
If for no other reason, turn out to vote to spite the “men who have never done anything but sniff their own farts” club.
Some of you will say to me, you’ll say, “Nate silver used to be good!” And I will say “Hush. This is not a man changed, this is a fulfillment of who this man has always been.”
Nate Silver is the Walter White of media.
Getting his ass rich on selling us something that actively hurt us, and doing it because it let his narcissism, his sense that he alone was better than everyone else, flourish.
"Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? An entire polling ecosystem goes belly up!"
Nate Silver once called himself “sexually gay but ethnically straight” and this was like over a decade ago, he’s always been gross
My partner once again being smarter than me, I used to read the odd Nate Silver piece but she insisted on a no Nate Silver rule in our home and as usual she was so right
I first read that as "ethically" which was weird and gross enough
Me too and now I’m if anything even more confused.
As shitty as he is now, his contribution to the media relying on shitty polling for everything is his true black mark on this country.
I remember as a TV producer covering the 2008 election and we'd use polling in our coverage, but not all the time. Usually when it was a significant national or local poll. Now it's just all polling and horserace all the time.
I actually remember the anchor I worked with would refuse to run just a poll on its own. There needed to be some other reporting; a policy element, etc. He refused, admirably, to do horserace. Those days are dead.
I also thought Noah Smith was smart at one point and boy was I wrong
Noah Smith is good at one thing, he just stopped doing that one thing, and that's on him
Very similar to Nate Silver
Except the one thing Nate Silver was good at was unfortunately not a thing worth doing.
The thing that's frustrating about Noah Smith is that he had a really good byline about economics where he was respected and he threw it all away for poster's madness
Oddly, it was a thing worth doing only to the extent no one talked about it.
France recently rejected the far right despite what the polls there said about them winning. I firmly believe Biden and the Democrats can do the same and overcome the odds stacked against them.
You do not get credit for correctly calling the two easiest to predict elections in the 21st century.
Whenever I see takes like Noah's I can't help but think they have a vision of the Democratic party not unlike the delusional vision of Hollywood Naomi Watts's character has in Mulholland Drive, some dark force behind a wall that explains why things haven't gone their way.
You can get some wild tales from the baseball stats community about him as well. How his system would constantly wildly overrate certain types of players, no matter how much he claimed to have fixed it. And how he'd get mad if you brought up certain names that hadn't done as well as her predicted.
I believe it is a maxim of Robert Caro’s that power does not corrupt, power reveals Somehow this is also true of being a weird flopsweaty pundit
really can't get over people thinking we'll have a fair election in 2028 if trump wins this year. the doj will hang no role in enforcing rights if states restrict voting, everyone involved in Jan6 will have been pardoned, and we likely end up with another gop scotus justice by then.
we'll be like Hungary or Russia: sure, there are elections, but the opposition needn't bother
Reminder that 1) Nate Silver is a Republican and 2) never take advice on what the Democratic Party should do from Republicans.
twitter is such a fucking shithole full of these self important twats so far up their own ass the shit comes out their mouths
I got flagged for posting a video of Trump having trouble walking down a ramp. I deactivated my account.
It will absolutely never stop being funny that when Nate Silver founded 538 dot com he published a mission statement for it, essentially a screed, saying that he and the people who worked for him would only ever report what the data said, would never just make up bullshit based on their prejudices.
Well, Nate doesn't work at 538 anymore so chexmix liberace
Maybe his data says he gets paid if he made up bullshit based on other folks' prejudices.
where would we be without mediocre white men in charge by default? no, seriously, how much further along would we be?
I wonder this, sometimes
All the time. And I say this as a mediocre white man.
I tend to say everything as a mediocre white man. At least, on the days I can rise to mediocrity.
A lot of juiced up fuckwits high on their own supply are demonstrating their inability to recognize what's going on here because their rights have never been a fucking afterthought.
They're talking about this like we're likely to still have elections of any real meaningful type in 2028 if we don't stop this NOW
Biden has seen no huge drop in the polls. He is up in some key states. What is the basis for this other than “the narrative”?
Elites freaking out that millions of people chose a Black woman as VP to a president they’ve convinced themselves is going to die in office
I hope Noah responded to Nate’s quote tweet by saying “I like Reagan”.
Oh, can we please just fence off Nebraska and drop these louts inside?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, I got family there. Maybe Idaho?
Too many Nazis and guns already in Idaho, and we’d have to get Canadian cooperation. Iowa or Wyoming would also do.