The Walking Dolbow

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The Walking Dolbow

Assistant Vice President for Research at Duke University, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. Father to two daughters, LGBTQ ally 🏳️‍🌈. Striving to be a force for good.
I would feel better if those who are supposed to be political experts didn't beclown themselves this way. The choice is: 1) Biden 2) Harris 3) Total chaos / royal rumble, serious risk of coalition crack up. Leading an anti-fascist coalition is very hard. There is no Aaron Sorkin solution here.
10 bucks says that if Biden were to drop out and be replaced by whoever, the same people currently flipping out would see the exact same poll results, shit their pants once more, and demand another switch
Looks like it’s time to retire!
The new season of Serial (the podcast) focuses on our prison at Guantanamo Bay. I’m nearly finished it, but it is excellent. Extremely well done and worth your time.
The RNC voted in 2022 to pull out of the CPD and seek other debate partners. Biden team operated in that changed environment. It’s just odd to do a Norms check without mentioning that.
Incredible DC brain on display here. An EXTRAORDINARY break with Norms to ask for a different debate schedule. Is this Biden’s January 6??
View of Duke’s commencement from the cheap seats:
This is largely anecdotal but my sense from this year’s work as the Editor-In-Chief of a journal is that reviewers have become more harsh with time. I’m seeing many more outright “Reject” recs compared to “Major Revisions,” etc.
Stolen from a colleague…
Wow Peggy Noonan and Michael Powell both report that they went to Columbia and the protesters didn't want to talk to them, this definitely reveals something about somebody
This whole thing is funny until you reflect that it shows that cops are liars or morons or both and the media is their placid stenographers
NYPD dep. commish says he “found a book on terrorism” at Columbia. From the Oxford UP website, the book answers the questions, “What is terrorism? Is it war? Is democracy especially vulnerable to terrorist attacks? What can we do to stop it?” This is how you seed a genocide-justifying moral panic.
Ari Fleischer condemning "anti-Americanism" of college protesters while he's on the payroll of LIV golf - controlled by the authoritarian absolute Saudi monarchy - is really just perfect
Crackdowns on protesters bring out the authoritarians
You can really tell who’s never been to a protest by who sees some schizo Larouche guy with a signboard about how the royal family are Jews and goes “this man must be in charge”
If you missed it, this is an extremely sensible statement of adult principles for handling protests. Far too mature and non-performative for many administrators, regrettably.
Principles for university governance of protests: 1) *actual* threats to the safety of other university members, which is not the same as "chants and posters that arguably evoke and approve of violence elsewhere in the world," can't be tolerated. 2) *actual* impairment of the safety of other 1/
There is a "Rally for Palestine" today on Duke's campus. I walked by it a bit ago, and I fully expect it to be a peaceful event and do not expect we'll see any police presence on campus in response to it. Not every institution is reacting to these things in ways that are completely unhinged.
Inviting police in riot gear to come onto your campus and arrest students who are *peacefully* protesting seems like the sort of own goal that should result in the end of your university presidency.
young people understand free speech & the rights to peaceful protest better than the elders
Civil rights and criminal defense lawyer David Menschel is right. Columbia Spectator editorial:
Civil rights and criminal defense lawyer David Menschel is right. Columbia Spectator editorial:
The media never learns and is a large reason why Things Are the Way They Are™️ It’s hard to take the Very Serious People who are precious about the “norms” of journalism (eg objectivity) seriously when they have John Fucking Bolton on air.
CNN has John Fucking Bolton on air calling for an all-out war with Iran. Just what we needed today.
The only thing I have to add here is that some people in very high places in the media will scold you when you point out they’re willing participants
In the next 6 months, we're going to see one of the largest propaganda pushes in American history to spread the lie that Donald Trump is a moderate on abortion.
For my colleagues who are Carolina fans:
Given that nothing in life made Joe Lieberman happier than making the left upset, there’s no better way to honor his memory than ranting about all the sanctimonious bullshit he pulled.
reminder that Grand Canyon University is a for-profit school owned by a Pat Robertson acolyte who is bringing the private equity approach to higher education
That a lot of US journos seem confused by the way Elon Musk is racist is ironically an example of a lack of cross-cultural understanding. They assume he must have some idiosyncratic philosophy, rather than just "what you'd expect a rich white guy who grew up in apartheid South Africa would believe"
The university president Rufo installed at New College can't get caught in a plagiarism scandal, because Richard Corcoran has never published an academic paper. He doesn't even have a master's degree.
Great. People with zero ethical standards are now setting bounties on academics.
Sad to see this. I supported Claudine’s appointment the moment it was made. At some point it must have become clear to her that her position there was simply untenable.
Just a little skeptical that the folks posting Prager U videos care about academic integrity