Nick S

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Nick S

Proud member of the Anti Growth Coalition, for those old enough to remember. Father to three massively energetic offspring, a feline entity, and numerous aquatic creatures.
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If you wanna know why JD Vance sucks ass there is no better place to start.
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“women should stay in violent marriages - for the kids.” —JD Vance
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This poem is in the Reform Judaism siddur for the Mourner's Kaddish.
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As Pride Month ends, I see news that the BBC has been editing Earthspark to remove any mention of the phrase “non-binary”. This is the response to a Transformers cartoon wanting to make the world that little bit more inclusive? This is why we must keep marching. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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it is with mixed emotions that i tell you the worst post ever made on r/DIY is still, somehow, up
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Is it theoretically possible to get less than zero votes in an election? Let’s find out! 11 days of this to go folks.
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"Why are our politics so hostile?" Oh, I dunno, but one factor is how rich scumbags, unsatisfied with unimaginable wealth, have declared war on the rest of the population and are trying to extract even more from people who live paycheck-to-paycheck. That tends to raise the temperature, y'know?
Billionaires Lynda and Stewart Resnick, owners of the world's largest pistachio and almond grower, Fiji Water, Pom pomegranate juice and Justin wines, and Teleflora flower service, are suing to roll back legal protections for farmworkers.
Column: Inside the effort by two Beverly Hills billionaires to kill a state law protecting The billionaire owners of Wonderful Co. — grower of almonds and pistachios — say a California farm labor law is unconstitutional.
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Prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963, it killed more than 400 Americans per year, with children being the most vulnerable. Due to childhood vaccination, deaths from measles were nearly entirely eliminated in the US in the 1990s. The rise in antivax rhetoric is killing children.
It's heartbreaking in so many ways. "A young child has died of measles in Ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly contagious virus in more than 10 years, a Public Health Ontario report confirms. The child, who was under the age of 5, was not immunized against the virus"
Child under 5 dies of measles in Ontario: A young child has died of measles in Ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly infectious virus in more than 10 years, a Public Health Ontario report confirms.
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"... librarians in the US did not wake up, head to work, and wonder, What are the chances I’m going to be charged with a crime for letting someone take out a book today? But thanks to GOP state legislators, that’s now become a legitimate fear."
17 States Are Considering Laws That Would Imprison Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis has been forced to limit certain Floridians to only one book-banning attempt per month.
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Your regular reminder that HPV shots are not just for teen girls, they are for everyone of every gender! In AMAB people HPV can lead to head and neck cancers, and causes about half of all penile cancer cases.
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NEWS: My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO. We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and will share the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.
The Onion Is Sold by G/O The satirical news website was bought by a new firm in Chicago that took inspiration for its name, Global Tetrahedron, from a book written by The Onion’s staff.
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‘“Shit, if only they’d have moved like that when my son was being murdered,” the father of a murdered Uvalde child tweeted above footage of Texas DPS officers in riot gear storming toward unarmed students at UT Austin.’
"These escalations against students are a choice. Police can be patient, even passive. The Texas DPS proved that when they loitered outside the ongoing slaughter of grade-schoolers."
The Kids The Guns Are The same police force that failed Uvalde children is arresting peaceful student protesters at UT Austin. It's not about safety. It's about order.
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"These escalations against students are a choice. Police can be patient, even passive. The Texas DPS proved that when they loitered outside the ongoing slaughter of grade-schoolers."
The Kids The Guns Are The same police force that failed Uvalde children is arresting peaceful student protesters at UT Austin. It's not about safety. It's about order.
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They charged this Emory professor with battery for asking an officer “what are you doing?” when they were brutalizing a student protester. Just viciously threw her on the ground and then charged *her* with a crime.
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I'm sure thst unless you follow Jewish media you have seen absolutely nothing about this but today a group of Isreali and US Rabbis were arrested at the Gaza border for demonstrating while attempting to bring a shipment of food to Palestinians. They are part of the group Rabbis for Ceasefire.
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Sometimes the letters to the editor are very good.
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patriot front is marching unopposed in West Virginia right now no police in sight. People really need to be asking why neo-Nazis are allowed to march with impunity while peaceful students protesting against genocide are being beaten, mercilessly and treated like a invading army.
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Tom Tomorrow rocks