Aaron Lord 🎻

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Aaron Lord 🎻


.NET developer in Northern California • former worship leader now exvangelical • player of Irish traditional music 🎻• INTJ • he/him
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I mean, Trump rambles on about sharks, batteries, and racism -- and was twice impeached and convicted of 34 felonies -- yet very few are asking him to drop out. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Joe Biden just had an 18 minute rally speech and if we can normalize that length maybe he can stay in.
an entire movement of wicked people who celebrate wickedness
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
“Electing the Democratic presidential candidate this fall—who, we have every reason to believe, will still be Joe Biden—is the only way to prevent the rise of a corporate-Christian American dictatorship with the criminal Trump at its head, his every whim rubber-stamped by an illegitimate SCOTUS”
None of those dudes use walkers. But disabled people do. Maybe we should think more carefully about how we represent disability technologies, esp when framed as the only image next to the words "No way to run a country."
A lot of ableism isn't deliberate: that makes it more pernicious! A walker is representing being at lower faculty, by your description. I tweeted this on the other site: "The way walkers are used in media/culture is truly revolting -- & this rep prevents ppl from using what is a useful tool."
Using the walker on the magazine cover is not deliberately ableist. And at some point people are going to have to learn discernment and how to view creative media within the context it’s presented. The walker on the cover is to the point of an elderly person no longer being at full faculty.
those arguing that taylor swift can't be a role model because she is an unmarried and childless woman at 34 are doing a great job of arguing that children need more women role models who are unmarried and childless at 34
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
Totally. But they are the minority, and everyone needs to not lose sight of that. Folks regularly talk of them as the "real Americans", but folks need to remember it is ours too, we outnumber them, and the future is ours for the taking.
Please help me see how because I am a very worried mom rn.
Why do we celebrate entrepreneurs for chasing passive income but condemn the idea of universal basic passive income as making people lazy? Both strategies aim for financial security without daily work. Let's normalize a financial floor for everyone, not just the investment-savvy with enough capital.
Vox and Newsweek finally covering the Trump abusing 13 year old story -checks- on a massive weekend holiday while CNN is still doing the chicken little panic attack on biden
“Guy literally went to Epstein Island” “I know he did some rapes but Biden is old”
I think it’s telling that if you search “Trump AND rape” on the New York Times website you don’t get a single article mentioning the E. Jean Carroll case but if you search “Biden AND old” you get 18,026 hits.
latest trump child rape accusation is uh pretty fucking bad and also not surprising
people who actually get news from normal news sources and not social media, how much coverage has the new trump/epstein stuff gotten?
The supreme court’s ruling is literally in Trump Pocket. Fuck this Countries rulers. If we can’t hold presidents accountable for their own side actions. Then there is no such thing as Democracy in this Country. It’s a lie.
Apart from all the rest, just tossing it out there that in the four years that followed LBJ withdrawing, Nixon appointed *four* supreme court justices
FACT CHECK Trump: “Biden is a very bad Palestinian.” TRUE: Biden is far too alive to be a Palestinian.
folks gonna miss this from just the headline, but someone should point it out: the lack of live fact-checking by the moderators *was part of the agreement* by the campaigns. It's not just that CNN /didn't/ live fact check it. It's that they /weren't allowed to/.
Earlier this week, CNN's political director David Chalian said a debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise." Moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that model Thursday night, despite multiple falsehoods claimed during the debate.
CNN debate moderators didn’t fact-check. Not everyone is happy about it.www.washingtonpost.com CNN’s political director said earlier a presidential debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise.” Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that.
The talk on bsky.app this morning is about who to replace Biden with, while Mastodon is like, wtf is wrong with you NYT? And praising Philadelphia Inquirer for calling Trump a felon.
I wrote to the Tractor Supply board today. Here is what I sent. Even if you've only ever bought one thing there, I encourage you to write, as a customer.
Fuck. This one's going to sting, but add another company to our boycott list. x.com/TractorSuppl...
It's not rocket science, or even politics, it's basic math Basic income is proven to reduce the costs of healthcare and crime When people have their basic needs met they get the breathing room they need to become the best version of themselves We need to take care of everyone
It's nuts, let's try making sure everyone has their basic needs met instead, maybe? Then they won't have to do crimes in the first place and we'll be able to cut police and prison services and save billions, all while helping people have a better life 🤷‍♀️
Are DMs truly private here or is it like ActivityPub where things go haywire if you mention a 3rd party?
Check out autistic communities online. Formal diagnosis is questionable, expensive, and — it turns out — not particularly necessary! Being autistic is a lot more like being gay than it is like being sick. It’s just how you are. See this subreddit for support: reddit.com/r/autismTranslated
Of all the essays I've published on The Bugbear Dispatch, this one might just be closest to my heart. And that's why I'm reposting it now, as a free post, in time for Easter. If you like it and can afford to, please become a paid subscriber. Thanks! www.bugbeardispatch.com/p/easter-rep...
Easter Repost: Face it, Some of Jesus's Teachings are Harmfulwww.bugbeardispatch.com Exposing the Dark Side of the Gospels