The Alleywitch 🔞

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The Alleywitch 🔞

Nonbinary divination nerd, energy worker, and maker of artsy vision boards. AuDHD spoonie. Bi and polyamorous. Suburban cryptid. They/them.
I don’t think most people realize how much scientific research is done by non-American citizens either. Roughly 70% of postdoc researchers are here on a visa. They mean all of those people, too.
This should horrify every decent American. Remember they mean deporting millions of Dreamers, farmworkers, long-settled immigrants who have contributed to our nation for decades. Businesses will suffer and families would be separated from coast to coast. Our neighbors, our coworkers, our loved ones.
Sticker M*le is doxxing customers who objected to their vocal and financial support of Tr*mp.
The problem with "where have you been" responses to people's rising political concerns is that we should be encouraging people to become politically active rather than scolding them upon their arrival.
NYT's immigration beat reporter examined Trump's plan for mass deporation thru the lens that policies and rules and courts matter The people she interviewed are in that same bubble They don't Trump and Miller aren't going to follow laws. They intend to wreak havoc and expect no one to stop them
Change in Headline
‘somewhere around 4% of violence was attributable to mental illness, which meant if you could get rid of all the violence that was caused by or related to mental illness, we’d still be left with 96% of the violence in this country.’
GOP blaming mental illness for gun violence is counterproductive and cruel, say experts | US news | The Dr Paul Appelbaum, a psychiatrist, challenges assumptions about the connections between mental health and violence risk
Sticker Mule is both A) A more expensive option and B) Run by a trophy-hunting, Trump-worshiping Qultist. You have other options! Check this spreadsheet! (And while we're at it: ditch U-LINE. Also unfathomably awful people.)
all I had to do was click on one sticker ad on IG and suddenly my feed was full of other sticker ads. I clicked on them all and did the math for you. The best small-run samples pricing is at SlapCo; best overall pricing is at Sticker Cyborg or Sticker OG Factory.
Sticker Sticker Pricing Sticker Size/Type,Qty, Price , Price Ea. StickerMule,3 x 3 (Samples),10, $ 9.00 , $ 0.90 StickerMule,3 x 3 (Typical Vinyl),100, $ 94.00 , $ 0.94 StickerMule,3 x 3 (Typical Vinyl),2...
One of Meta’s policy directors is a Project 2025 author.
Remember when Dorsey, Zuckerberg and Pichai were repeatedly hauled before Congress over allegations of liberal bias? Now we have a major social platform solely controlled by one of Trump's biggest backers. I wrote about what it means for X and the election.
Analysis | What Musk’s Trump support means for Conservatives long accused Twitter of liberal bias. What happens now that its owner openly backs Trump?
It won't start with incarceration. It will start with losing access to banking. With anything you do labelled 'trafficking'. It will all be legal. We said this. We said this.
For those freaking out about Project 2025 now and how the word pornography will be weaponised to silence and imprison people, spare half a thought for the sex workers who have been ringing the alarm bell on this for decades.
The Peculiarity Shop's autumn model is Pebbles.
She always does
did you know? find a grave specifically stated they want people to abbreviate their name as "FG" because otherwise you get messages like this
If you ever want to understand why the privacy rationale for abortion and contraception is more important and vital than ever, this is it.
JD Vance opposes the Biden Admin rule barring law enforcement from having access to your medical records about reproductive health (menstrual cycles, endometriosis, miscarriages, pregnancy, etc.) so that state laws limiting abortion and/or contraception can be enforced against you!
JD Vance, Menstrual Surveillance This Spring HHS finalized new regulations under HIPAA to limit law enforcement...
the purpose of terms like “birthing parent” or “people with uteruses” is not to erase femininity. it is to make sure that doctors are not reducing humans to their organs & reproductive capacity. some cis women do not have uteruses! it is sexist to assume all cis women even want to get pregnant!
If you get covid, test every day after you test negative to catch the rebound. I was neg for days then got a whisper of a pos line. I started avoiding people, and in 18 hours I got sick and turned big positive. Everyone I know who got this variant has rebounded from 3 to 11 days afterwards.
we should publish a 925 page rebuttal to project 2025 that includes policies like legalizing molly, mandating eating ass, and a three day work week. we’ll put 100 justices on the supreme court and liquidate private equity firms. really hit the gas on moving the overton window. ban pickleball too.
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
not an original observation by far, but: one of the most useful things about project 2025 for the left is it's a way to organize people against Christian nationalism, and beyond this election, because they are not going anywhere
literally what happens to us if the consensus and law becomes "gender-affirming care doesn't work"
NYT Headline: Let's Exterminate all the trannies. BlueSky lefties: I think the trans women mad about the calls for their deaths are the real problem.
Let me reiterate that last part. It was said, by one of the Florida board of medicine seats, that trans *adults* should not be allowed to make decisions about *any* aspect of their health care. Not just trans care. Any care at all. Adults to be stripped of medical autonomy. That's *genocide*
My favorite part of this is how it first says that large employers can only dissolve these non-organizations for cause where cause is defined as: "the independent business judgment of the board of directors of the business of the large employer"
Not a populist: GOP VP candidate J.D. Vance introduced the Team Act (with Marco Rubio) to empower companies to establish and dissolve “employee involvement organizations” (a.k.a., company unions), a long-standing goal of GOP business leaders:
I don't think it's possible to overstate how insidious it is that these are organizations which, for many communities, are the only available social services.
I'm working on policy proposals to protect consumer rights when companies brick smart devices. So please share devices that you've owned that stopped working because the company that made it killed software support or went out of business. Also, please share this request. Thank you.
I am begging the scientific community to watch one(1) sci-fi horror movie.
I am begging people to block and report transphobes and racists instead of screenshotting them and showing them off to everyone like a weird bug they found by the roadside.
I was just thinking this earlier. The blocklists are all gone, and people have stopped blocking the bigots themselves, and just gone back to replying to them instead, putting them onto their followers’ skylines.
The core issue is the business mantra of "endless growth" — on any siginifcant timeline, any company you don't directly control will (at the very least) ATTEMPT to screw you over for you art.
Cannot emphasize enough, never do work for “exposure.” Not only is your time worth something, but if the company is making money, you should be making money, too.
I can’t believe I have to say this: But white people can be anti-Black even if they have the right politics or a marginalized identity, and no amount of either makes racism ok. I am not going to waver on that. Maybe ask why anyone would want me to.
im gonna keep it real with yall id really prefer a queen who is beautiful and terrible as the dawn over a dark lord. like thats just an improvement to me. but yeah i mean sure keep hanging with that sauron guy tho like idc u do u
As someone who went to journalism school, and was trained specifically in running a newsroom, US media conglomerates have enabled the erosion of our civil rights, the circulation of intolerance, and the normalization of oppressive ideologies. We have a moral responsibility to point this out.
As a semi-former journalist who went to journalism school and is friends with lots of journalists and defended US journalism for a very long time: US big-media political journalism absolutely HAS gone down a shameful, disgusting road, and saying that isn’t an illiberal act.