks on end is now I can fit back into a cute skirt that hasn't fit since college! Woo...?
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
I need to find them
seeing lots of men wearing slutty shorts this summer we’re so back
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
The Pope, who lives in an art museum with a bunch of dudes who've sworn off pussy: does it seem kind of gay in here to you?
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
The 21st century needs to know how based Mark Twain was!
The proceeds from Mark Twain’s first lecture - arguably the origin of standup comedy - were seized by the SFPD to settle “bail debt” from when they had arrested him for reporting on police violence. The show sold out. He knew they would come. He went on anyway. “The Trouble Begins at 8”
We are NOT letting a man make a fool of us during pride month!!
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
Sexting but it's just more and more elaborate ways to describe holding each other.
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
a weighted blanket but it's a woman
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
i think that’s putting it a little harshly. *thomas jefferson* would have preordered a cybertruck. ben franklin would have made fun of him for it, but would himself own a rapidly depreciating model 3. and john adams would drive a 17-year-old honda civic
If you want to understand modern-day America, you have to understand that for almost 250 years we have been putting our Founding Fathers™️ on literal pedestals while refusing to acknowledge the fact that if these men were alive today, they would have certainly preordered a Cybertruck.
(Anxiety worse than in years, destroying my appetite, surviving on smoothies just to get calories) My mom: and how's my beautiful creations daughter today? Me: haha I'm good mama 🥰
Ripley (2024)
nobody ever wants to be my friend after they figure out i’m a deranged sociopath
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
Minion meat is gamey and stringy, their hide is useless and they provide no meaningful labor. Minions are the only animal we breed explicitly to provide memes
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
I have an entire rant with several key points, but the gist is: Send Donald Trump to jail nothing bad will happen. There will be no riots, no demonstrations, nothing that can be done by the system or police or FBI or anyone to stop it. And once it happens, we’ll realize it was never scary.
the powerful: “throwing him in jail might cause a revolution carrying him to a golden throne on a river of populist outrage” very offline normie libs: “someone should shoot that motherfucker”
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
I know that it’s dangerous to hold on too tightly to formative political experiences of your youth. But that said: I just can’t get over how much all of the lessons of the post 9/11 era, War on Terror, Iraq and the protests against same are being just entirely excised from collective memory.
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
We are witnessing a mass psychosis in the media and academia we haven’t seen since the early 2000s based now, like then, on the idea that Muslims lives are worthless. It’s a horror. We should all be horrified.
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Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
Fellas if your last name is at the top of the alphabet be wary of bottom-alphabet women, they only want to marry you so they can rocket to the top of roll calls
Reposted byAvatar duncan donhutz
A summoning of spirits and brethren. There are men in the forest.
Damn, I just know Tucker's out there hurting rn 😞 ✊