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I am the man who stays home and does the dishes.

And how was your day?
Reposted byAvatar Josh
The birria place in my neighborhood advertising that they now serve halal meats is really the best of America in a tiny snapshot.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
Reposted byAvatar Josh
20 years ago the shitposting community was still in its infancy and we didn’t have as many posting techniques yet so we just looked at the same picture of a butthole every day.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
good news everyone, M.I.A. is selling underwear to protect your balls from 5g
Reposted byAvatar Josh
And on the sixth day God made up a guy to get mad at
Sometimes I get stoned and just browse for shows I went to and occasionally say something like “damn, that was a banger.”
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Reposted byAvatar Josh
country songs used to be like "it's funny how i'm drinking myself to death here" and "funny how i work here and always fall in love with guys like him" and now they're all "i own a $95,000 truck" and "i support the US giving material, intelligence and logistical support for the liquidation of gaza"
That phase in your dog’s life where the poop just kind of happens when it happens and you pick it up and move on.
Seems suspicious that there is some kind of forced Creed resurgence just as Pearl Jam is having a bit of a moment. We need to resist this as a culture and if I have to fight Scott Stapp at a Denny’s then so be it.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Incredible abundance of I Frew Up faces/stances from Donald Trump today. I don't know where it goes from here or what it amounts to in the long run but this is a significant contribution to the canon.
Trump has joined Dennis Hastert in yet another exclusive club.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
any night's a good night but this would be a really funny night for trump to die on the toilet
Probably shouldn’t have fucked that porn star while his mail order bride was at home nursing his infant son.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
have a fuckin stroke dude. just let go. let that coronary do its thing bro
Reposted byAvatar Josh
BREAKING: Former president Donald Trump has died in a hail of bullets after lunging for a court security officer’s gun
Reposted byAvatar Josh
There should be one good steaming app and everything else should just be accessed there via a common API or whatever. Why do they all insist on having their own apps?
Reposted byAvatar Josh
“This major league broadcast brought to you by he gets us.” Syntactically one of the weirder things I’ve heard a human being utter.
Realized I can see my Steam Deck better without my glasses. A veil has been lifted from my eyes.
Ben Collins doing the Lord’s work.
NEWS: My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO. We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and will share the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.
The Onion Is Sold by G/O The satirical news website was bought by a new firm in Chicago that took inspiration for its name, Global Tetrahedron, from a book written by The Onion’s staff.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Figured it out thanks
So uh how do we buy The Onion?
Reposted byAvatar Josh
"Imagine if idling your car produced solved sudokus you could trade for heroin" THE PROPHECY IS FULFILLED
Big takeaway from the Tesla earnings call is that Elon doesn't want to do anything to shore up sales, because he'd rather try to use the idle GPUs in parked Teslas as a distributed AI supercomputer... which doesn't make sense, but even if it did, it would still be stealing from your customers.
Someone I work with had no idea what I meant when I referred to a band as “grunge” because I am 100 goddamn years old.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
me when i understand words and concepts
Reposted byAvatar Josh
I have always believed the Puritans weren’t persecuted, they were just miserable assholes who wanted to eliminate joy and were wisely driven out by everyone that could manage it
They had to come to America because no one in Europe could stand them. It always gets spun as religious persecution, but what if they were just jerks?