The Classic Plumber's Lament

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The Classic Plumber's Lament

Guy with various music projects. Love cats and metal.
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
Individuals who received the $1,000/mo or $500/mo payments were more likely to find a stable, full-time job than before they received the basic income. Results showed 45% of participants secured housing, while $589,214 was saved in public service costs. "It's freedom. It's freedom from poverty..."
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
As we approach Juneteenth, 89% of the House GOP voted this week to restore a statue depicting “an enslaved Black ‘mammy’ holding the infant child of a White [confederate] officer, as an enslaved Black man follows the officer off to war”
Analysis | Republicans embrace a Confederate symbol, after years of The House vote to restore the Confederate Memorial to Arlington National Cemetery failed, but not before it got a lot more GOP support —about 89 percent — than similar recent votes.
Parents are sending their kids to Chick-fil-A's "summer camp." But do they know that Chick-fil-A has exploited hundred of child laborers as young as 14? Or that child poultry workers at a factory Chick-fil-A contracts with died on the job last month?
Summer camp at Why are parents paying for their kids to learn fast-food work?
RIP the Gaza aid pier. It didn't last long, it didn't accomplish anything, and it was always just a PR stunt to pull attention away from the government's support of a genocide, but at least it cost more money than the federal government spends on addiction treatment programs
Reposting because this story is so wild: A scientist for the company that created Scotch Tape & Post-its discovered its toxic chemicals in human blood in the ‘90s. Despite findings showing widespread contamination, her research was stopped by executives who kept the information secret
Toxic Gaslighting: How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Decades ago, Kris Hansen showed 3M that its PFAS chemicals were in people’s bodies. Her bosses halted her work. As the EPA now forces the removal of the chemicals from drinking water, she wrestles wit...
When’s the last time anti-war protesters on US college campuses were not vindicated by history.
The masks are off. Moms For Liberty just wants to get rid of school libraries now. “Just get rid of the libraries, convert the space to a classroom & fire the media specialists since children could go to the public library or have their parents order the books.”
School Board keeps just one book in marathon Julia Thomas of Moms for Liberty had a smile on her face after the five-hour special School Board meeting May 7.
the Adams administration lied and the media ran with it the NYPD now admits there was no “wife of a terrorist” at the Columbia protests after the Mayor used this as cover to assault student protesters last night
if you are going to post obvious propaganda from Mayor Eric Adams’ administration and then delete it hours after everyone called you out, you owe it to your audience as a supposed journalist to explain exactly what happened here
Cops are being sent to attack students because they're threatening to expose the whole system. They threaten to show how colleges are hedge funds and our government is an arms dealer. They threaten to expose a system that puts profit over life itself.
Student protests are exposing our whole They threaten the power structure — that's why they're under attack
ATTN NEW YORKERS The NY Public Library has a plea out for signatures to push the city not to cut their budget and force them to reduce collections, end services, reduce maintenance, and close 2 days a week. It takes mere seconds to sign. They need 50,000. Pleas sign and SHARE WIDELY
my god the number of people who are like, "lets not jump to conclusions about the mass graves of hospital patients and children who show signs of being bound and tortured that were found after the IDF withdrew from occupying these hospitals, those people might have died from normal reasons or Hamas"
The World’s Most Moral Mass Grave at Nasser Hospital is now 3 separate mass graves with nearly 400 bodies uncovered. The bodies include patients and children. Many are mutilated. Many show evidence of torture. Some show evidence of being buried alive.
So the co-creator of Space Ghost and one of the guys who basically helped invent Adult Swim today works as a delivery driver for Amazon. I'm referring to Andy Merrill (voice of Brak, who put together the SG pilot in a storage closet at Turner) who apparently got extremely screwed in the deal.
the mythology of 'private sector is more efficient because that's how they make profit' is as silly as American Exceptionalism lol private sector don't want to be efficient, they want inefficient monopolies they can extract rent from with minimal effort, that is literally the goal of all business
When you combine this with the push to end birthright citizenship and start mass deportations it's hard not to see what they're actually up to. It's not about a "redundant" effort to ban non-citizens from voting as much as an effort to redefine who is a "non-citizen"
This is the white nationalist great replacement theory at work. Might as well be carrying tiki torches chanting "you will not replace us. Jews will not replace us" - same thing: Trump and Mike Johnson push for redundant ban on non-citizens voting
Trump and Mike Johnson push for redundant ban on non-citizens Planned bill to ban already illegal practice is latest Republican step to spread falsehoods about immigration and voter fraud
Columbia, Stanford, Vanderbilt, Michigan: every one of these schools and more are attacking their own students for supporting Palestine. They're calling riot cops, expelling kids, and restricting free speech. But there's been no Congressional hearing.
Colleges are attacking students for supporting Jack Petocz, a 19-year-old student at Vanderbilt University, is among multiple students who have just been expelled from school, while others have been suspended. Their offense? Protesting for Palesti...
After the Civil War, white supremacists used felony disenfranchisement to suppress the Black vote and cemented it in Mississippi's 1890 constitution This week, a bill that would reinstate voting rights for thousands convicted of nonviolent offenses died in the State senate
How Mississippi’s Jim Crow Laws Still Haunt Black Voters After the U.S. Civil War, white supremacists used felony disenfranchisement to suppress the Black vote. Even now, restoring rights has hit a roadblock.
I wrote about Anthony Goulding, the 82 year-old man who lit himself on fire rather than be evicted alongside his wife with Parkinson’s. His actions reveal the extreme violence of evictions, our for-profit housing system, and capitalism as a whole.
Who decides what violence is? I just saw something I never thought I’d see. Warning, it’s graphic and tragic beyond belief. It was a video of a man self-immolating as Oklahoma County sheriff's deputies tried to evict him and his w...