The Achiever formerly known as Karl

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The Achiever formerly known as Karl

I probably muted the thread.
Yeah, I don’t think it’s going to be her. I did think she had a shot until her book. Even people who want to throw immigrants in camps love their pets. That said…who knows?
might be the worst ratio i've ever seen on bsky
One doesn’t have to be a constitutional scholar to see that the judiciary is usurping power from the other two branches. It’s simply impossible for any lege, even a functional one, to anticipate every nuance and set of facts and craft an unambiguous law for every situation.
"Now that federal judges are the only ones 'qualified' to interpret the governing statutes, we're already seeing conservative jurists deploying junk science & hot takes to get to their preferred conclusion while ignoring the expertise of agency employees" --
The destruction of the regulatory state is already The post-Chevron world is here.
yeah, i was just watching it and it made me go hunt for my alicia keys. love that song. whatever else is happening w/ that man, we need to save his impresario
ignoring the rest of his antics, i gotta say jay-z was an inspired choice. that's a catchy tune.
Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background
That’s what I get for assuming it was about another doping scandal.
this clusterfuck is at least 50% the fault of the campaign. smoke>fire
yeah, I can see how that narrative would take hold. not sure if there's a superlative strong enough to describe all the ink spilled about trump. he's a known quantity. i have a hard time believing even one person gets swayed from trump to biden or vice versa.
I had to stop drinking around age 40 because of this. I was never a big drinker, but once I hit 40 two drinks would wreck my world. Good news is I now need reading glasses and occasionally still get acne.
sure, but at least it's a problem that the campaign has control of. like many stories it's perennial, but it is, in fact, news. the times deserves our opprobrium, but i'm not sure the media writ large does.
is it kismet or serendipity?
A cool pattern is: - media covers a thing that hasn’t gotten much attention - something elevates that thing in prominence - people now paying attention complain that the media isn’t covering it
The NYT is definitely making some odd editorial choices. And reporters are just as lazy as we are. If they can run the same story, with additional sourcing, they will. The story or peg I would go with is lack of message discipline in the Biden campaign.
The NYT is definitely making some odd editorial choices. And reporters are just as lazy as we are. If they can run the same story, with additional sourcing, they will. The story or peg I would go with is lack of message discipline in the Biden campaign.
To some extent this is true. The media does influence coverage, but they also have to react to outside influences. It's not 100% on "The Media."
Who here is ready for another week of "biden v harris v whoeverthefuck?!!" Exciting, isn't it? I know I'm jazzed.
Either one of the episodes of The Wire or Breaking Bad, although in the former case I can’t narrow it down to a single episode right this moment.
It would be funny as hell to have them cover the S Korean leg. They could give stats like we do for boxers. Reach, weight, age, etc.
Arkansas is one of the most beautiful places on this planet. West Virginia gets close but of the 80+ countries and 30+ states I’ve visited Arkansas beats them all in natural beauty.
Facebook reminds me I haven’t been back home in a few years. Need to fix that soon.
Looks like a barred owl. She’s impressive. Gorgeous.
Side note: why does it use estimates for SLS and Antares? Have they realized those numbers yet?