Neighborhood civility patrol, bark

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Neighborhood civility patrol, bark

What a time to be alive...
Walk the good boy. Read the history of anything. Write SFF for fun. Play D&D for the kids. Try a new board or war game. Make time for TOTK and running and homebrewing. BBQ over charcoal and grill over gas.
Go Navy.
Unironically put this post on ads in swing states
there are many reasons we need to win in the fall, but one of them is that i simply am not going to abide by letting both the brits and the french lecture us
Congrats to other country’s liberal coalitions for ever being able to get their shit in gear tell us what that’s like
Breaking news: The first projections after polls closed in France’s legislative election put a leftist alliance in the lead, as the populist, anti-immigration far right falls behind and performs far below expectations.
France election live updates: Left-wing bloc leads in results The populist, anti-immigration National Rally party had been hoping to install France’s first far-right government since World War II, with 28-year-old Jordan Bardella as prime minister.
I feel like Michigan can do the funniest possible thing right now and join the NPVIC, giving their Electoral College votes to the popular vote winner.
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
You know what, I’m to the point where I’m just going to enjoy the holiday and the weekend, and not pay attention to the news or commentary until Monday. It’s exhausting.
Happy Independence Day! This day seven years ago there was a minor controversy as Trump fans angrily denounced large portions of the Declaration of Independence because they thought it was anti-Trump propaganda. It was! We should have taken their response as a sign of how bad things were!
occurs to me that bribing the president is now /always/ legal, since in every case the only way to distinguish gratuity from bribe is via evidence that could never be admissible
Anyhow the best time to address the shit was yesterday, the 2nd best time is today. Demand everyone asking for your vote to support packing the court, stop giving your resources to the police, demand public housing, healthcare, childcare, education, transit, food support and a right to privacy.
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
This is also why so many actual veterans who are women and non-white report getting regularly questioned about if they “really served” when they try to use the benefits they’re entitled to. GOP voter’s performative worship of veterans is very often predicated on those vets being the “right kind.”
a lot of people whose main familiarity with the military is what they see on CBS dramas think that service members are all square-jawed iowa farm boys
If you could communicate to vets that Republicans promise to take their disability pay out of their pensions, Biden would win their votes by a landslide
GOP’s manifesto 2025 is telling all vets they’re expendable.
what’s really going to be wild is if we ditch a sitting president for the second time in history based on a fullbore media and social media freakout and then everyone goes back to claiming media narratives don’t matter in politics
I kinda feel like now that the Supreme Court has declared it legal for a president to straight-up murder people they don't like, it's probably even more important to not elect people who seem extremely inclined to murder people they don't like
if biden manages to win a second term, the whole party should freeze the fucking paper out at every level
along similar lines, has anyone actually explained *why* the seal team six hypo is ruled out by the majority opinion? all I've seen is right-leaning law profs mocking everyone who raises the issue. but nobody has explained why a president wouldn't be immune for assassinating a rival
Checking on prominent originalists on the other site, I can't find one who has criticized yesterday's anti-textualist immunity opinion. All have tweeted on other topics. Here are the reactions: Mocks dissent: Barnett Silence: Baude, Green, McGinnis, Rappaport, Sachs, Whittington
I want everyone to think about what Trump will do with explicit absolute immunity from prosecution and the full power of the presidency of the United States of America those are the stakes in November, full stop
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
Ought to pound this every hour, every day right alongside Dobbs. Biden's age is nothing compared to the lawless Supreme Court trying to make criminals of pregnant women while offering a rapist free rein. Any Democratic commentator who thinks otherwise needs to hit the showers.
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs:
Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.
Biden, more than ever, needs to run ads educating the public on everything the Trump court is doing. And that Trump, not Biden, is responsible. Because some Americans still think it's Biden's fault. Dobbs, Presidential Immunity, Chevron, etc. Show the scorched earth they're gonna make happen.
17% of Voters Blame Biden for the End of The mistaken belief, in a new poll, shows how even as abortion is mobilizing Democrats, confusion over the issue is also a challenge.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
the thing is, it's cold comfort, but i think the majority on this court is deathly afraid of what almost every republican legislator (and a growing number of republican governors) are deathly afraid of, which is that they are outnumbered, perhaps fatally
roberts’ reasoning is fundamentally (lower-case “r”) anti-republican. i know we dunk on the framers here but roberts has issued a rebuke of the revolutionary assumption that concentrated, unaccountable power is a fundamental threat to liberty.
It's just hilariously disingenuous. Imagine looking at, say, ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY and concluding that the biggest threat to liberty isn't abuse of power, but powerful people refraining from sufficiently wielding their authority out of fear that they might one day be held accountable.
Happy Steve Bannon Goes to Prison Day for all those who celebrate
The reason pundits like the contested convention thing is that it plays to their vanities: what if the smart people made a meritocratic decision about who’s best? This is driven, in part, by being mostly isolated from negative reactions to their opinions over the years.
Could we please start funding the humanities again? It's not just that we're losing the ability to read, we're losing the understanding of what reading even is
i think donald trump should withdraw from the presidential race, for the good of the country