lethalityjane.bsky.social follows

Artist, currently working toward a voiceover career.
Suvbase 🚀🟣
Suvbase 🚀🟣
@suvpen.com Autobase Announcer
it's gita time
it's gita time
im gita

cofounder of aftermath.site
[email protected]
Omri Marian
Omri Marian
Family guy. Acting dad. Tax law professor. Backpacker. Beer snob. Israeli expat in SoCal.
gophergrad  צדק צדק תרדף
gophergrad צדק צדק תרדף
Golden Gopher Bn alum. Big Sky. Veteran. Progressive. Tikkun olam. Yes I am. Policy, technology, human rights, banjos.
Elliotte Friedman (Bot)
Elliotte Friedman (Bot)
Bot that reposts tweets from Elliotte Friedman, NHL insider.

Scrapes data from sportsbots.xyz bot on Mastodon.

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/acarters/Bluesky-Friedman-Bot
Tim Mathews
Tim Mathews
Tired dad trapped in an attorney’s body, white-knuckling it until retirement. Dispenser of dog treats. Husband to a superhero wife. ☕️ 🏋️ 📚
Views are mine, not my employer’s.
Read this —> https://www.9marks.org/answer/what-gospel
Eric Topol
Eric Topol
physician-scientist, author, editor

Helen Branswell
Helen Branswell
I cover infectious diseases for STAT (www.statnews.com). 2020 Polk winner. Nieman '11. She/her. I write about H5N1 (in all species), Covid, polio, flu, Ebola, RSV, mpox, STIs.
Dr. M.A. Davis
Dr. M.A. Davis
Historian in WNC, working on nuclear war, teaching part-time at Lees-McRae, available for professional consultations, teaching full-time, opinions are definitely my own
Prof Dynarski
Prof Dynarski
Professor at Harvard

Research and opinions in education, economics, inequality

Cambridge, via Somerville and Ann Arbor

NYT Columns https://bit.ly/3TbaxXV


Annalee Newitz
Annalee Newitz
bestselling author * Hugo winner * nerd
latest books: Stories Are Weapons, The Terraformers
bylines: New Scientist, Washington Post, etc.
pod: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com
pronouns: they/them
all the stuff: www.techsploitation.com
Sam Bergman
Sam Bergman
"a curmudgeonly joy," per @doodlyroses.bsky.social; musician, writer, Quaker; Minneapolis, mostly; the northwoods of Wisconsin, sometimes; he/him
Cooper Lund
Cooper Lund
Is it a crisis or a boring change?
Proof of Burden
Proof of Burden
The politics poster your mom warned you about. Impeach, exhume, try, and convict Richard M. Nixon. Occasional earnest lib posting, but sorry about it. Press secretary for The Prophetess of Discourse. Brainworms taxonomist. he/him
They said it couldn’t be done and New York got it done. Exceeded my rate limits on Twitter so now I'm here. Sh*tposts and takes on politics, movies, culture, whatever.
professional agitatormama
professional agitatormama
i’m originally from queens so i swear a lot.
Claire Willett
Claire Willett
Playwright. Chaos Muppet. Raconteuse. The internet’s gay Catholic aunt. Author of the time travel series THE REWIND FILES. Just a Virgo who can’t drive. http://clairewillettwrites.com (she/her) (PDX)
She/her mostly post cat pictures and animals that live by our house. Instructor. Genre nerd.
Flying Mezerkis
Flying Mezerkis
Ne'er do well, Sailor, accomplisher of little, quick wit and quicker temper. Purveyor of gardening pics. Wondering where this is all going.
Lord Businessman II
Lord Businessman II
Well the most outlaw thing that I've ever done
Was find a good woman give her a ring
That's the way it goes, life ain't fair, and the world is mean
CPA Houston Texas
Yoga, allegedly
Yoga, allegedly
Too Big to Fail
Too Big to Fail
New Yorker, union activist, employment lawyer, dad, generational trauma ender. He/him.
Malaclypse the Middle
Malaclypse the Middle
A hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is. Two wheels good, four wheels bad. Ex Sociology adjunct turned Accounting nerd. North of Boston, near witches. Born into a 321 PPM world. He/Him
Mike the (Retired) Redleg
Mike the (Retired) Redleg
5th Grade Teacher. Former Soldier (Boom Boom). Runner. Pennsylvanian in Georgia. Arsenal fan.
Andrew Reeves
Andrew Reeves
I'm a history professor at Middle Georgia State University. I hold a PhD in medieval studies and post entirely too much about my cats and hobbies.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.
Jen the Tired RN
Jen the Tired RN
Science Nerd w/degrees in biochem, nursing. Our home is a bit of a zoo, with the cats and dog. Mom of a grown adult & unsure how that happened. Minnesotan now, but I grew up in Northern Wisconsin, so I don't do Minnesota-nice. 🏳️‍🌈
Dave Weigel
Dave Weigel
National politics reporter at semafor.com. Alum: WashPost, Bloomberg, Slate, Reason. Author of “The Show That Never Ends.”
Molly Knight
Molly Knight
My newsletter, the Long Game, is about baseball, creativity, and mental health. You can find it here: https://mollyknight.substack.com she/her
Working on it. She/her.
Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel
Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel
I like to post and see posts. Director of Research at The States Project, the views expressed here are my own.
We turn Art into Sports (and vice versa) | NO AI USED | “Everything I didn't know I needed" - follower testimonial | See inspiration? DM/tag us
Unofficial AP News (World) Bot
Unofficial AP News (World) Bot
An unofficial bot of AP News (World)

