
The Moderate Centrist Brain™️ is fascinating to behold. Zero historical knowledge or political understanding. Just pure vibes and dogshit takes.
This is what I don’t understand about American politics. It feels like Democrats fight like hell over a very small sliver of the voter demographics who mostly don’t like them anyways, and completely ignore a much larger pool of voters who would be an easier sell.
I feel like the most obvious answer to this one is “capitalism” but it doesn’t really explain to me why the Dems don’t at least just *lie* to appeal to the left.
CA Gov Newsom is pretty much already doing what you suggest. He says he supports universal guaranteed healthcare but arranges for any bill for it to be strangled in committee in the legislature. He says he supports green energy but CA is strangely the only state without a fossil fuel extraction tax.
He does and just like trump it freaks me out that everyone doesn’t immediately feel innate aversion to him
the way the legislature made a big show of sending all those single-payer bills to Schwarzenegger to veto, just to abruptly stop once Newsom took office 🤬
I’m so sick of that shit Ds love doing it when they don’t have both houses of congress too you can just feel them playing in your face assuming that we’re not able to add one plus zero
Actually there was a single-payer bill this year called CalCare that went through the legislative process til it was killed in committee. It was not especially well reported on by major media outlets here.
I share the visceral hate.
Because that would scare off corporate sponsors. It makes more sense when you realize the DNC isn't a non-profit.
If the US had any authentic leftist organization / threat from the left the Democrats might do that, but since the state mechanisms to suppress the left are so fucking effective there's no sustained threat from that quarter and so Dem efforts at this pretense are at best half-hearted.
They don't want to win.
Because the party leadership knows anybody to the left of them will not vote Republican, so they feel free to abuse us, because they assume we'll always come crawling back
Not really what goes thru anybody’s heads. Contra that, the furthest left voters are considered *unreliable*.
I think it’s because the chart looks closer to this. I wish it didn’t but if 17% of the country were leftists I think we’d be more of a vital constituency rather than a nice but unreliable pick up.
Yeah that could explain it. I might dig into that a bit though out of my own curiosity, it feels a bit weird that “progressive” is as far left as it goes but could be a methodology thing I guess?
That is a possibility but I think that’s probably just condensing all the leftists, left wing populists, democratic socialists, and then your further left ideologies all into one sliver that just seems bigger because we’re all in an information silo.
holy shit this is the most accurate fucking depiction I've seen
I am a socialist in that leftmost block, became a Biden supporter because he delivered BIG on several of my top priorities. In return, leftists gave him even worse poll numbers. So I think the answer to "why don't Dems try" is because "we don't reward them when they do so why would they?"
Like if you told me in 2019 that Joe fucking Biden of all people would deliver gamechanging investment in climate action, pull US troops out of Afghanistan, and turn the NLRB into a radical pro-union shop that passed the most vicious anti-strikebreaking rules since FDR, I'd have laughed. But he did!
Because Senate apportionment, House gerrymandering, and state constitutions first written during eras of slavery and Jim Crow significantly, significantly skew the incentive structures. They appeal to those edge case voters because the greater power mechanisms (white aristocracy) necessitate it.
Also, “people who would probably…” has time and time again failed that test. People who don’t vote are simply people who don’t vote. Even when they do show out, they never participate in electoralism in enough cycles to prove out.
Can I see some numbers on this?
personally i'd like some qualitative data on that, too, cuz if it turns out they don't repeat-show-out precisely because democrats are actively hostile to them...
If you can get google to work it did two years ago, sure. But, like, it’s in the chart. “Votes Blue No Matter Who” (reliable) and “Probably Would Vote, If…” (🤷🏻‍♂️ Campaign wisdom is accumulated from hundreds of thousands of elections. If that’d work, they’d be doing it.
Speaking as someone who lives in Indiana, a state the DNC has largely abandoned to the far right despite the fact that it had a strong Democratic history, I don't have a lot of faith in Democrats' campaign wisdom.
"If that’d work, they’d be doing it." that would mean that they do what they do because it's working, which is demonstrably incorrect.
I still believe in this, but it’s what Bernie’s 2020 campaign bet on and they lost. To make it work there needs to be a lot more organizing, assuming it is actually doable
"Democracy on Offense" lmao
Moderately defending democracy from fascism.
They sound exactly like slogans "Rise against oppression but moderately and within allowed rules" (I am paraphrasing) from a movie or a show I saw, or a book I read, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was, and it's driving me nuts.
Law abiding protests in the designated protesting zones please.
I’m seeing people talk about “designated protest zones” and “law-abiding protests.” Seriously, what the fuck are we doing here.
Truth, justice, freedom, reasonably priced love, and a hard boiled egg!
It does sound like something Terry Pratchett would write... I think I am getting closer, thanks!
Fairly certain that’s from Interesting Times. On a protest poster written by the revolutionaries. I can’t find it online though.
well, not so much defeating as politely telling, “maybe you’ve gone far enough already.”
maybe they meant “democracy is offensive”
!Democracy on Offense! (you should imagine some cool lightning graphics here): timidly advocating a solution that has failed, miserably and repeatedly, for decades. !Feel the Beast! (a cool wolf's head logo) I fixed it for them.
I just read them as "Democracy, no offence 🤷‍♂️"
Then you read them aright
"if i radiate smug superiority hard enough, maybe someone in the last 3 centuries of history will finally shop in my marketplace of ideas that's how i win"
progress is the only thing the center has ever defeated
We can’t scare the project 2025 hoes link