Nemanja Protic

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Nemanja Protic

Likes words and pictures. Still here (i.e. in academia, thinking about contemporary literature, visual culture, and the politics of aesthetics).

Coined the phrase "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Jeeves," as a [bad] argument against labour exploitation.
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Reposted byAvatar Nemanja Protic
I've seen several posts of people saying that Bidens speech was him saying "I cant do anything about this," which is a fundamental misunderstanding of what he said & indictative of a deeply shallow/unserious understanding of politics & the stakes. Biden is *rejecting* this power. Full stop.
The president went out tonight and basically said "I reject the power being offered to become an unaccountable dictator and I think its dangerous to even be offered" and there are ppl that are pressed by that! Like, do they not get what happens if this new lawlessness is legitimized by Dems?
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I learned at an engineering conference recently that one crypto mine in TX, 100s of MW, makes more money off ERCOT demand response markets than it does off crypto repeat: TX ratepayers pay them more to sometimes stop mining than they make by actual mining just bananas misuse of power markets 🔌💡
Crypto-mining accounts for 2% of all U.S. electricity usage. (Bitcoin alone consumes the same amount of energy as the entire state of Utah.)
Crypto Mining Consumes a Mind-Boggling 2% of U.S. Bitcoin alone consumes roughly the same amount of energy as Utah.
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The Ford government allows the Science Centre to fall apart, underfunds education, underfunds health care, and wastes money on boondoggles that, oddly, seem to often benefit their lobbyists or friends. And it's not CLOSE to the worst provincial government in the country right now. (I'd say third.)
If I were Christian or had an affinity for Jesus, I’d be super-fucking-pissed about what the right-wingers are doing in His name. If anyone needs saving these days, it’s Him.
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The Biden administration has taken anti-monopoly action against: -Amazon -Apple -Google -Facebook -Live Nation -JetBlue -Spirit -Kroger -Albertsons We’ve had years of government forces working on behalf of corporations. This is what it looks like when they work for the people.
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My favorite language evolution is "making love." In the past, it used to mean doing couple stuff together, like going for a walk. That's why whenever I'm in a bad mood, I just look at this old Popeye comic and smile.
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📢 1.86 is rolling out now (2/5) We’re making headway on threads. Now when you open a thread, you’ll see the first ten posts and a link to keep reading if there’s more.
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LOL, damn. If he talks like that in meetings, it must really be like The Birdcage in there AS WE LONG SUSPECTED. The pope said “look, bitch, it smells like poppers in here to ME.”
The Pope, who lives in an art museum with a bunch of dudes who've sworn off pussy: does it seem kind of gay in here to you?
I’m with you!
Trying, once more, to use this app. Will it stick? 🤷‍♀️
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Wait, WHAT? This is a thing they could do? Fucking do it
Finished. Good, I think. Maybe even very good. Tickles the brain on first read. It may grip the heart on the second.
I guess I have to check out Fleet Foxes now.
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Guilty of being a fascinating fellow
hunter biden out here single-handedly reviving journalism
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Like with virtually all tech obsessions of the last decade, the fact that, from a casually observed perspective, there isn’t a *single* enthusiastic female voice to be found is a huge tell, and will be a giant weakness in the development of these companies.
Years ago I wrote about how the fantasy of so many men in tech re: AI was to create a woman that doesn't talk back. It's not an original idea--it populates sci-fi, like Ex Machina. But it's also an easy point to argue because so many guys will just... say it.
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(clears throat) Let me be very clear and direct here: FUCK every single ghoul who has spread #vaccine misinformation over the past few years. Watch a child suffering from pertussis just once and it will change you. This is fucking preventable and these babies have no choice. They rely on us.
UK whooping cough death toll rises to 8, people urged to get Since January there have been 4,793 confirmed cases of whooping cough, compared with 858 in the whole of 2023, with one academic describing the size of the current outbreak as 'alarming'.
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Great list. If I can add more flops that are now rightly appreciated: The Iron Giant, Man on the Moon, Go, Mystery Men, Summer of Sam
Summer of Sam was so good! (Also the other ones.)
Great list. If I can add more flops that are now rightly appreciated: The Iron Giant, Man on the Moon, Go, Mystery Men, Summer of Sam
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Many of the great films of 1999 were flops, including Bringing Out the Dead, Being John Malkovich, Existenz, Three Kings, The Insider, Magnolia, The Virgin Suicides, The Limey, and Office Space. It is also like box office dollars are a poor indicator of a film's endurance!
Saw someone say Gen Xers are more authentic because the “top movies” of 1999 were The Matrix and Fight Club as opposed to Barbie and, my brother in Christ, Fight Club was a flop, the top movie of 1999 was Star Wars
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Donald Trump was able to do whatever he wanted, until he faced his ultimate challenge: literally anyone in a position of authority attempting to punish him for doing something illegal.
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Thanks to Tara Moriarty and group for updating these stats. Things are slightly worse in Ontario (and rest of Canada). Last month it was 1 in 76 infected. Now 1 in 63. Take care folks! Click on link below for all provinces as well as other fascinating data.
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Look I have unbridled disdain for libertarians, and for the libertarian party as a whole, but the first major nominee who speaks at their convention getting audibly booed so hard he pivots to a "fuck you speech" is legitimately funny.
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People often dismiss Green Day as "not real punk" but those people are discounting the fact that Billie Joe Armstrong is bisexual, and that making music that is half punk, half Broadway musical is in fact PEAK queerpunk 90s theater kid energy.
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Do I feel Doom? Yes, about 50% of the time. Am I a #Doomer/#Doomist? No & I don't understand anybody that is. Only thing worse than slipping into 2 degrees of warming is slipping into 3 & so on. Every inch you fight. Every decimal point. Otherwise what the hell are we even doing?
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This place has the juice.
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It’s Young Sheldon but older than Young Sheldon while not being as old as regular Sheldon and much less old than Old Sheldon, if you want a slightly older Sheldon to Regular Sheldon you have to watch Young Old Sheldon! Not Older Young Sheldon! What don’t you people get?!?!
Every once in a while I’ll catch a fleeting glimpse of the kind of slop Americans willingly consume and it terrifies me. Like I really believe this is a public health crisis. Scientists don’t yet know what TV this bad does to the human brain.