code: https://gitlab.com/tmaehara/bluesky-newsbots
maintainer: @tmaehara.bsky.social
Official Bluesky of CapFriendly.com. Site includes NHL contracts, salary cap tracking, draft & CBA info, and fan favourites such as Armchair-GM.
pork, cheese, broccoli rabe
pork, cheese, broccoli rabe
go birds. say it back.

Chris Ingraham
Chris Ingraham
Reporter, Minnesota Reformer. Formerly Washington Post. "The cricket dumbass." Recently beat cancer. Orange cat enthusiast.
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Father, Army Husband, lawyer. Chronic student recently dragged kicking and screaming into the practice of law. Litigation disaster tour guide. Proud member of the terminally online community since 1993. he/him
Director, Basque Space Program
Director, Basque Space Program
Sr. Tech PM and Product Owner building tools for Public Health Surveillance; Occasional Data Witch; Former goatherd & Humanitarian Data Privacy.
B 🕊🐋🚋🪷
B 🕊🐋🚋🪷
23 he/him
Soo La Voo or whatever
merritt k
merritt k
No recall or intervention can work in this place / patreon.com/merrittk / represented by Connor Goldsmith ([email protected])
Giant Military Cats
Giant Military Cats
Just giant cats with military hardware.
I read. I watch TV and movies. I play video games. I get mad about politics and history.
Crooked Emily
Crooked Emily
Weird horse girl, YIYBY and shitlib queen. Go Padres 🥴


left of center but annoying

falo português 🇧🇷
The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter
The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter
i lost the ability to read in a freak clean and jerk accident in 1989. please be gentle. he/him
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
All the world’s a stage
Ant Murdering She-Devil/Shelley
Ant Murdering She-Devil/Shelley
"food-motivated but still kind of uptight" Probably a human being. Former NJ vol fire chief. RA, SLE, POTS. Happy Color Profiteer
Middle Smithfield, PA/Poconos/DWG
The New York Times
The New York Times
In-depth, independent reporting to better understand the world, now on Bluesky. News tips? Share them here: http://nyti.ms/2FVHq9v
Ryan T. Kranc 🇲🇨
Ryan T. Kranc 🇲🇨
Buffalo Soldier for Life, Founder of #AskTheSCO on that other site, I help others in their #RelentlessPursuitForBetter
C.A. Pinkham
C.A. Pinkham
I write stuff and talk about restaurant stories a lot. Also the Mongolian Empire. He/him

Bylines @ Jezebel, @ Jewish Currents, @ Thrillist, @ Daily Meal, @ FanBuzz, @ FanByte

[email protected]

Discord: eyepatchguy