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The events of “Parable of the Sower,” a 1993 book about a dystopian future by Octavia Butler, begin today. This is the plot of the book and its sequel:
My dad used to say that some people mistook specialized expertise for general omnipotence.
Twin Peaks outtakes always worth watching, at least once
I'm going to drop this here because it feels relevant. It's from 2019, when an author I was friendly with (and liked) shat the bed rather dramatically, and folks told me they hoped I would never be problematic like that author was:
I Can’t Promise I Will Never Be Problematic: A Twitter Archived here for posterity. 1. Recent events have prompted some folks to ask me to assure them that I will never be problematic, so they can continue to read my work with a clear conscience. Folks…
Ok, so the most fundamental underlying concept of punting is gonna sound kind of stupid, but it’s this - your foot is going to go where the ball is. Unfortunately, since a football is an oblate spheroid, the ball has to be in a very specific relationship to your body to hit it properly.
This might be the greatest thread about one of the most obscure jobs in professional sports.
Ok, so the most fundamental underlying concept of punting is gonna sound kind of stupid, but it’s this - your foot is going to go where the ball is. Unfortunately, since a football is an oblate spheroid, the ball has to be in a very specific relationship to your body to hit it properly.
It's no longer interesting to live in interesting times, you can take the curse off now
The fresh Pence of Mar a Lago.
the yoga instructor tells me to engage my core. i toggle the swtich and feel my power levels rising. core engaged. plasma vents at 34%. within minutes my shoulder mounted turbo canons will be armed. namaste.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
sometime last week someone on here wrote something to the effect of "US politics makes more sense if you assume that every other Dem operative has generalized anxiety disorder and every other GOP operative has a coke problem" and I have not been able to stop thinking about that
Guy literally had secrets in his bathroom, selling them to foreign nationals. Calls people to steal votes. Sends a mob to keep himself in office. This country pissing all over its history to bend over backwards for this guy? This is the guy we bring down the whole experiment for?
the totally abandonment of internal consistency the past year has laid the groundwork at SCOTUS for "you can't appoint a special prosecutor," but "you can take a bribe or deploy Seal Team 6" which is pretty grim under the circumstances
I have been planning to make homemade grenadine my wife, noticing that pomegranate molasses is on the shopping list, says "hey, you know that meme where someone says 'why pay $10 for restaurant thai food when you can make shitty thai food at home for just $65?'" the jdam of offhand comments
I have lived that one again and again
The Welsh ones are bizarre.
This final is now indistinguishable from my 40+ league
Meanwhile, a football vlogger in Italy was woken up at 2 a.m. by a stream of notifications after being misidentified by Twitter geniuses as an antifa Trump assassin
Honestly the part where everyone holds their breath and hopes the manic is one of Them rather than one of Us is one of the most grotesque parts of modern life.
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.
Wow: “If you grow an acre of corn, it will produce 900 gallons of ethanol, which will get you about 25,000 miles for a Ford F-150...which is, not bad I guess. But let’s say we put solar on that same acre. It will produce enough electricity every year to drive my Lightning 550,000 miles.”
Forty Acres and a Sense of Sunshine on a Cloudy Week
My favorite David Brooks anecdote is that he once wrote that he couldn’t imagine an elitist like Obama in the line at an Applebee’s salad bar, at which point someone who had actually been to Applebee’s responded that Applebee’s does not have a salad bar. That’s Brooks’s entire career in a nutshell.
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."