So how do we sneak a pod of orcas into Milwaukee rn?
Behind the Joke Wall on the set of "Laugh-In"
Wow. Can't imagine how upset he'll be when he hears what the author of Hillbilly Elegy has said about his new boss.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Project 2025 raises taxes on a family of four with two parents earning a combined $100,000 by $2,600, in order to fund a tax cut of over three times their combined income for someone earning $5m.
I think if you want a polling bump after an assassination attempt, you do have to live your life in such a way that most of the country hasn’t spent the last 10 years hoping for your death.
this viral ad campaign for Twisters is wild
I did not have "US vice presidential candidate says daylight savings makes your balls not work properly" on my 2024 bingo card, but the way things are that is starting to feel like a failing on my part.
There should be a guy like the milk man of old who comes and seamlessly refills a little beer cooler on your back porch
I just learned that in its 48 years, the Seattle Mariners have had as many ruptured testicles (5) as playoff appearances.
13yo and I are amusing ourselves at breakfast by looking up “raccoon” on google translate and seeing how many languages were like “yup, that’s a bear doing its laundry” - German: Waschbär (washbear) - Danish: vaskebjørn (wash bear) - Bulgarian: миеща мечка (washing machine bear)
"Where are you going, Dad?" "I'm going to get twizzlers. I need twizzlers very badly right now." "Can I come with you?" "Sure!" "This is what it's like to be an adult." "That's right. You can go get twizzlers anytime you want. It's awesome."
One week til I’m on vacation and the news is acting like I’m a cop just days away from retirement in an 80s action movie
if you support unfettered access to ARs for everyone you shouldn't get to complain when one is misused
"A group of D.C journalists who worked at a local news site that was abruptly shuttered by NPR affiliate WAMU earlier this year are launching their own nonprofit devoted to covering community news of Washington...It will be operated as a worker-run newsroom"
Former DCist staff launch the 51st, new local news site for The 51st is a worker-run newsroom that will attempt to fill a niche its founders say opened when WAMU closed DCist.
me: there's a bit in hillbilly elegy where he spits out sparkling water because he doesn't know it will be carbonated my husband, sympathetically: i've known some dogs that do that
TWISTER is such a great movie. The good storm chasers have sensors that are balls, which are round and wholesome, and the bad storm chasers have sensors that are cubes, the most evil shape.
timeline cleanse
i remember looking up movie times in the newspaper
I shit you not. There used to be a phone number you could call to get the time and temperature
nailed it
AI company: we trained this dog to talk. It doesn’t actually understand language, but it kinda sounds like it’s having a conversation by mimicking the sound of human speech. CEO: awesome, I’ve fired my entire staff, how quickly can it start diagnosing medical disorders
If you wanna know why JD Vance sucks ass there is no better place to start.
Two grads from the Phi-Geo reserach group are up next in Philosophy of Paleosciences online summer series: Tomorrow: Next week: #philsci #phigeo #hpbio
a woman approached me at the coffee shop this morning and asked me what year it was, really hoped I was meeting a time traveler but unfortunately she was trying to talk to me about jesus
Love hearing the syncopated cascade of cheers from all directions around my neighbourhood as people’s various different broadband speeds show them England scoring
Illyana ruins yet another dinner party by accidentally bringing Baba Yaga instead of Baba Ghanoush.