Matt Baldwin

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Matt Baldwin

Writer, photographer, cyclist, naturalist, martial artist, tall ship sailor. Apparently when I was a kid I heard the phrase “jack of all trades” and it stuck. Mestizo. He/him, single. San Diego, CA.
Live shot of the voice in my head repeating, “two months ‘til vacation, two months ‘til vacation” over and over again.
Don't mind me, just looking at the state of things and muttering "two months 'til vacation, two months 'til vacation" to myself over and over.
And not mutually exclusive when it comes to publishing something like this, either.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
The NYT Parkinson's "scoop" is even worse than it seems from the headline, bc buried in paragraph 11 the reporters *know* Dr. Connard met with someone other than Biden, and on March 28, 2024 the President's Public Schedule shows Biden was in NYC the whole day
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
Seeing so much of our fourth estate metastasize into Fox News in real time sure is depressing!
I'm genuinely aghast. And good for Jean-Pierre for standing her ground and saying outright that that behavior was unprofessional and unacceptable.
He signed a bill addressing Parkinson's into law last week, you shits. So maybe consulting an actual expert on the subject while the bill was being drafted was just performing basic due diligence, something you are apparently no longer capable of doing?
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
Aside from Jamelle Bouie there really is no discernible difference between the NYT and Fox News these days, is there?
Watching the White House press conference on PBS over lunch and members of the press corps are almost screaming at the press secretary over this, way to go NYT.
It is very strange to see a feminist writer of your pedigree & platform deny a woman's autonomy like this. Lawful-Sanders says in the article that she herself chose to accept the questions as part of the interview, which she did not have to do. The administration didn't fire her.
There certainly have been numerous times where he's been on ad hoc Avengers/Defenders/etc. etc. lineups and basically been, "why am I even here, the rest of you people can destroy whole cities?"
Samurai in Japan would do similar. It wouldn't surprise me if there were similar anecdotes from China at the time, either.
This was literally the case with that Cannonball v Gladiator conflict early. Gladiator's about to hit Sam with a killing blow and in a blind panic he uses his blast field to redirect the force of it back, nearly knocking Gladiator unconscious. Both of them are like, "WTF was that???"
"Squirrel Girl defeats Dr. Doom by mobbing him with squirrels" is my favorite example of this. Probably followed by, "rookie X-man Cannonball defeats alien Shi'ar superman Gladiator, to the complete surprise of them both"
As a side note, it is also strange to see a feminist writer of Marcotte's level completely denying a woman's autonomy like this, even though the fired host in question makes it clear in the cited article that this was her decision.
whoa whoa whoa hold up there, Don Quixote
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
A good reminder. I don't know if Biden's mental state is a serious cause for concern or not, but we're seeing *exactly* the same playbook that was used on Clinton, down to the "allies are concerned" articles. And Clinton is *still* doing fine.
This is how they did it last time.
Just realized that their positioning here makes it look like Dallas's left hand is on Ripley's ass.
Ah, missed that one entirely, thanks.
Westeros's version of a Robin Hood story, functionally.
Wait, would the author in questions initials be "JB"?
That was around the time that I tapped out of superhero comics overall, so I didn't follow the entire run; I think I was mostly just reading Mike Carey's X-book until he moved on.
A prequel/side-story about Aegon Targaryen (one of them) having adventures as a sellsword with his friend Duncan when they were both young men. Think the Arya/the Hound or Bron/Jaime road-trip stuff from GoT, but they don't hate each other.
Kidron Gillen’s first stint on an X title at the time as well, if I recall correctly.
*Kieron, stupid thick thumbs
Back in my pre-vegetarian days, cold fried chicken for breakfast was a wonderful indulgence.
I guess, but man, calling GWB “good on immigration” even in a vacuum is wild, and completely counterfactual. Like saying Reagan was concerned about the AIDS crisis.
UPDATE: a number of them decided to go mask-off on here this weekend and are now saying that.
Boy that sure was a fun weekend of watching panicked white people saying VP Kamala Harris couldn't be the presidential candidate if Biden stepped down because she's black without *actually* saying that.
Oh, so you’ve managed to make it this far in life while being completely ignorant of the last 60 years’ worth of both Civil Rights history and electoral trends, how sad for you.