Mark Shore

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Mark Shore

Interested in many things, from climate and Earth sciences to politics.

2024 update: Thought about re-subscribing to the New York Times just to enjoy cancelling it again. But no.

banner photo: red sun setting seen from northwest coast of Hawai'i
these are Very Serious and Important People though
No, a rising new star, Kristin Moe, is battling Doug Burgum for the coveted Midwestern governor VP nomination.
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Last week, my newsletter highlighted how over 1/3 of premature births are attributed to the mothers' exposure to pollution from fossil fuels. Now, a new study shows air pollution reduces IVF success by 40%. For health reasons alone, fossil fuels need to go.
More green energy is powering the globe every Global renewables surge, fossil fuel and climate change impacts on mothers and babies, and how to prepare for the hurricane season
I like the New Republic and got a good deal on a subscription. Vox is generally good but some writers jumped on the "Biden is old" bandwagon. I've been using the WaPo for national news (the previous two are less newsy) but canceled my subscription renewal last year and will probably let it run out.
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That ecstatic feeling when voters defy right-wing media noise and turn out in unprecedented numbers to tell the fascists to crawl back into the sewers they crawled out of. Republique Square in Paris yesterday, photo by Olympia de Maismont.
And quoting the disgraced Ronny Jackson - now a Republican Representative - at face value, no less. “It’s highly likely they were talking about Biden,” Jackson told The Post.
Reposted byAvatar Mark Shore
i keep seeing videos of people acting shitty in public where a top comment is something like “wonder who they voted for 🙄.” i honestly think a winning message for Dems is just “aren’t you sick of these fucking people”
James Carville and other top Democratic consultants watch your plane taxi and take off. With a smirk, he opens a briefcase, turns on a transmitter, and presses a switch. The briefcase explodes, killing all of them. You continue your flight, completely unaware of your close escape.
I've been slowly weaning myself off general and political opinion writers for years, but this may be the push I needed to make the final break from the dwindling number of columnists I occasionally read. If I don't get information, ideas, or enjoyment from reading them, then why bother?
note that this is different from individuals (academics, scientists, artists, soldiers, diplomats, etc.) writing within their own areas of expertise
Reposted byAvatar Mark Shore
It increasingly feels like political pundits have turned the Biden "age crisis" into a referendum on their own societal relevance.
That four years after Biden won the nomination and the presidency, none of these people have come up with a credible challenger or process to replace Biden (excluding Harris because she's already on the ticket) shows their fundamental lack of seriousness. They're panicked, bored, or malign.
I've told the veterinarians they can probably divide my panicky cat's heart rate by 2 to get her normal rate them: haha, I know
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"In opinions that on the surface show deference to Congress and the president, Roberts has managed to consolidate an unprecedented amount of power in the only branch of government that is entirely unelected."
Opinion | The Roberts Court has checkmated the other The court’s conservative justices have rewritten the Constitution to place the judiciary above both Congress and the executive branch.
you finally give in to your curiosity and go down the parade stops, and the marshal walks over, smiling "we've been waiting for you" "here's your mask" "take your place" the parade moves on
(I was going to end this darkly, just out of habit, but then I thought, WHY??)
George Washington: 2 million followers, but just one post (which was liked by everyone)
plus months of Republicans attacking with, and major media outlets slavering over, "how long has President Biden been incapable of performing his job" questions all in good faith, of course
And the specific framing is repulsive too: "deny Marine Le Pen her victory"
I canceled my Atlantic subscription and won't look for this elsewhere, but this is being framed as if it's persuading an elderly grandparent to give up their car keys rather than changing a flight crew over the middle of the ocean and where the alternate crew isn't actually on board.
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NEWSFLASH: Children's hospital struck in brazen Russian daylight attack Just a week ago we profiled the work of the Okhmatdyt Children's Clinic in Kyiv. Today, it was hit. We rushed to the scene to report.
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My fantasy: Joe Biden, calling on Peter Baker, getting a question about being old, answering: “Sure I’m old. But at least Jeffrey Epstein didn’t have my number on speed dial like the adjudicated rapist running against me.”
repeating a comment from a couple of weeks ago: I followed her account for a while, but the occasional terrible takes that showed up from time to time meant I couldn't take the good ones seriously. It was like having a big asterisk beside every post.
Reposted byAvatar Mark Shore
OK, here's mine.
By, I only paid for the cooking part of the site and while I'll miss Melissa Clark, you're a threat to democracy.
sometimes I think it would be like NASA being required to build parts of the JWST out of wood because that's the way telescopes were made in the 1700s "The first 32 characters in the ASCII-table are unprintable control codes and are used to control peripherals such as printers."
ASCII table - Table of ASCII codes, characters and A complete list of all ASCII codes, characters, symbols and signs included in the 7-bit ASCII table and the extended ASCII table according to the Windows-1252 character set, which is a superset of ISO...
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Reposted byAvatar Mark Shore
Reposted byAvatar Mark Shore
Reposted byAvatar Mark Shore
To replace biden, we're gathering 100 of the most popular democrats and placing them in an underground arena to compete in a series of physical challenges. There are 5 rounds, each round ~half are eliminated & must destroy their presidential portraits. The winner gets a kiss from taylor swift
not that surprising, it was carefully constructed on a sound foundation